#!/usr/bin/env python3 from configparser import ConfigParser from sys import stderr, exit, argv from zlib import compress from aiohttp import web from psycopg2cffi.pool import SimpleConnectionPool from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import asyncio import base64 import json class NoSuchRepository(Exception): def __init__(self, repo): self.repo = repo if len(argv) < 2: print("Usage: gitsrv.py ", file=stderr) exit(1) cfg = ConfigParser() cfg.read(argv[1]) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=cfg.getint( 'workers', 'threads', fallback=10 )) memcached = None # type: pylibmc.Client if cfg.getboolean('memcached', 'enabled', fallback=False): import pylibmc servers = str(cfg.get('memcached', 'servers', fallback='')) memcached = pylibmc.Client( servers.split(' '), username=cfg.get('memcached', 'username', fallback=None), password=cfg.get('memcached', 'password', fallback=None), binary=True ) if not cfg.has_section('postgres'): print("ERROR: PostgreSQL configuration section missing.", file=stderr) exit(1) db_conn_info = '' for item in cfg.items('postgres'): db_conn_info += " {}='{}'".format(item[0], item[1]) db_conn_info = db_conn_info.lstrip() object_count = 0 cache_hit_count = 0 def map_repo_to_db(name: str): mapped = cfg.get('databases', name, fallback=None) if mapped is None: raise NoSuchRepository(name) return mapped pools = {} # type: dict[str, SimpleConnectionPool] def grab_connection(repo_name): if repo_name is None: raise NoSuchRepository(None) db_name = map_repo_to_db(repo_name) if db_name not in pools: conn_info = db_conn_info + (" dbname='{0}'".format(db_name)) pools[db_name] = SimpleConnectionPool( 1, cfg.getint( 'workers', 'sql', fallback=10 ), conn_info ) pool = pools[db_name] return pool, pool.getconn() def put_connection(pool, conn): pool.putconn(conn) def fetch_object(repo_name, object_hash): binary = None cursor = None pool = None conn = None try: pool, conn = grab_connection(repo_name) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT content FROM objects WHERE hash = %s", (object_hash,)) binary = cursor.fetchone()[0] finally: cursor.close() put_connection(pool, conn) return binary async def fetch_shallow_pack(repo_name, commit_hash, request, resp): resp.enable_chunked_encoding() cursor = None pool = None conn = None binary = None try: pool, conn = grab_connection(repo_name) cursor = conn.cursor() q = cursor.mogrify( "WITH objects AS (SELECT hash FROM git_shallow_crawl(%s))" + " SELECT part FROM git_create_pack((SELECT array_agg(hash) FROM objects))", (commit_hash,)) cursor.execute(q) cursor.itersize = 10 for row in cursor: if binary is None: await resp.prepare(request) binary = row[0] resp.write(binary.tobytes()) resp.write_eof() except Exception: if binary is not None: await resp.write_eof() else: await resp.prepare(status=417) await resp.write_eof() finally: cursor.close() put_connection(pool, conn) def fetch_commit_info(repo_name, commit_hash): pool = None conn = None cursor = None out = None try: pool, conn = grab_connection(repo_name) cursor = conn.cursor() q = cursor.mogrify("SELECT * FROM git_lookup_commit(%s)", (commit_hash,)) cursor.execute(q) for row in cursor: out = row finally: cursor.close() put_connection(pool, conn) return out def fetch_tree_info(repo_name, tree_hash): pool = None conn = None cursor = None out = None try: pool, conn = grab_connection(repo_name) cursor = conn.cursor() q = cursor.mogrify("SELECT * FROM git_lookup_tree(%s)", (tree_hash,)) cursor.execute(q) out = cursor.fetchall() finally: cursor.close() put_connection(pool, conn) return out def fetch_blob(repo_name, blob_hash): pool = None conn = None cursor = None out = None try: pool, conn = grab_connection(repo_name) cursor = conn.cursor() q = cursor.mogrify("SELECT content FROM contents WHERE hash = %s", (blob_hash,)) cursor.execute(q) for item in cursor: out = item[0].tobytes() finally: cursor.close() put_connection(pool, conn) return out async def handle_object_route(request): prefix = request.match_info['hash_prefix'] suffix = request.match_info['hash_suffix'] object_hash = prefix + suffix binary = None if memcached: cache_key = 'git.object[%s]' % object_hash cached_b64 = memcached.get(cache_key, None) if cached_b64 is not None: global cache_hit_count binary = base64.b64decode(cached_b64) cache_hit_count += 1 if binary is None: binary = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( executor, fetch_object, request.match_info['repo'], object_hash ) if memcached and len(binary) < 1024 * 1024: try: cache_key = 'git.object[%s]' % object_hash b64 = base64.b64encode(binary) memcached.set(cache_key, b64) except pylibmc.TooBig: pass if binary is None: print("[WARN] Tried to fetch object %s, but it does not exist." % object_hash) return web.Response(text='Object not found.', status=404) if type(binary) is bytearray or type(binary) is memoryview: binary = binary.tobytes() global object_count object_count += 1 return web.Response(body=compress(binary)) async def handle_dlpack_route(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(status=200) f = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( executor, fetch_shallow_pack, request.match_info['repo'], request.match_info['commit'], request, resp ) await f return resp async def handle_commit_info_route(request): info = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( executor, fetch_commit_info, request.match_info['repo'], request.match_info['commit'] ) if info is None: return web.Response(status=404, text=json.dumps({ "error": "not found" })) out = { 'hash': info[0], 'tree': info[1], 'parent': info[2], 'author': info[3], 'committer': info[4], 'author_time': str(info[5]), 'commit_time': str(info[6]), 'message': info[7], 'pgp': info[8] } return web.Response(text=json.dumps(out, indent=2)) async def handle_tree_info_route(request): info = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( executor, fetch_tree_info, request.match_info['repo'], request.match_info['tree'] ) if info is None: return web.Response(status=404, text=json.dumps({ "error": "not found" })) out = [] for item in info: out.append({ 'parent': item[0], 'mode': item[1], 'name': item[2], 'leaf': item[3] }) return web.Response(text=json.dumps(out, indent=2)) async def handle_blob_route(request): data = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( executor, fetch_blob, request.match_info['repo'], request.match_info['blob'] ) if data is None: return web.Response(status=404, text=json.dumps({ "error": "not found" })) return web.Response(body=data) def handle_info_route(request): return web.Response(text='Not found.', status=404) def handle_refs_route(request): pool, conn = grab_connection(request.match_info['repo']) cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute('SELECT name FROM refs') rows = cursor.fetchall() result = "" for row in rows: ref = row[0] cursor.execute("SELECT git_resolve_ref(%s)", (ref,)) real = cursor.fetchone()[0] result += '{0}\t{1}\n'.format(real, ref) return web.Response(text=result) finally: cursor.close() put_connection(pool, conn) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get( '/{repo}/objects/info/{info_type}', handle_info_route ) app.router.add_get( '/{repo}/dlpack/{commit}', handle_dlpack_route ) app.router.add_get( '/{repo}/objects/{hash_prefix}/{hash_suffix}', handle_object_route ) app.router.add_get( '/{repo}/info/refs', handle_refs_route ) app.router.add_get( '/{repo}/commits/{commit}', handle_commit_info_route ) app.router.add_get( '/{repo}/blobs/{blob}', handle_blob_route ) app.router.add_get( '/{repo}/trees/{tree}', handle_tree_info_route ) def object_count_info(): global object_count global cache_hit_count if object_count > 0: print("[Statistics] %i objects were fetched" % object_count) object_count = 0 if cache_hit_count > 0: print("[Statistics] %i objects hit the cache" % cache_hit_count) cache_hit_count = 0 app.loop.call_later(1, object_count_info) asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(1, object_count_info) web.run_app( app, host=cfg.get('bind', 'host', fallback=''), port=cfg.getint('bind', 'port', fallback=8080) )