use eyre::{eyre, Context}; use lib::core::effects::Effects; use lib::core::eventlog::testing::{get_event_replayer_events, redact_event_timestamp}; use lib::core::eventlog::{Event, EventLogDb, EventReplayer}; use lib::core::formatting::Glyphs; use lib::git::GitVersion; use lib::testing::make_git; use lib::util::get_sh; use std::process::Command; #[test] fn test_abandoned_commit_message() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?; { let (_stdout, stderr) =["commit", "--amend", "-m", "amend test1"])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###" branchless: processing 2 updates: branch master, ref HEAD branchless: processed commit: 9e8dbe9 amend test1 branchless: processing 1 rewritten commit "###); } git.commit_file("test2", 2)?;["checkout", "HEAD^"])?;["branch", "-f", "master"])?; { let (_stdout, stderr) =["commit", "--amend", "-m", "amend test1 again"])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###" branchless: processing 1 update: ref HEAD branchless: processed commit: c1e22fd amend test1 again branchless: processing 1 rewritten commit branchless: This operation abandoned 1 commit and 1 branch (master)! branchless: Consider running one of the following: branchless: - git restack: re-apply the abandoned commits/branches branchless: (this is most likely what you want to do) branchless: - git smartlog: assess the situation branchless: - git hide [...]: hide the commits from the smartlog branchless: - git undo: undo the operation hint: disable this hint by running: git config --global branchless.hint.restackWarnAbandoned false "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_abandoned_branch_message() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?;["branch", "abc"])?; git.detach_head()?; { let (_stdout, stderr) =["commit", "--amend", "-m", "amend test1"])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###" branchless: processing 1 update: ref HEAD branchless: processed commit: 9e8dbe9 amend test1 branchless: processing 1 rewritten commit branchless: This operation abandoned 2 branches (abc, master)! branchless: Consider running one of the following: branchless: - git restack: re-apply the abandoned commits/branches branchless: (this is most likely what you want to do) branchless: - git smartlog: assess the situation branchless: - git hide [...]: hide the commits from the smartlog branchless: - git undo: undo the operation hint: disable this hint by running: git config --global branchless.hint.restackWarnAbandoned false "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_fixup_no_abandoned_commit_message() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; git.detach_head()?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?; git.commit_file("test2", 2)?;["commit", "--amend", "-m", "fixup! create test1.txt"])?; git.commit_file("test3", 3)?;["commit", "--amend", "-m", "fixup! create test1.txt"])?; let git_version = git.get_version()?; { let (_stdout, stderr) =["rebase", "-i", "master", "--autosquash"])?; if git_version < GitVersion(2, 35, 0) { insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###" branchless: processing 1 update: ref HEAD branchless: processing 1 update: ref HEAD branchless: processing 3 rewritten commits Successfully rebased and updated detached HEAD. "###); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_rebase_individual_commit() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?;["checkout", "HEAD^"])?; git.commit_file("test2", 2)?; git.commit_file("test3", 3)?; let git_version = git.get_version()?; { let (_stdout, stderr) =["rebase", "master", "HEAD^"])?; if git_version < GitVersion(2, 35, 0) { insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###" branchless: processing 1 update: ref HEAD branchless: processing 1 rewritten commit branchless: This operation abandoned 1 commit! branchless: Consider running one of the following: branchless: - git restack: re-apply the abandoned commits/branches branchless: (this is most likely what you want to do) branchless: - git smartlog: assess the situation branchless: - git hide [...]: hide the commits from the smartlog branchless: - git undo: undo the operation hint: disable this hint by running: git config --global branchless.hint.restackWarnAbandoned false Successfully rebased and updated detached HEAD. "###); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_interactive_rebase_noop() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; git.detach_head()?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?; git.commit_file("test2", 2)?; let git_version = git.get_version()?; { let (_stdout, stderr) =["rebase", "-i", "master"])?; if git_version < GitVersion(2, 35, 0) { insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @"Successfully rebased and updated detached HEAD. "); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_pre_auto_gc() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; // See, it's hard to get the // `pre-auto-gc` hook to be invoked at all. We'll just invoke the hook // directly to make sure that it's installed properly. let output = Command::new( get_sh() .