/* automatically generated by rust-bindgen */ #[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types, non_upper_case_globals)] pub mod root { #[repr(C)] pub struct __BindgenUnionField(::std::marker::PhantomData); impl __BindgenUnionField { #[inline] pub const fn new() -> Self { __BindgenUnionField(::std::marker::PhantomData) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn as_ref(&self) -> &T { ::std::mem::transmute(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { ::std::mem::transmute(self) } } impl ::std::default::Default for __BindgenUnionField { #[inline] fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl ::std::clone::Clone for __BindgenUnionField { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self::new() } } impl ::std::marker::Copy for __BindgenUnionField {} impl ::std::fmt::Debug for __BindgenUnionField { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result { fmt.write_str("__BindgenUnionField") } } impl ::std::hash::Hash for __BindgenUnionField { fn hash(&self, _state: &mut H) {} } impl ::std::cmp::PartialEq for __BindgenUnionField { fn eq(&self, _other: &__BindgenUnionField) -> bool { true } } impl ::std::cmp::Eq for __BindgenUnionField {} #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::root; pub mod gli { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::root; pub type byte = root::glm::uint8; pub type extent1d = root::glm::ivec1; pub type extent2d = root::glm::ivec2; pub type extent3d = root::glm::ivec3; pub const target_TARGET_1D: root::gli::target = 0; pub const target_TARGET_FIRST: root::gli::target = 0; pub const target_TARGET_1D_ARRAY: root::gli::target = 1; pub const target_TARGET_2D: root::gli::target = 2; pub const target_TARGET_2D_ARRAY: root::gli::target = 3; pub const target_TARGET_3D: root::gli::target = 4; pub const target_TARGET_RECT: root::gli::target = 5; pub const target_TARGET_RECT_ARRAY: root::gli::target = 6; pub const target_TARGET_CUBE: root::gli::target = 7; pub const target_TARGET_CUBE_ARRAY: root::gli::target = 8; pub const target_TARGET_LAST: root::gli::target = 8; #[doc = " Texture target: type/shape of the texture storage_linear"] pub type target = u32; pub const format_FORMAT_UNDEFINED: root::gli::format = 0; pub const format_FORMAT_RG4_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 1; pub const format_FORMAT_FIRST: root::gli::format = 1; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA4_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 2; pub const format_FORMAT_BGRA4_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 3; pub const format_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 4; pub const format_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 5; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB5A1_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 6; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR5A1_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 7; pub const format_FORMAT_A1RGB5_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 8; pub const format_FORMAT_R8_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 9; pub const format_FORMAT_R8_SNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 10; pub const format_FORMAT_R8_USCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 11; pub const format_FORMAT_R8_SSCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 12; pub const format_FORMAT_R8_UINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 13; pub const format_FORMAT_R8_SINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 14; pub const format_FORMAT_R8_SRGB_PACK8: root::gli::format = 15; pub const format_FORMAT_RG8_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 16; pub const format_FORMAT_RG8_SNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 17; pub const format_FORMAT_RG8_USCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 18; pub const format_FORMAT_RG8_SSCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 19; pub const format_FORMAT_RG8_UINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 20; pub const format_FORMAT_RG8_SINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 21; pub const format_FORMAT_RG8_SRGB_PACK8: root::gli::format = 22; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB8_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 23; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB8_SNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 24; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB8_USCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 25; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB8_SSCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 26; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB8_UINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 27; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB8_SINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 28; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB8_SRGB_PACK8: root::gli::format = 29; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR8_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 30; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR8_SNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 31; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR8_USCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 32; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR8_SSCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 33; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR8_UINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 34; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR8_SINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 35; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR8_SRGB_PACK8: root::gli::format = 36; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 37; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_SNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 38; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_USCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 39; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_SSCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 40; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_UINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 41; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_SINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 42; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_SRGB_PACK8: root::gli::format = 43; pub const format_FORMAT_BGRA8_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 44; pub const format_FORMAT_BGRA8_SNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 45; pub const format_FORMAT_BGRA8_USCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 46; pub const format_FORMAT_BGRA8_SSCALED_PACK8: root::gli::format = 47; pub const format_FORMAT_BGRA8_UINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 48; pub const format_FORMAT_BGRA8_SINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 