# git-whoknows - Find "who knows" about a file # Synopsis: `git whoknows [] ` # Description Describes who is likely familiar with a file # Todo * [ ] Capture most recent hunk date * [ ] Capture oldest hunk date * [ ] Handle submodules and their git-dirs * [ ] Allow for tabular output * [ ] Add weighting how the list is sorted * [ ] Allow for specifying lines to increase weight for hunk * [ ] Allow for custom weighting scheme * [ ] Allow for more git-blame options # Options * `-L ` - Specifically for a set of lines, can be specified multiple times * `--no-table/table` - Format output as an ascii table or comma-delimited * `--weight=,,,` - Custom weightings for different metrics # Examples ## Information about a file ``` > git whoknows src/main.rs name, email, score, commits, lines, latest, earliest Jayson Messenger, , 12, 4, 10, 2020-04-10, 2019-02-01 John Smith, , 10, 2, 12, 2019-01-01, 2019-01-01 ```