use std::collections::HashMap; use eyre::Context; use itertools::Itertools; use lib::git::GitVersion; use lib::testing::{ make_git, make_git_worktree, GitInitOptions, GitRunOptions, GitWorktreeWrapper, }; use regex::Regex; #[test] fn test_hook_installed() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; let hook_path = git.repo_path.join(".git").join("hooks").join("post-commit"); assert!(hook_path.exists()); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; let metadata = std::fs::metadata(&hook_path) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Reading hook permissions for {:?}", &hook_path))?; let mode = metadata.permissions().mode(); assert!(mode & 0o111 == 0o111); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_hook_appended_to_existing_contents() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; let hook_path = git.repo_path.join(".git").join("hooks").join("post-commit"); std::fs::write( hook_path, "#!/bin/sh echo Hello, world ", )?; git.branchless("init", &[])?; { let (stdout, stderr) =["commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "test"])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @"[master 4cd1a9b] test "); insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###" branchless: processing 2 updates: branch master, ref HEAD Hello, world branchless: processed commit: 4cd1a9b test "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_alias_installed() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; { let stdout = git.smartlog()?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @"@ f777ecc (> master) create initial.txt "); } { let (stdout, _stderr) =["sl"])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @"@ f777ecc (> master) create initial.txt "); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_dont_install_existing_aliases() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; let git_init_options = GitInitOptions { run_branchless_init: false, ..Default::default() }; git.init_repo_with_options(&git_init_options)?; // Create a fake $HOME directory, to allow us to emulate a user's .gitconfig file let fake_home_dir = git.repo_path.join("fake_home"); let fake_home_git_config = fake_home_dir.join(".gitconfig"); std::fs::create_dir(&fake_home_dir)?; std::fs::write(&fake_home_git_config, "[alias]\n\tsl = status\n")?; let env = HashMap::from([( "HOME".to_string(), fake_home_dir.to_string_lossy().to_string(), )]); let git_run_options = GitRunOptions { env, ..GitRunOptions::default() }; // Initialize branchless and make sure it didn't add the "sl" alias git.branchless_with_options("init", &[], &git_run_options)?; { let (expected_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["status"], &git_run_options)?; let (actual_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["sl"], &git_run_options)?; assert_eq!(expected_stdout, actual_stdout); } // Update the config to add "smartlog" and make sure neither alias is added std::fs::write( &fake_home_git_config, "[alias]\n\tsl = status\n\tsmartlog = status", )?; git.branchless_with_options("init", &[], &git_run_options)?; { let (expected_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["status"], &git_run_options)?; let (actual_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["sl"], &git_run_options)?; assert_eq!(expected_stdout, actual_stdout); } { let (expected_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["status"], &git_run_options)?; let (actual_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["smartlog"], &git_run_options)?; assert_eq!(expected_stdout, actual_stdout); } // Update the config to remove both aliases and make sure both are added std::fs::write(&fake_home_git_config, "")?; git.branchless_with_options("init", &[], &git_run_options)?; { let (expected_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["smartlog"], &git_run_options)?; let (actual_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["sl"], &git_run_options)?; assert_eq!(expected_stdout, actual_stdout); } { let (expected_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["status"], &git_run_options)?; let (actual_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["sl"], &git_run_options)?; assert_ne!(expected_stdout, actual_stdout); } { let (expected_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["status"], &git_run_options)?; let (actual_stdout, _) = git.run_with_options(&["smartlog"], &git_run_options)?; assert_ne!