49; pub const format_FORMAT_BGRA8_SRGB_PACK8: root::gli::format = 50; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_UNORM_PACK32: root::gli::format = 51; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_SNORM_PACK32: root::gli::format = 52; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_USCALED_PACK32: root::gli::format = 53; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_SSCALED_PACK32: root::gli::format = 54; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_UINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 55; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_SINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 56; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA8_SRGB_PACK32: root::gli::format = 57; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB10A2_UNORM_PACK32: root::gli::format = 58; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB10A2_SNORM_PACK32: root::gli::format = 59; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB10A2_USCALED_PACK32: root::gli::format = 60; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB10A2_SSCALED_PACK32: root::gli::format = 61; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB10A2_UINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 62; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB10A2_SINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 63; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR10A2_UNORM_PACK32: root::gli::format = 64; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR10A2_SNORM_PACK32: root::gli::format = 65; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR10A2_USCALED_PACK32: root::gli::format = 66; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR10A2_SSCALED_PACK32: root::gli::format = 67; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR10A2_UINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 68; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR10A2_SINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 69; pub const format_FORMAT_R16_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 70; pub const format_FORMAT_R16_SNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 71; pub const format_FORMAT_R16_USCALED_PACK16: root::gli::format = 72; pub const format_FORMAT_R16_SSCALED_PACK16: root::gli::format = 73; pub const format_FORMAT_R16_UINT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 74; pub const format_FORMAT_R16_SINT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 75; pub const format_FORMAT_R16_SFLOAT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 76; pub const format_FORMAT_RG16_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 77; pub const format_FORMAT_RG16_SNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 78; pub const format_FORMAT_RG16_USCALED_PACK16: root::gli::format = 79; pub const format_FORMAT_RG16_SSCALED_PACK16: root::gli::format = 80; pub const format_FORMAT_RG16_UINT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 81; pub const format_FORMAT_RG16_SINT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 82; pub const format_FORMAT_RG16_SFLOAT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 83; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB16_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 84; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB16_SNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 85; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB16_USCALED_PACK16: root::gli::format = 86; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB16_SSCALED_PACK16: root::gli::format = 87; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB16_UINT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 88; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB16_SINT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 89; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB16_SFLOAT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 90; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA16_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 91; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA16_SNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 92; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA16_USCALED_PACK16: root::gli::format = 93; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA16_SSCALED_PACK16: root::gli::format = 94; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA16_UINT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 95; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA16_SINT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 96; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA16_SFLOAT_PACK16: root::gli::format = 97; pub const format_FORMAT_R32_UINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 98; pub const format_FORMAT_R32_SINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 99; pub const format_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 100; pub const format_FORMAT_RG32_UINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 101; pub const format_FORMAT_RG32_SINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 102; pub const format_FORMAT_RG32_SFLOAT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 103; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB32_UINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 104; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB32_SINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 105; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB32_SFLOAT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 106; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA32_UINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 107; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA32_SINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 108; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA32_SFLOAT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 109; pub const format_FORMAT_R64_UINT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 110; pub const format_FORMAT_R64_SINT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 111; pub const format_FORMAT_R64_SFLOAT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 112; pub const format_FORMAT_RG64_UINT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 113; pub const format_FORMAT_RG64_SINT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 114; pub const format_FORMAT_RG64_SFLOAT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 115; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB64_UINT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 116; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB64_SINT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 117; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB64_SFLOAT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 118; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA64_UINT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 119; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA64_SINT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 120; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA64_SFLOAT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 121; pub const format_FORMAT_RG11B10_UFLOAT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 122; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB9E5_UFLOAT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 123; pub const format_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 124; pub const format_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_PACK32: root::gli::format = 125; pub const format_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 126; pub const format_FORMAT_S8_UINT_PACK8: root::gli::format = 127; pub const format_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 128; pub const format_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT_PACK32: root::gli::format = 129; pub const format_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT_PACK64: root::gli::format = 130; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_DXT1_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 131; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_DXT1_SRGB_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 132; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT1_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 133; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT1_SRGB_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 134; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT3_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 135; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT3_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 136; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT5_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 137; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT5_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 138; pub const format_FORMAT_R_ATI1N_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 139; pub const format_FORMAT_R_ATI1N_SNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 140; pub const format_FORMAT_RG_ATI2N_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 141; pub const format_FORMAT_RG_ATI2N_SNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 142; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_BP_UFLOAT_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 143; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_BP_SFLOAT_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 144; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_BP_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 145; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_BP_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 146; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_ETC2_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 147; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_ETC2_SRGB_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 148; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ETC2_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 149; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ETC2_SRGB_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 150; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ETC2_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 151; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ETC2_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 152; pub const format_FORMAT_R_EAC_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 153; pub const format_FORMAT_R_EAC_SNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 154; pub const format_FORMAT_RG_EAC_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 155; pub const format_FORMAT_RG_EAC_SNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 156; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_4X4_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 157; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_4X4_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 158; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_5X4_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 159; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_5X4_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 160; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_5X5_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 161; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_5X5_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 162; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_6X5_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 163; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_6X5_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 164; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_6X6_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 165; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_6X6_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 166; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_8X5_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 167; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_8X5_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 168; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_8X6_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 169; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_8X6_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 170; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_8X8_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 171; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_8X8_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 172; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_10X5_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 173; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_10X5_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 174; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_10X6_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 175; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_10X6_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 176; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_10X8_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 177; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_10X8_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 178; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_10X10_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 179; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_10X10_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 180; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_12X10_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 181; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_12X10_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 182; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_12X12_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 183; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ASTC_12X12_SRGB_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 184; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_PVRTC1_8X8_UNORM_BLOCK32: root::gli::format = 185; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_PVRTC1_8X8_SRGB_BLOCK32: root::gli::format = 186; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_PVRTC1_16X8_UNORM_BLOCK32: root::gli::format = 187; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_PVRTC1_16X8_SRGB_BLOCK32: root::gli::format = 188; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC1_8X8_UNORM_BLOCK32: root::gli::format = 189; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC1_8X8_SRGB_BLOCK32: root::gli::format = 190; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC1_16X8_UNORM_BLOCK32: root::gli::format = 191; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC1_16X8_SRGB_BLOCK32: root::gli::format = 192; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC2_4X4_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 193; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC2_4X4_SRGB_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 194; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC2_8X4_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 195; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC2_8X4_SRGB_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 196; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_ETC_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 197; pub const format_FORMAT_RGB_ATC_UNORM_BLOCK8: root::gli::format = 198; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ATCA_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 199; pub const format_FORMAT_RGBA_ATCI_UNORM_BLOCK16: root::gli::format = 200; pub const format_FORMAT_L8_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 201; pub const format_FORMAT_A8_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 202; pub const format_FORMAT_LA8_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 203; pub const format_FORMAT_L16_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 204; pub const format_FORMAT_A16_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 205; pub const format_FORMAT_LA16_UNORM_PACK16: root::gli::format = 206; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR8_UNORM_PACK32: root::gli::format = 207; pub const format_FORMAT_BGR8_SRGB_PACK32: root::gli::format = 208; pub const format_FORMAT_RG3B2_UNORM_PACK8: root::gli::format = 209; pub const format_FORMAT_LAST: root::gli::format = 209; #[doc = " Texture data format"] pub type format = u32; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_RED: root::gli::swizzle = 0; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_FIRST: root::gli::swizzle = 0; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_CHANNEL_FIRST: root::gli::swizzle = 0; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_GREEN: root::gli::swizzle = 1; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_BLUE: root::gli::swizzle = 2; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_ALPHA: root::gli::swizzle = 3; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_CHANNEL_LAST: root::gli::swizzle = 3; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_ZERO: root::gli::swizzle = 4; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_ONE: root::gli::swizzle = 5; pub const swizzle_SWIZZLE_LAST: root::gli::swizzle = 5; #[doc = " Represent the source of a channel"] pub type swizzle = u32; #[repr(transparent)] pub struct swizzles(pub [u32; 4usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for swizzles { type Target = [u32; 4usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for swizzles { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether a format is compressed"] pub fn is_compressed(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether a format is compressed with an S3TC algorithm."] pub fn is_s3tc_compressed(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether a format stores sRGB color space values"] pub fn is_srgb(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether a format is unsigned"] pub fn is_unsigned(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether a format is signed"] pub fn is_signed(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format is an integer format"] pub fn is_integer(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format is a signed integer format"] pub fn is_signed_integer(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format is an unsigned integer format"] pub fn is_unsigned_integer(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format is an float format"] pub fn is_float(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format is normalized"] pub fn is_normalized(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format is an unsigned normalized format"] pub fn is_unorm(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format is a signed normalized format"] pub fn is_snorm(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format is packed"] pub fn is_packed(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format is a depth format"] pub fn is_depth(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format has a stencil component"] pub fn is_stencil(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether the format has depth and stencil components"] pub fn is_depth_stencil(Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } pub mod detail { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct interpolate { pub _address: u8, } pub type interpolate_type = f32; pub type filterBase_size_type = [u8; 0usize]; pub type filterBase_extent_type = [u8; 0usize]; pub type filterBase_filterFunc< texture_type, interpolate_type, normalized_type, fetch_type, texel_type, > = ::std::option::Option< unsafe extern "C" fn( Texture: *const texture_type, Fetch: fetch_type, SampleCoordWrap: *const normalized_type, Layer: root::gli::detail::filterBase_size_type, Face: root::gli::detail::filterBase_size_type, Level: interpolate_type, BorderColor: *const texel_type, ) -> texel_type, >; pub type convert_fetchFunc = ::std::option::Option< unsafe extern "C" fn( Texture: *const textureType, TexelCoord: *const [u8; 0usize], Layer: [u8; 0usize], Face: [u8; 0usize], Level: [u8; 0usize], ) -> u8, >; pub type convert_writeFunc = ::std::option::Option< unsafe extern "C" fn( Texture: *mut textureType, TexelCoord: *const [u8; 0usize], Layer: [u8; 0usize], Face: [u8; 0usize], Level: [u8; 0usize], Texel: *mut u8, ), >; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct convert_func { pub Fetch: root::gli::detail::convert_fetchFunc, pub Write: root::gli::detail::convert_writeFunc, pub _phantom_0: ::std::marker::PhantomData<::std::cell::UnsafeCell>, } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct storage_linear { pub Layers: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, pub