use std::borrow::Cow; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use clap::{AppSettings, Clap}; use strum::VariantNames; use strum_macros::EnumVariantNames; use toml::value::Table; use crate::cli::RootSubcommand::*; use crate::cli::SetSubcommand::*; use crate::{Git, Item}; pub fn execute(path: &Path, file_contents: &str, mut table: Table) { let opts = Opts::parse(); // In some cases git has to be installed let (git_needed, git_dir_needed) = if let Some(subcmd) = &opts.subcmd { match &subcmd { Apply(_) => (true, true), Current => (true, true), _ => (false, false), } } else { (true, true) }; if git_needed { // git version let git_version = Command::new("git") .arg("--version") .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .status() .unwrap(); if !git_version.success() { eprintln!("ERROR: git not installed"); std::process::exit(git_version.code().unwrap_or(1)); } } if git_dir_needed { // git status let git_status = Command::new("git") .arg("status") .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .status() .unwrap(); if !git_status.success() { eprintln!("ERROR: not inside a git directory"); std::process::exit(2); } } // No argument passed? => show prompt to apply a profile if opts.subcmd.is_none() { let profile = prompt_select_profile(&table, true); apply(,; return; } // Process input match opts.subcmd.unwrap() { Apply(profile) => { let profile = if let Some(profile) = profile.profile { Cow::Owned(profile) } else { Cow::Borrowed(prompt_select_profile(&table, true).profile) }; if !ProfileRequirement::Existent.check_and_print(&table, &profile) { std::process::exit(1); } let name = get_name(&table, &profile); let email = get_email(&table, &profile); apply(name, email); } Add(add) => { let default_email = |name: &str| -> String { format!("{}", name) }; let (profile, name, email) = if let Some(profile) = add.profile { if !ProfileRequirement::NonExistent.check_and_print(&table, &profile) { std::process::exit(1); } let name =|| profile.clone()); let email =|| default_email(&name)); (profile, name, email) } else { let profile = prompt_input("Profile", None); if !ProfileRequirement::NonExistent.check_and_print(&table, &profile) { std::process::exit(1); } let name = prompt_input("Name", Some(profile.to_string())); let email = prompt_input("Email", Some(default_email(&name))); (profile, name, email) }; let mut item_table = Table::with_capacity(2); item_table.insert(Item::NAME.to_string(), toml::Value::String(name)); item_table.insert(Item::EMAIL.to_string(), toml::Value::String(email)); table.insert(profile, toml::Value::Table(item_table)); write_toml(path, &table); } Remove(profile) => { let profile = if let Some(profile) = profile.profile { profile } else { prompt_select_profile(&table, false).profile.to_string() }; if !ProfileRequirement::Existent.check_and_print(&table, &profile) { std::process::exit(1); } table.remove(&profile); write_toml(path, &table); } Reset => { if let Some(parent_dir) = path.parent() { std::fs::remove_dir_all(parent_dir).unwrap(); } else { if let Some(path) = path.to_str() { eprintln!("ERROR: Could not get parent directory of '{}'", path); } else { eprintln!("ERROR: Could not get parent directory"); } std::process::exit(2); } } Set(subcmd) => { if let Some(subcmd) = subcmd.subcmd { match subcmd { Profile(set_profile) => { table_change_profile_name(&mut table, &set_profile.profile_name, set_profile.new_profile_name); } Name(set_name) => { table_change_name(&mut table, &set_name.profile,; } Email(set_email) => { table_change_email(&mut table, &set_email.profile,; } } } else { // Interactive mode let profile_name = prompt_select_profile(&table, false).profile.to_string(); let options: &[&'static str] = SetSubcommand::VARIANTS; let selected_option = options[prompt_select("Set new value for", options, 0)]; let value_title = match selected_option { "Profile" => "New profile name", "Name" => "New name", "Email" => "New email", _ => unreachable!(), }; let new_value = prompt_input(value_title, None); match selected_option { "Profile" => { table_change_profile_name(&mut table, &profile_name, new_value); } "Name" => { table_change_name(&mut table, &profile_name, new_value); } "Email" => { table_change_email(&mut table, &profile_name, new_value); } _ => unreachable!(), }; } write_toml(path, &table); } File => { if let Some(path_str) = path.to_str() { println!(">>> {}", path_str); } else { println!(">>> ERROR: Could not get path"); } println!("{}", file_contents); } Current => { let check = |git_result: &GitResult, attr: &str| { println!("> git config {}", attr); if !git_result.success { println!("WARNING: {} not set", attr); } else { println!("{}", git_result.output); } }; let git_name = get_git_name(); check(&git_name, Git::ATTR_NAME); println!(); let git_email = get_git_email(); check(&git_email, Git::ATTR_EMAIL); } List => { for (index, (profile, _)) in table.iter().enumerate() { if index != 0 { println!(); } println!("Profile: {}", profile); println!("Name: {}", get_name(&table, profile)); println!("Email: {}", get_email(&table, profile)); } } } } /// Returns selected profile fn prompt_select_profile(table: &Table, default_current: bool) -> ProfileInfo { let mut profiles: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(table.len()); let mut display: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(table.len()); let curr_name = if default_current { Some(get_git_name().output) } else { None }; let curr_email = if default_current { Some(get_git_email().output) } else { None }; let mut default_index: usize = 0; for (index, (profile, _)) in table.iter().enumerate() { let name = get_name(table, profile); let email = get_email(table, profile); profiles.push(ProfileInfo { profile, name, email }); display.push(format!