(expected_stdout, actual_stdout); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_old_git_version_warning() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; let version = git.get_version()?; if version < GitVersion(2, 29, 0) { let (stdout, _stderr) = git.branchless("init", &[])?; let (version_str, _stderr) =["version"])?; let stdout = stdout.replace(version_str.trim(), ""); insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" Created config file at /.git/branchless/config Auto-detected your main branch as: master If this is incorrect, run: git branchless init --main-branch Installing hooks: post-applypatch, post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, post-rewrite, pre-auto-gc, reference-transaction Warning: the branchless workflow's `git undo` command requires Git v2.29 or later, but your Git version is: Some operations, such as branch updates, won't be correctly undone. Other operations may be undoable. Attempt at your own risk. Once you upgrade to Git v2.29, run `git branchless init` again. Any work you do from then on will be correctly undoable. This only applies to the `git undo` command. Other commands which are part of the branchless workflow will work properly. Successfully installed git-branchless. To uninstall, run: git branchless init --uninstall "###); } Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn test_init_basic() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo_with_options(&GitInitOptions { run_branchless_init: false, ..Default::default() })?; { let (stdout, stderr) = git.branchless("init", &[])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @""); insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" Created config file at /.git/branchless/config Auto-detected your main branch as: master If this is incorrect, run: git branchless init --main-branch Installing hooks: post-applypatch, post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, post-rewrite, pre-auto-gc, reference-transaction Successfully installed git-branchless. To uninstall, run: git branchless init --uninstall "###); } Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn test_init_prompt_for_main_branch() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo_with_options(&GitInitOptions { run_branchless_init: false, ..Default::default() })?;["branch", "-m", "master", "bespoke"])?; { let (stdout, stderr) = git.branchless_with_options( "init", &[], &GitRunOptions { input: Some("bespoke\n".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, )?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @""); insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" Created config file at /.git/branchless/config Your main branch name could not be auto-detected! Examples of a main branch: master, main, trunk, etc. See Enter the name of your main branch: Installing hooks: post-applypatch, post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, post-rewrite, pre-auto-gc, reference-transaction Successfully installed git-branchless. To uninstall, run: git branchless init --uninstall "###); } { let stdout = git.smartlog()?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @"@ f777ecc (> bespoke) create initial.txt "); } Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn test_main_branch_not_found_error_message() -> eyre::Result<()> { use lib::testing::trim_lines; let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; git.detach_head()?;["branch", "-d", "master"])?; let (stdout, stderr) = git.branchless_with_options( "smartlog", &[], &GitRunOptions { // Exit code 101 indicates a panic. expected_exit_code: 101, ..Default::default() }, )?; let location_trace_re = Regex::new(r"[^ ]+\.rs:[0-9]+")?; let stderr = trim_lines(stderr); let stderr = console::strip_ansi_codes(&stderr); let stderr = location_trace_re.replace_all(&stderr, "some/file/"); insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###" The application panicked (crashed). Message: A fatal error occurred: 0: Could not find repository main branch Location: some/file/ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ SPANTRACE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0: branchless::core::eventlog::from_event_log_db with effects= repo=/.git/"> event_log_db=/.git/branchless/db.sqlite3")> at some/file/ 1: git_branchless_smartlog::smartlog with effects= git_run_info= options=SmartlogOptions { event_id: None, revset: None, resolve_revset_options: ResolveRevsetOptions { show_hidden_commits: false }, reverse: false, exact: false } at some/file/ 2: git_branchless_smartlog::command_main with ctx=CommandContext { effects: , git_run_info: } args=SmartlogArgs { event_id: None, revset: None, reverse: false, exact: false, resolve_revset_options: ResolveRevsetOptions { show_hidden_commits: false } } at some/file/ Suggestion: The main branch "master" could not be found in your repository at path: "/.git/". These branches exist: [] Either create it, or update the main branch setting by running: git branchless init --main-branch Note that remote main branches are no longer supported as of v0.6.0. See for more details. Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets. Location: some/file/ Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets. "###); insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @""); Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn test_init_uninstall() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; { let (stdout, stderr) = git.branchless("init", &["--uninstall"])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @""); insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" Removing config file: /.git/branchless/config Uninstalling hooks: post-applypatch, post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, post-rewrite, pre-auto-gc, reference-transaction "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_help_flag() -> eyre::Result<()> { // NOTE(arxanas, 2024-09-07): Not sure if this test actually fails on // Windows since it's no longer exercising the `man` code path. // // The `man` executable isn't installed for most Windows Git installations. // In particular, it's not installed on Github Actions. It might be // possible to install it manually, but I didn't bother. // // See, // let should_skip = cfg!