Faces: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, pub Levels: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, pub BlockSize: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, pub BlockCount: root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, pub BlockExtent: root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, pub Extent: root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, pub Data: [u64; 3usize], } pub type storage_linear_extent_type = root::gli::extent3d; pub type storage_linear_size_type = usize; pub use self::super::super::root::gli::format as storage_linear_format_type; pub type storage_linear_data_type = root::gli::byte; extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}empty"] pub fn storage_linear_empty(this: *const root::gli::storage_linear) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}size"] pub fn storage_linear_size( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}layers"] pub fn storage_linear_layers( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}levels"] pub fn storage_linear_levels( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}faces"] pub fn storage_linear_faces( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}block_size"] pub fn storage_linear_block_size( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}block_extent"] pub fn storage_linear_block_extent( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}block_count"] pub fn storage_linear_block_count( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, Level: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn storage_linear_extent( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, Level: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}data"] pub fn storage_linear_data( this: *mut root::gli::storage_linear, ) -> *mut root::gli::storage_linear_data_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}data"] pub fn storage_linear_data1( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, ) -> *const root::gli::storage_linear_data_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Compute the relative memory offset to access the data for a specific layer, face and level"] #[link_name = "\u{1}base_offset"] pub fn storage_linear_base_offset( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, Layer: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, Face: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, Level: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}image_offset"] pub fn storage_linear_image_offset( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, Coord: *const root::gli::extent1d, Extent: *const root::gli::extent1d, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}image_offset"] pub fn storage_linear_image_offset1( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, Coord: *const root::gli::extent2d, Extent: *const root::gli::extent2d, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}image_offset"] pub fn storage_linear_image_offset2( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, Coord: *const root::gli::extent3d, Extent: *const root::gli::extent3d, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Copy a subset of a specific image of a texture"] #[link_name = "\u{1}copy"] pub fn storage_linear_copy( this: *mut root::gli::storage_linear, StorageSrc: *const root::gli::storage_linear, LayerSrc: usize, FaceSrc: usize, LevelSrc: usize, BlockIndexSrc: *const root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, LayerDst: usize, FaceDst: usize, LevelDst: usize, BlockIndexDst: *const root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, BlockCount: *const root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, ); } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}level_size"] pub fn storage_linear_level_size( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, Level: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}face_size"] pub fn storage_linear_face_size( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, BaseLevel: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}layer_size"] pub fn storage_linear_layer_size( this: *const root::gli::storage_linear, BaseFace: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}storage_linear"] pub fn storage_linear_storage_linear(this: *mut root::gli::storage_linear); } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}storage_linear"] pub fn storage_linear_storage_linear1( this: *mut root::gli::storage_linear, Format: root::gli::storage_linear_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, Faces: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, Levels: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ); } impl storage_linear { #[inline] pub unsafe fn empty(&self) -> bool { storage_linear_empty(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn size(&self) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_size(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn layers(&self) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_layers(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn levels(&self) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_levels(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn faces(&self) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_faces(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn block_size(&self) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_block_size(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn block_extent(&self) -> root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type { storage_linear_block_extent(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn block_count( &self, Level: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type { storage_linear_block_count(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent( &self, Level: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type { storage_linear_extent(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn data(&mut self) -> *mut root::gli::storage_linear_data_type { storage_linear_data(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn data1(&self) -> *const root::gli::storage_linear_data_type { storage_linear_data1(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn base_offset( &self, Layer: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, Face: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, Level: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_base_offset(self, Layer, Face, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn image_offset( &self, Coord: *const root::gli::extent1d, Extent: *const root::gli::extent1d, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_image_offset(self, Coord, Extent) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn image_offset1( &self, Coord: *const root::gli::extent2d, Extent: *const root::gli::extent2d, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_image_offset1(self, Coord, Extent) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn image_offset2( &self, Coord: *const