# glf A rust crate for reading GLF Files from [Tritech Sonar](https://www.tritech.co.uk/). ## Documentation Documentation is available at [https://docs.rs/glf/0.2.0/glf/](https://docs.rs/glf/0.2.0/glf/). ## Building To build this crate, run: cargo build ## Usage use std::path::Path; use glf::GLF; let glf = GLF::new(Path::new("./pytritech_testdata/test_tritech.glf")).unwrap(); println!("GLF Image 0: {}", glf.images[0].header.time); let img = glf.extract_image(1).unwrap(); img.save("test.png").unwrap(); ## Testing To test the crate, you'll need to download a submodule that contains the test data. It's a little large and so isn't included in the basic install. To perform a full checkout of this repository you can run: git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/onidaito/glf Or, if you've already checked out git submodule update --init --recursive From then on, one can run the usual cargo command: cargo test