(windows); if should_skip { return Ok(()); } let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; // NOTE(arxanas, 2024-09-07): This test no longer exercises the man viewer // code path, so the below environment manipulation probably does nothing. // // `env` and `man` are not on the sanitized testing `PATH`, so use the // caller's `PATH` instead. let testing_path = git.get_path_for_env(); let testing_path = std::env::split_paths(&testing_path).collect_vec(); let inherited_path = std::env::var_os("PATH").unwrap(); let inherited_path = std::env::split_paths(&inherited_path).collect_vec(); let env = { let mut env = HashMap::new(); let full_path = std::env::join_paths(testing_path.iter().chain(inherited_path.iter()))?; let full_path = full_path.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(); env.insert("PATH".to_string(), full_path); env }; { let (stdout, _stderr) = git.branchless_with_options( "smartlog", &["--help"], &GitRunOptions { env: env.clone(), ..Default::default() }, )?; let first_line = stdout.lines().next(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(first_line, @r###" Some( "`smartlog` command", ) "###); } { let (stdout, _stderr) = git.branchless_with_options( "init", &["--help"], &GitRunOptions { env, ..Default::default() }, )?; let first_line = stdout.lines().next(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(first_line, @r###" Some( "Initialize the branchless workflow for this repository", ) "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_init_explicit_main_branch_name() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo_with_options(&GitInitOptions { run_branchless_init: false, ..Default::default() })?; { // Set the default branch to ensure `--main-branch` takes precedence // over the repo default.["config", "init.defaultBranch", "repo-default-branch"])?; git.branchless("init", &["--main-branch", "foo"])?;["checkout", "-b", "foo"])?;["branch", "-d", "master"])?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?; let stdout = git.smartlog()?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" : @ 62fc20d (> foo) create test1.txt "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_init_repo_default_branch() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo_with_options(&GitInitOptions { run_branchless_init: false, ..Default::default() })?; {["checkout", "-b", "repo-default-branch"])?;["config", "init.defaultBranch", "repo-default-branch"])?;["branch", "-d", "master"])?; git.branchless("init", &[])?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?; let stdout = git.smartlog()?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" : @ 62fc20d (> repo-default-branch) create test1.txt "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_hide_branchless_refs_from_git_log() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_log_exclude_decoration()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?;["update-ref", "refs/foo/bar", "HEAD"])?; { let (stdout, _stderr) =["log", "--decorate"])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" commit 62fc20d2a290daea0d52bdc2ed2ad4be6491010e (HEAD -> master, refs/foo/bar) Author: Testy McTestface Date: Thu Oct 29 12:34:56 2020 -0100 create test1.txt commit f777ecc9b0db5ed372b2615695191a8a17f79f24 Author: Testy McTestface Date: Thu Oct 29 12:34:56 2020 +0000 create initial.txt "###); } Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn test_init_core_hooks_path_warning() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; let hooks_path = git.get_repo()?.get_path().join("my-hooks"); std::fs::create_dir_all(hooks_path)?;["config", "core.hooksPath", "my-hooks"])?; { let (stdout, _stderr) = git.branchless("init", &[])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" Created config file at /.git/branchless/config Auto-detected your main branch as: master If this is incorrect, run: git branchless init --main-branch Installing hooks: post-applypatch, post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, post-rewrite, pre-auto-gc, reference-transaction Warning: the configuration value core.hooksPath was set to: my-hooks, which is not the expected default value of: /.git/hooks The Git hooks above may have been installed to an unexpected global location. Successfully installed git-branchless. To uninstall, run: git branchless init --uninstall "###); } Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn test_init_dynamic_hooks_path_warning() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; if !git.supports_reference_transactions()? { return Ok(()); } if git.get_version()? < GitVersion(2, 36, 0) { // `hasconfig` was introduced in Git v2.36.0. return Ok(()); } git.init_repo()?; let hooks_path = git.get_repo()?.get_path().join("my-hooks"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&hooks_path)?; git.write_file( ".git/config", r#" [includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:*"] path = my-hooks/config [remote.origin] url = "hello" "#, )?; git.write_file( hooks_path.join("config").to_str().unwrap(), " [core] hooksPath = my-hooks ", )?; { let (stdout, _stderr) = git.branchless("init", &[])?