# Gimme https://crates.io/crates/gimme Tired of sifting through webpages or long emails for someone's contact info? Pull emails and phone numbers out of your clipboard. 1. CTRL + A some large document or web page 1. Run `gimme --email` (or `gimme --phone`) to parse your clipboard for any phone numbers or emails. 1. gimme should spit out anything it finds in the terminal ### Usage Use `cargo install gimme` or build from source with `cargo build`. `gimme --help` Print help message. `gimme --email` Find all emails in your clipboard (searches clipboard by default) `gimme --phone` Find all potential phone numbers (searches clipboard by default) `gimme --link` Find all hyperlinks (anchor or links to potential URLs) ## Development On Linux you'll need these to compile: ```xorg-dev pkg-config libasound2-dev libssl-dev cmake libfreetype6-dev libexpat1-dev libxcb-composite0-dev```