[package] description = "A gl_object libray for quick use." documentation = "https://github.com/aniketbiprojit/gl-objects-rs" homepage = "https://github.com/aniketbiprojit/gl-objects-rs" repository = "https://github.com/aniketbiprojit/gl-objects-rs" license-file = "LICENSE" edition = "2021" name = "gl_object" version = "0.0.5" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [dependencies] gfx-maths = "0.2.8" glfw = "0.45.0" glfw-sys = "4.0.0" glow = "0.11.2" imgui = "0.8.2" imgui-opengl-renderer = "0.11.1" sdl2 = "0.35.2" sdl2-sys = "0.35.2" [lib] name = "gl_object" path = "src/lib.rs" [[bin]] name = "gl_object_bin" path = "src/main.rs" exclude = [ "examples", "resources", ] [features] default = [] image = ["sdl2-sys/image"] mixer = ["sdl2-sys/mixer"] sdl2 = [] ttf = ["sdl2-sys/ttf"] # Use hidapi support in SDL. Only 2.0.12 and after bundled = ["sdl2-sys/bundled"] static-link = ["sdl2-sys/static-link"] use-bindgen = ["sdl2-sys/use-bindgen"] use-pkgconfig = ["sdl2-sys/use-pkgconfig"] use-vcpkg = ["sdl2-sys/use-vcpkg"] use_mac_framework = ["sdl2-sys/use_mac_framework"] wayland = ["glfw-sys/wayland"]