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" Created config file at /.git/branchless/config Auto-detected your main branch as: master If this is incorrect, run: git branchless init --main-branch Installing hooks: post-applypatch, post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, post-rewrite, pre-auto-gc, reference-transaction Warning: the configuration value core.hooksPath was set to: my-hooks, which is not the expected default value of: /.git/hooks The Git hooks above may have been installed to an unexpected global location. Successfully installed git-branchless. To uninstall, run: git branchless init --uninstall "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_init_worktree() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo_with_options(&GitInitOptions { run_branchless_init: false, make_initial_commit: true, })?; git.commit_file("test1", 1)?; git.commit_file("test2", 2)?; let GitWorktreeWrapper { temp_dir: _temp_dir, worktree, } = make_git_worktree(&git, "new-worktree")?; worktree.branchless("init", &[])?; { let stdout = worktree.smartlog()?; insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###" : @ 96d1c37 (master) create test2.txt "###); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_install_man_pages() -> eyre::Result<()> { let git = make_git()?; git.init_repo()?; let dir = "foo"; git.branchless("install-man-pages", &[dir])?; let man_page_contents = std::fs::read( git.repo_path .join(dir) .join("man1") .join("git-branchless.1"), )?; let man_page_contents = String::from_utf8_lossy(&man_page_contents); insta::assert_snapshot!(man_page_contents, @r###" .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .TH git-branchless 1 "git-branchless 0.10.0" .SH NAME git\-branchless \- Branchless workflow for Git .SH SYNOPSIS \fBgit\-branchless\fR [\fB\-C \fR] [\fB\-\-color\fR] [\fB\-h\fR|\fB\-\-help\fR] [\fB\-V\fR|\fB\-\-version\fR] <\fIsubcommands\fR> .SH DESCRIPTION Branchless workflow for Git. .PP See the documentation at\-branchless/wiki. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-C\fR=\fIWORKING_DIRECTORY\fR Change to the given directory before executing the rest of the program. (The option is called `\-C` for symmetry with Git.) .TP \fB\-\-color\fR=\fICOLOR\fR Flag to force enable or disable terminal colors .br .br \fIPossible values:\fR .RS 14 .IP \(bu 2 auto: Automatically determine whether to display colors from the terminal and environment variables. This is the default behavior .IP \(bu 2 always: Always display terminal colors .IP \(bu 2 never: Never display terminal colors .RE .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Print help (see a summary with \*(Aq\-h\*(Aq) .TP \fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR Print version .SH SUBCOMMANDS .TP git\-branchless\-amend(1) Amend the current HEAD commit .TP git\-branchless\-bug\-report(1) Gather information about recent operations to upload as part of a bug report .TP git\-branchless\-difftool(1) Use the partial commit selector UI as a Git\-compatible difftool; see git\-difftool(1) for more information on Git difftools .TP git\-branchless\-gc(1) Run internal garbage collection .TP git\-branchless\-hide(1) Hide the provided commits from the smartlog .TP git\-branchless\-init(1) Initialize the branchless workflow for this repository .TP git\-branchless\-install\-man\-pages(1) Install git\-branchless\*(Aqs man\-pages to the given path .TP git\-branchless\-move(1) Move a subtree of commits from one location to another .TP git\-branchless\-next(1) Move to a later commit in the current stack .TP git\-branchless\-prev(1) Move to an earlier commit in the current stack .TP git\-branchless\-query(1) Query the commit graph using the "revset" language and print matching commits .TP git\-branchless\-repair(1) Restore internal invariants by reconciling the internal operation log with the state of the Git repository .TP git\-branchless\-restack(1) Fix up commits abandoned by a previous rewrite operation .TP git\-branchless\-record(1) Create a commit by interactively selecting which changes to include .TP git\-branchless\-reword(1) Reword commits .TP git\-branchless\-smartlog(1) `smartlog` command .TP git\-branchless\-submit(1) Push commits to a remote .TP git\-branchless\-switch(1) Switch to the provided branch or commit .TP git\-branchless\-sync(1) Move any local commit stacks on top of the main branch .TP git\-branchless\-test(1) Run a command on each commit in a given set and aggregate the results .TP git\-branchless\-undo(1) Browse or return to a previous state of the repository .TP git\-branchless\-unhide(1) Unhide previously\-hidden commits from the smartlog .TP git\-branchless\-wrap(1) Wrap a Git command inside a branchless transaction .TP git\-branchless\-help(1) Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) .SH VERSION v0.10.0 .SH AUTHORS Waleed Khan "###); Ok(()) }