use rustfft::num_complex::Complex; use rustfft::num_traits::Zero; use rustfft::FFTplanner; fn spectral_fact(r: &[f64]) -> Vec { // length of the impulse response sequence let nr = r.len(); let n = (nr + 1) / 2; // over-sampling factor let mult_factor = 30; // should have mult_factor*(n) >> n let m = mult_factor * n; // computation method: // H(exp(jTw)) = alpha(w) + j*phi(w) // where alpha(w) = 1/2*ln(R(w)) and phi(w) = Hilbert_trans(alpha(w)) // compute 1/2*ln(R(w)) let w: Vec = (0..m).map(|i| 2.0 * std::f64::consts::PI * i as f64 / m as f64).collect(); let mut R = vec![Complex::zero(); m * (2 * n - 1)]; for i in 0..m { for j in -(n - 1)..n { let k = i * (2 * n - 1) + j + n - 1; R[k] = Complex::from_polar(&1.0, &(-w[i] * j as f64)) * r[j + n - 1]; } } let mut R = R.iter().map(|&x|>(); // remove numerical noise from the imaginary part let alpha = R.iter().map(|&x| 0.5 * x.ln()).collect::>(); // find the Hilbert transform let mut alpha_tmp = vec![Complex::zero(); m]; for i in 0..m { alpha_tmp[i] = Complex::new(alpha[i], 0.0); } let mut planner = FFTplanner::new(false); let fft = planner.plan_fft(m); fft.process(&mut alpha_tmp); for i in 1..m / 2 { alpha_tmp[i] = -alpha_tmp[i]; alpha_tmp[m - i] = alpha_tmp[i].conj(); } alpha_tmp[0] = Complex::zero(); alpha_tmp[m / 2] = Complex::zero(); let mut phi_tmp = vec![Complex::zero(); m]; let ifft = planner.plan_ifft(m); ifft.process(&mut alpha_tmp, &mut phi_tmp); let phi = phi_tmp.iter().map(|&x|>(); // now retrieve the original sampling let index = (0..m).filter(|&i| i % mult_factor == 0).collect::>(); let alpha1 = index.iter().map(|&i| alpha[i]).collect::>(); let phi1 = index.iter().map(|&i| phi[i]).collect::>(); // compute the impulse response (inverse Fourier transform) let mut h = vec![Complex::zero(); n]; for i in 0..n { h[i] = Complex::from_polar(&1.0, &(alpha1[i] + phi1[i])) * Complex::from(r[i]); } let mut planner = FFTplanner::new(true); let ifft = planner.plan_ifft(n); ifft.process(&mut h); h.iter().map(|&x|>() }