[graph] all-features = false no-default-features = false [output] feature-depth = 1 [advisories] ignore = [] [licenses] # List of explicitly allowed licenses # See https://spdx.org/licenses/ for list of possible licenses # [possible values: any SPDX 3.11 short identifier (+ optional exception)]. allow = [ "MIT", "Unicode-3.0", "Unicode-DFS-2016", "BSD-2-Clause", "Zlib", #"Apache-2.0", #"Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception", ] confidence-threshold = 0.8 exceptions = [ # Each entry is the crate and version constraint, and its specific allow # list #{ allow = ["Zlib"], crate = "adler32" }, ] # https://embarkstudios.github.io/cargo-deny/checks/bans/cfg.html [bans] multiple-versions = "warn" wildcards = "allow" # * lowest-version - The path to the lowest versioned duplicate is highlighted # * simplest-path - The path to the version with the fewest edges is highlighted # * all - Both lowest-version and simplest-path are used highlight = "lowest-version" workspace-default-features = "allow" external-default-features = "allow" allow = [] deny = [] skip = [] skip-tree = [] [sources] unknown-registry = "deny" unknown-git = "deny" allow-registry = ["https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"] allow-git = [] # [sources.allow-org] # github = [""] # gitlab = [""] # bitbucket = [""]