# gitprompt-rs A very simple Git prompt written in Rust ## Usage Just add `$(gitprompt-rs)` to your shell prompt. Make sure you use single quotes `'` or escape the `$` to prevent early expansion. Zsh additionally requires `setopt promptsubst` to make this work. You most likely want to let your shell know that the color escape sequences are not actually visible so it will calculate the length correctly. Pass `bash` for Bash or `zsh` for Zsh. The prompt looks like this: `(master↑4↓7|+2~3-5x6•8)`. The information on display is as follows: - Branch info: - `master`: name of the current branch, `:HEAD` in detached head mode - `↑`: number of commits ahead of remote - `↓`: number of commits behind remote - Work area: - `+`: untracked (new) files - `~`: modified files - `-`: deleted files - `x`: merge conflicts - `•`: staged changes ## Installation - Manual: Make sure you have a recent Rust toolchain. Clone this repo, then run `cargo install --path .`. - [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/gitprompt-rs): `cargo install gitprompt-rs` - [Arch Linux](https://www.archlinux.org/packages?name=gitprompt-rs): `pacman -S gitprompt-rs` - Other distros: make a pull request to add your package or build script!