use libpulse_binding::{ callbacks::ListResult, context::{subscribe::Facility, Context, State}, error::PAErr, mainloop::threaded::Mainloop }; use std::{ cell::{Cell, RefCell}, rc::Rc, sync::mpsc }; const PA_NAME: &str = "xidlehook"; pub type Sender = mpsc::Sender; pub struct AudioCounter { count: Cell, tx: Sender } pub struct PulseAudio { ctx: Rc>, main: Mainloop, } impl PulseAudio { /// Create a new pulseaudio main loop, but don't connect it yet pub fn new() -> Option { let main = Mainloop::new()?; Some(Self { ctx: Rc::new(RefCell::new(Context::new(&main, PA_NAME)?)), main }) } /// Start a new thread that will send a count of audio devices to /// tx after each change event pub fn connect(&mut self, tx: Sender) -> Result<(), PAErr> { let counter = Rc::new(AudioCounter { count: Cell::new(0), tx }); let ctx = Rc::clone(&self.ctx); self.ctx.borrow_mut().set_state_callback(Some(Box::new(move || { if ctx.borrow().get_state() != State::Ready { return; } let subscribe_callback = { let ctx = Rc::clone(&ctx); let counter = Rc::clone(&counter); move |_, _, _| { let counter = Rc::clone(&counter); ctx.borrow().introspect().get_sink_input_info_list(move |res| match res { ListResult::Item(item) => if !item.corked { counter.count.set(counter.count.get() + 1); }, ListResult::End | ListResult::Error => { counter.tx.send(counter.count.replace(0)).unwrap(); } }); } }; // Subscribe to sink input events ctx.borrow_mut().set_subscribe_callback(Some(Box::new(subscribe_callback.clone()))); ctx.borrow_mut().subscribe(Facility::SinkInput.to_interest_mask(), |_| ()); // In case audio already plays, trigger subscribe_callback(None, None, 0); }))); // We sadly can't use borrow_mut here because that keeps a // mutable reference alive while it's runnig all the // callbacks, leading to mutability errors there. See // unsafe { &mut *self.ctx.as_ptr() }.connect(None, 0, None)?; self.main.start() } } impl Drop for PulseAudio { fn drop(&mut self) { // See note above unsafe { &mut *self.ctx.as_ptr() }.disconnect(); self.main.stop(); } }