("{} : {}", name, email)); if default_current && name == curr_name.as_deref().unwrap() && email == curr_email.as_deref().unwrap() { default_index = index; } } if display.is_empty() { eprintln!("ERROR: You have to create a profile first. Use: git-user add"); std::process::exit(1); } let index = prompt_select("Select a git user", &display[..], default_index); profiles.remove(index) } /// Shows prompt with multiple options to select from, returns the index of the chosen option fn prompt_select(title: &str, items: &[T], default_index: usize) -> usize { let selection = dialoguer::Select::with_theme(&dialoguer::theme::ColorfulTheme::default()) .with_prompt(title) .default(default_index) .items(items) .interact(); // In case ctrl-c is used to exit, do not print an error handle_prompt_error(&selection); selection.unwrap() } fn prompt_input(title: &str, default: Option) -> String { let theme = dialoguer::theme::ColorfulTheme::default(); let mut input: dialoguer::Input = dialoguer::Input::with_theme(&theme); input.with_prompt(title); if let Some(default) = default { input.default(default); } let result = input.interact_text(); // In case ctrl-c is used to exit, do not print an error handle_prompt_error(&result); result.unwrap() } fn handle_prompt_error(error: &std::io::Result) { if let Err(error) = error { if error.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::Interrupted { panic!("{:?}", error); } else { println!(); } std::process::exit(130); } } /// Apply name and email to the local git repository fn apply(name: &str, email: &str) { let set_attr = |attr: &str, value: &str| { let success = Command::new("git") .arg("config") .arg(attr) .arg(value) .output() .unwrap() .status .success(); if !success { eprintln!("ERROR: Failed to set {}", attr); } }; // git config "Your Name" set_attr(Git::ATTR_NAME, name); // git config "" set_attr(Git::ATTR_EMAIL, email); } fn get_name<'a>(root_table: &'a Table, profile: &str) -> &'a str { root_table .get(profile) .unwrap() .as_table() .unwrap() .get(Item::NAME) .unwrap() .as_str() .unwrap() } fn get_email<'a>(root_table: &'a Table, profile: &str) -> &'a str { root_table .get(profile) .unwrap() .as_table() .unwrap() .get(Item::EMAIL) .unwrap() .as_str() .unwrap() } fn table_change_profile_name(table: &mut Table, profile_name: &str, new_profile_name: String) { if !ProfileRequirement::Existent.check_and_print(&table, profile_name) { std::process::exit(1); } if !ProfileRequirement::NonExistent.check_and_print(&table, &new_profile_name) { std::process::exit(1); } let val = table.remove(profile_name).unwrap(); table.insert(new_profile_name, val); } fn table_change_name(table: &mut Table, profile: &str, new_name: String) { if !ProfileRequirement::Existent.check_and_print(&table, profile) { std::process::exit(1); } table .get_mut(profile) .unwrap() .as_table_mut() .unwrap() .insert(Item::NAME.to_string(), toml::Value::String(new_name)); } fn table_change_email(table: &mut Table, profile: &str, new_email: String) { if !ProfileRequirement::Existent.check_and_print(&table, profile) { std::process::exit(1); } table .get_mut(profile) .unwrap() .as_table_mut() .unwrap() .insert(Item::EMAIL.to_string(), toml::Value::String(new_email)); } struct ProfileInfo<'a> { profile: &'a str, name: &'a str, email: &'a str, } struct GitResult { output: String, success: bool, } enum ProfileRequirement { Existent, NonExistent, } impl ProfileRequirement { /// Returns true if the requirement is fulfilled, otherwise false fn check_and_print(&self, table: &Table, profile: &str) -> bool { let profile_exists = table.contains_key(profile); match &self { ProfileRequirement::Existent => { if !profile_exists { eprintln!("ERROR: Profile '{}' could not be found", profile); return false; } } ProfileRequirement::NonExistent => { if profile_exists { eprintln!("ERROR: Profile '{}' already exists", profile); return false; } } } true } } fn get_git_attr(attr: &str) -> GitResult { let output = Command::new("git").arg("config").arg(attr).output().unwrap(); let lines = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); let name = lines.lines().next().unwrap_or(""); GitResult { output: name.to_string(), success: output.status.success(), } } fn get_git_name() -> GitResult { get_git_attr(Git::ATTR_NAME) } fn get_git_email() -> GitResult { get_git_attr(Git::ATTR_EMAIL) } fn write_toml(path: &Path, value: &T) { let toml = toml::to_string(value).unwrap(); std::fs::write(&path, toml).unwrap(); } #[derive(Clap)] #[clap(setting = AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands)] #[clap(version = "0.1.2", author = "Linus789")] struct Opts { #[clap(subcommand)] subcmd: Option, } #[derive(Clap)] enum RootSubcommand { /// Apply a profile to set the user for the local git repository Apply(Profile), /// Add a new user profile Add(Add), /// Remove a user profile Remove(Profile), /// Removes all directories and files ever created by this application Reset, /// Set a new value in a profile (e. g. to change the email) Set(SetCommand), /// Print the file path where the profiles are stored and its contents File, /// Show the current user of the local git repository Current, /// List all profiles List, } #[derive(Clap)] struct SetCommand { #[clap(subcommand)] subcmd: Option, } #[derive(Clap, EnumVariantNames)] enum SetSubcommand { /// To change profile values, e. g. the email Profile(SetProfile), /// To change the name of a profile Name(SetName), /// To change the email of a profile Email(SetEmail), } #[derive(Clap)] struct Profile { profile: Option, } #[derive(Clap)] struct Add { profile: Option, name: Option, email: Option, } #[derive(Clap)] struct SetProfile { profile_name: String, new_profile_name: String, } #[derive(Clap)] struct SetName { profile: String, name: String, } #[derive(Clap)] struct SetEmail { profile: String, email: String, }