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Could not get sh")) .wrap_err("bash needed to run pre-auto-gc")?, ) .arg("-c") // Always use a unix style path here, as we are handing it to bash (even on Windows). .arg("./.git/hooks/pre-auto-gc") .current_dir(&git.repo_path) .env_clear() .env("PATH", git.get_path_for_env()) .output()?; let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?; let stderr = String::from_utf8(output.stderr)?; assert!( output.status.success(), "Pre-auto-gc hook failed with exit code {:?}: Stdout: {} Stderr: {}", output.status.code(), stdout, stderr ); insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" branchless: collecting garbage branchless: 0 dangling references deleted "###); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_merge_commit_recorded() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? || git.produces_auto_merge_refs()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; let test1_oid = git.commit_file("test1", 1)?;["checkout", "HEAD^"])?; git.commit_file("test2", 2)?;["merge", &test1_oid.to_string()])?; let effects = Effects::new_suppress_for_test(Glyphs::text()); let repo = git.get_repo()?; let conn = repo.get_db_conn()?; let event_log_db = EventLogDb::new(&conn)?; let event_replayer = EventReplayer::from_event_log_db(&effects, &repo, &event_log_db)?; let events: Vec = get_event_replayer_events(&event_replayer) .iter() .cloned() .map(redact_event_timestamp) .collect(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(events, @r###" [ RefUpdateEvent { timestamp: 0.0, event_tx_id: Id( 1, ), ref_name: ReferenceName( "HEAD", ), old_oid: f777ecc9b0db5ed372b2615695191a8a17f79f24, new_oid: 62fc20d2a290daea0d52bdc2ed2ad4be6491010e, message: None, }, RefUpdateEvent { timestamp: 0.0, event_tx_id: Id( 1, ), ref_name: ReferenceName( "refs/heads/master", ), old_oid: f777ecc9b0db5ed372b2615695191a8a17f79f24, new_oid: 62fc20d2a290daea0d52bdc2ed2ad4be6491010e, message: None, }, CommitEvent { timestamp: 0.0, event_tx_id: Id( 2, ), commit_oid: NonZeroOid(62fc20d2a290daea0d52bdc2ed2ad4be6491010e), }, RefUpdateEvent { timestamp: 0.0, event_tx_id: Id( 3, ), ref_name: ReferenceName( "HEAD", ), old_oid: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, new_oid: f777ecc9b0db5ed372b2615695191a8a17f79f24, message: None, }, RefUpdateEvent { timestamp: 0.0, event_tx_id: Id( 4, ), ref_name: ReferenceName( "HEAD", ), old_oid: 62fc20d2a290daea0d52bdc2ed2ad4be6491010e, new_oid: f777ecc9b0db5ed372b2615695191a8a17f79f24, message: None, }, RefUpdateEvent { timestamp: 0.0, event_tx_id: Id( 5, ), ref_name: ReferenceName( "HEAD", ), old_oid: f777ecc9b0db5ed372b2615695191a8a17f79f24, new_oid: fe65c1fe15584744e649b2c79d4cf9b0d878f92e, message: None, }, CommitEvent { timestamp: 0.0, event_tx_id: Id( 6, ), commit_oid: NonZeroOid(fe65c1fe15584744e649b2c79d4cf9b0d878f92e), }, RefUpdateEvent { timestamp: 0.0, event_tx_id: Id( 8, ), ref_name: ReferenceName( "HEAD", ), old_oid: fe65c1fe15584744e649b2c79d4cf9b0d878f92e, new_oid: 91a5ccb4feefba38b0ffa4911c5c3f6c225f662e, message: None, }, CommitEvent { timestamp: 0.0, event_tx_id: Id( 9, ), commit_oid: NonZeroOid(91a5ccb4feefba38b0ffa4911c5c3f6c225f662e), }, ] "###); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_git_am_recorded() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; git.detach_head()?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?;["format-patch", "HEAD^"])?;["reset", "--hard", "HEAD^"])?; { let (stdout, _stderr) =["am", "0001-create-test1.txt.patch"])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" Applying: create test1.txt "###); } { let stdout = git.smartlog()?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" O f777ecc (master) create initial.txt |\ | @ 047b7ad create test1.txt | o 62fc20d create test1.txt "###); }["reset", "--hard", "HEAD^"])?; { let stdout = git.smartlog()?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" @ f777ecc (master) create initial.txt |\ | o 047b7ad create test1.txt | o 62fc20d create test1.txt "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_symbolic_transaction_ref() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; git.detach_head()?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?; { let (_stdout, stderr) =["checkout", "-b", "newbranch"])?; // Ensure that stderr doesn't contain any additional error messages. // An upcoming version post-2.45.x introduces symbolic transaction refs; // before the commit that introduces the fix along with this test, // they were not properly handled. insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###" branchless: processing 1 update: branch newbranch Switched to a new branch 'newbranch' branchless: processing checkout "###); } Ok(()) }