Useful utils for []( Rust Apps. ## Usage Simple Usage Example: ```rust let org_name = "rust-lang"; let res = reqwest::Client::new() .get(&format!("{}/repos", org_name)) .header(reqwest::header::USER_AGENT, "") .send() .await.unwrap(); let json: Vec> = res.json().await.unwrap(); let mut org_repos: Vec> = Vec::new(); for x in json.iter() { org_repos.push(json!({ "name": x["name"], "description": x["description"], "lang": x["language"], "watchers": x["watchers"], "forks": x["forks"], }).as_object().unwrap().clone()); } org_repos.sort_by(|a, b| b["watchers"].as_i64().cmp(&a["watchers"].as_i64())); println!("Top 3 {} GitHub Repos:", org_name); inspect::print_dump(&org_repos[1..=3]); println!("\nTop 10 {} GitHub Repos:", org_name); inspect::print_dump_table(&org_repos[1..=10].iter().map(|x| json!({ "name": x["name"], "lang": x["lang"], "watchers": x["watchers"], "forks": x["forks"], }).as_object().unwrap().clone()).collect()); println!("\nTop 10 {} GitHub Repos:", org_name); inspect::print_dump_table_columns(&org_repos[1..=10].to_vec(), vec!["name", "lang", "watchers", "forks"]); ``` Which outputs: ``` Top 3 rust-lang GitHub Repos: [ { description: The Rust package manager, forks: 1322, lang: Rust, name: cargo, watchers: 6413 }, { description: A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code, forks: 755, lang: Rust, name: rust-clippy, watchers: 5438 }, { description: Learn Rust with examples (Live code editor included), forks: 764, lang: null, name: rust-by-example, watchers: 3770 } ] Top 10 rust-lang GitHub Repos: +-----------------------------------------------------+ | forks | lang | name | watchers | |-----------------------------------------------------| | 1322 ! Rust ! cargo ! 6413 ! | 755 ! Rust ! rust-clippy ! 5438 ! | 764 ! null ! rust-by-example ! 3770 ! | 1097 ! Shell ! rfcs ! 3413 ! | 224 ! Vim script ! rust.vim ! 2433 ! | 427 ! Rust ! ! 1870 ! | 264 ! Rust ! regex ! 1756 ! | 148 ! Rust ! log ! 975 ! | 569 ! Rust ! libc ! 944 ! | 262 ! Rust ! git2-rs ! 794 ! +-----------------------------------------------------+ Top 10 rust-lang GitHub Repos: +-----------------------------------------------------+ | name | lang | watchers | forks | |-----------------------------------------------------| | cargo ! Rust ! 6413 ! 1322 ! | rust-clippy ! Rust ! 5438 ! 755 ! | rust-by-example ! null ! 3770 ! 764 ! | rfcs ! Shell ! 3413 ! 1097 ! | rust.vim ! Vim script ! 2433 ! 224 ! | ! Rust ! 1870 ! 427 ! | regex ! Rust ! 1756 ! 264 ! | log ! Rust ! 975 ! 148 ! | libc ! Rust ! 944 ! 569 ! | git2-rs ! Rust ! 794 ! 262 ! +-----------------------------------------------------+ ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at