extern crate gitlab_api as gitlab; use std::env; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate env_logger; #[macro_use] extern crate clap; use gitlab::GitLab; use gitlab::errors::*; fn main() { if let Err(ref e) = run() { println!("error: {}", e); for e in e.iter().skip(1) { println!("caused by: {}", e); } // The backtrace is not always generated. Try to run this example // with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1`. if let Some(backtrace) = e.backtrace() { println!("backtrace: {:?}", backtrace); } ::std::process::exit(1); } } fn run() -> Result<()> { env_logger::init().unwrap(); info!("starting up"); let hostname = match env::var("GITLAB_HOSTNAME") { Ok(val) => val, Err(_) => { let default = String::from("gitlab.com"); println!("Please set environment variable 'GITLAB_HOSTNAME'. Using default '{}'.", default); default } }; let token = match env::var("GITLAB_TOKEN") { Ok(val) => val, Err(_) => { panic!("Please set environment variable 'GITLAB_TOKEN'. Take it from \ http://{}/profile/account", hostname); } }; let gl = GitLab::new(&hostname, &token).chain_err(|| "failure to create GitLab instance")?; // let gl = GitLab::new(&hostname, &token) // .chain_err(|| "failure to create GitLab instance")? // .scheme("http").port(80); // let gl = gl.scheme("http").port(80); let matches = clap::App::new("get_id_issue") .version("1.0") .author("Nicolas Bigaouette ") .about("Get the id of a GitLab issue from namespace/project#iid.") .arg(clap::Arg::with_name("namespace") .help("The project's namespace (or group)") .long("namespace") .short("n") .takes_value(true) .required(true)) .arg(clap::Arg::with_name("project") .help("The project's name") .long("project") .short("p") .takes_value(true) .required(true)) .arg(clap::Arg::with_name("id") .help("The issue's id") .long("id") .short("i") .takes_value(true) .required(true)) .get_matches(); let project_namespace = matches.value_of("namespace").unwrap(); let project_name = matches.value_of("project").unwrap(); let issue_iid = value_t!(matches, "id", i64).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()); let issue = gl.get_issue(project_namespace, project_name, issue_iid) .chain_err(|| "cannot get issue")?; // println!("issue: {:?}", issue); println!("Id for {}/{}#{}: {}", project_namespace, project_name, issue_iid, issue.id); Ok(()) }