# Gild Gild is a simple validation library in Rust, you can chain multiple conditions and check whether the input is valid. You can also write your own validators, if our set of validator conditions isn't enough. Using it is as easy as this: ```rust ValidationChain::new() .add(validators::MaxSize::new(1)) // false .add(validators::MinSize::new(5)) // true .validate(String::from("Hello, World")) .is_ok(); ``` ## Writing custom rules We make use of Rust's great typesystem to create custom validators ```rust struct MyCustomValidator; impl ValidatorCondition for MyCustomValidator { fn validate(&self, input: String) -> bool { if input == String::from("cool") { return true } return false } fn get_err_message(&self) -> String { format!("Input is not cool...") } } ``` **If you wrote a validator that you think the community might want to use, feel free to open a PR** ## Validation rules We currently have a small set of rules available: * `MaxSize` * `MinSize` * `Contains` * `Empty` * `NotContains`