# git-build-version Makes it easy to include a version (as provided by `git describe`) in your crate. For example: In `Cargo.toml`: ``` [package] name = "my-lovely-package" # ... build = "build.rs" [build-dependencies] git-build-version = "*" ``` In `build.rs`: ``` extern crate git_build_version; const PACKAGE_TOP_DIR : &'static str = "."; fn main() { git_version::write_version(PACKAGE_TOP_DIR).expect("Saving git version"); } ``` This will write out a file named `version.rs` that can be included into your source as follows. Eg: in your `src/main.rs`: ``` include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/version.rs")); fn main() { println!("Version: {}", VERSION); } ```