% UserManual.bib %% bibtexfile{ %% author = "M. Gaviano and D. E. Kvasov and D. Lera and Ya. D. Sergeyev", %% date = "17 August 2003", %% filename = "UserManual.bib" } @article{Gaviano:et:al.(2003), author = "M. Gaviano and D. E. Kvasov and D. Lera and {Ya}. D. Sergeyev", title = "Generation of Classes of Test Functions with Known Local Minima", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Soft.", year = 2003, volume = "V", number = "N", pages = "PP--PP"} @book{Knuth(1997), author = "D. Knuth", title = "The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2: Seminumerical Algorithms", edition = "third", year = 1997, publisher = "Addison-Wesley, Reading", address = "Massachusetts"} @misc{Knuth:HomePage, author = "D. Knuth", year = 2002, title = "Home page at: http://sunburn.stanford.edu/ $\tilde{ }$ knuth/"}