# GLDF-RS-WASM #### The wasm version of [gldr-rs](https://crates.io/gldr-rs) GLDF-RS-WASM is a WebAssembly (Wasm) version of the Global Lighting Data Format (GLDF) library. It allows you to work with GLDF data directly in the browser by leveraging WebAssembly technology. GLDF is a standardized format for describing lighting products and their technical details. ### Release Notes - 0.2.1 usage of new gldf-rs 0.2.1 - Inheritance and overwriting of properties (needed bcs of reqwest) ## Features - Deserialize GLDF files on the client-side using WebAssembly. - Interact with GLDF data directly within web applications. - Use GLDF data for dynamic visualization and analysis in the browser. ## Usage 1. Include the GLDF-RS-WASM JavaScript module in your HTML: ```html GLDF • File Upload ``` That's it! You can now use the `gldf-rs-wasm` module in your JavaScript code. The working example can be found here: ### https://gldf.icu There you have the advantage, that included eulumdat files, can be directly opened into ### https://eulumdat.icu, which is an WASM Eulumdat Editor and Viewer, which can as well export to IESNA Format.