root::gli::extent3d, Extent: *const root::gli::extent3d, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_image_offset2(self, Coord, Extent) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn copy( &mut self, StorageSrc: *const root::gli::storage_linear, LayerSrc: usize, FaceSrc: usize, LevelSrc: usize, BlockIndexSrc: *const root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, LayerDst: usize, FaceDst: usize, LevelDst: usize, BlockIndexDst: *const root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, BlockCount: *const root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, ) { storage_linear_copy( self, StorageSrc, LayerSrc, FaceSrc, LevelSrc, BlockIndexSrc, LayerDst, FaceDst, LevelDst, BlockIndexDst, BlockCount, ) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn level_size( &self, Level: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_level_size(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn face_size( &self, BaseLevel: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_face_size(self, BaseLevel, MaxLevel) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn layer_size( &self, BaseFace: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> root::gli::storage_linear_size_type { storage_linear_layer_size(self, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); storage_linear_storage_linear(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Format: root::gli::storage_linear_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, Faces: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, Levels: root::gli::storage_linear_size_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); storage_linear_storage_linear1( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Layers, Faces, Levels, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " Genetic texture class. It can support any target."] #[repr(C)] pub struct texture { pub Storage: [u64; 2usize], pub is_print_shared_storage_count: bool, pub Target: root::gli::texture_target_type, pub Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, pub BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, pub MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, pub BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, pub MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, pub BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, pub MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, pub Swizzles: root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, pub Cache: root::gli::texture_cache, } pub type texture_size_type = usize; pub use self::super::super::root::gli::format as texture_format_type; pub use self::super::super::root::gli::target as texture_target_type; pub type texture_swizzles_type = root::gli::swizzles; pub type texture_storage_type = root::gli::storage_linear; pub type texture_data_type = root::gli::storage_linear_data_type; pub type texture_extent_type = root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type; #[repr(C)] pub struct texture_cache { pub Faces: root::gli::texture_size_type, pub Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, pub BaseAddresses: [u64; 3usize], pub ImageExtent: [u32; 48usize], pub ImageMemorySize: [u64; 16usize], pub GlobalMemorySize: root::gli::texture_size_type, } pub const texture_cache_ctor_DEFAULT: root::gli::texture_cache_ctor = 0; pub type texture_cache_ctor = u32; impl Default for texture_cache { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return whether the texture instance is empty, no storage_type or description have been assigned to the instance."] #[link_name = "\u{1}empty"] pub fn texture_empty(this: *const root::gli::texture) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the texture instance format"] #[link_name = "\u{1}format"] pub fn texture_format( this: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_format_type; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}swizzles"] pub fn texture_swizzles( this: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_swizzles_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the base layer of the texture instance, effectively a memory offset in the actual texture storage_type to identify where to start reading the layers."] #[link_name = "\u{1}base_layer"] pub fn texture_base_layer( this: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the max layer of the texture instance, effectively a memory offset to the beginning of the last layer in the actual texture storage_type that the texture instance can access."] #[link_name = "\u{1}max_layer"] pub fn texture_max_layer( this: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return max_layer() - base_layer() + 1"] #[link_name = "\u{1}layers"] pub fn texture_layers(this: *const root::gli::texture) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the base face of the texture instance, effectively a memory offset in the actual texture storage_type to identify where to start reading the faces."] #[link_name = "\u{1}base_face"] pub fn texture_base_face( this: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the max face of the texture instance, effectively a memory offset to the beginning of the last face in the actual texture storage_type that the texture instance can access."] #[link_name = "\u{1}max_face"] pub fn texture_max_face( this: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return max_face() - base_face() + 1"] #[link_name = "\u{1}faces"] pub fn texture_faces(this: *const root::gli::texture) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the base level of the texture instance, effectively a memory offset in the actual texture storage_type to identify where to start reading the levels."] #[link_name = "\u{1}base_level"] pub fn texture_base_level( this: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the max level of the texture instance, effectively a memory offset to the beginning of the last level in the actual texture storage_type that the texture instance can access."] #[link_name = "\u{1}max_level"] pub fn texture_max_level( this: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return max_level() - base_level() + 1."] #[link_name = "\u{1}levels"] pub fn texture_levels(this: *const root::gli::texture) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the size of a texture instance: width, height and depth."] #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn texture_extent( this: *const root::gli::texture, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the memory size of a texture instance storage_type in bytes."] #[link_name = "\u{1}size"] pub fn texture_size(this: *const root::gli::texture) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the memory size of a specific level identified by Level."] #[link_name = "\u{1}size"] pub fn texture_size1( this: *const root::gli::texture, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return a pointer to the beginning of the texture instance data."] #[link_name = "\u{1}data"] pub fn texture_data(this: *mut root::gli::texture) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return a pointer to the beginning of the texture instance data."] #[link_name = "\u{1}data"] pub fn texture_data1(this: *const root::gli::texture) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return a pointer to the beginning of the texture instance data."] #[link_name = "\u{1}data"] pub fn texture_data2( this: *mut root::gli::texture, Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return a pointer to the beginning of the texture instance data."] #[link_name = "\u{1}data"] pub fn texture_data3( this: *const root::gli::texture, Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Clear the entire texture storage_linear with zeros"] #[link_name = "\u{1}clear"] pub fn texture_clear(this: *mut root::gli::texture); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Copy a specific image of a texture"] #[link_name = "\u{1}copy"] pub fn texture_copy( this: *mut root::gli::texture, TextureSrc: *const root::gli::texture, LayerSrc: usize, FaceSrc: usize, LevelSrc: usize, LayerDst: usize, FaceDst: usize, LevelDst: usize, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Copy a subset of a specific image of a texture"] #[link_name = "\u{1}copy"] pub fn texture_copy1( this: *mut root::gli::texture, TextureSrc: *const root::gli::texture, LayerSrc: usize, FaceSrc: usize, LevelSrc: usize, OffsetSrc: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, LayerDst: usize, FaceDst: usize, LevelDst: usize, OffsetDst: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an empty texture instance"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture"] pub fn texture_texture(this: *mut root::gli::texture); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture object and allocate a texture storage for it"] #[doc = " @param Target Type/Shape of the texture storage_linear"] #[doc = " @param Format Texel format"] #[doc = " @param Extent Size of the texture: width, height and depth."] #[doc = " @param Layers Number of one-dimensional or two-dimensional images of identical size and format"] #[doc = " @param Faces 6 for cube map textures otherwise 1."] #[doc = " @param Levels Number of images in the texture mipmap chain."] #[doc = " @param Swizzles A mechanism to swizzle the components of a texture before they are applied according to the texture environment."] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture"] pub fn texture_texture1( this: *mut root::gli::texture, Target: root::gli::texture_target_type, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Faces: root::gli::texture_size_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture object by sharing an existing texture storage_type from another texture instance."] #[doc = " This texture object is effectively a texture view where the layer, the face and the level allows identifying"] #[doc = " a specific subset of the texture storage_linear source."] #[doc = " This texture object is effectively a texture view where the target and format can be reinterpreted"] #[doc = " with a different compatible texture target and texture format."] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture"] pub fn texture_texture2( this: *mut root::gli::texture, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Target: root::gli::texture_target_type, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture object by sharing an existing texture storage_type from another texture instance."] #[doc = " This texture object is effectively a texture view where the target and format can be reinterpreted"] #[doc = " with a different compatible texture target and texture format."] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture"] pub fn texture_texture3( this: *mut root::gli::texture, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Target: root::gli::texture_target_type, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } impl Default for texture { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl texture { #[inline] pub unsafe fn empty(&self) -> bool { texture_empty(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn format(&self) -> root::gli::texture_format_type { texture_format(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn swizzles(&self) -> root::gli::texture_swizzles_type { texture_swizzles(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn base_layer(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_base_layer(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn max_layer(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_max_layer(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn layers(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_layers(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn base_face(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_base_face(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn max_face(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_max_face(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn faces(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_faces(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn base_level(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_base_level(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn max_level(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_max_level(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn levels(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_levels(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent( &self, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_extent_type { texture_extent(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn size(&self) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_size(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn size1( &self, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type { texture_size1(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn data(&mut self) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void { texture_data(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn data1(&self) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void { texture_data1(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn data2( &mut self, Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void { texture_data2(self, Layer, Face, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn data3( &self, Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void { texture_data3(self, Layer, Face, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn clear(&mut self) { texture_clear(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn copy( &mut self, TextureSrc: *const root::gli::texture, LayerSrc: usize, FaceSrc: usize, LevelSrc: usize, LayerDst: usize, FaceDst: usize, LevelDst: usize, ) { texture_copy( self, TextureSrc, LayerSrc, FaceSrc, LevelSrc, LayerDst, FaceDst, LevelDst, ) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn copy1( &mut self, TextureSrc: *const root::gli::texture, LayerSrc: usize, FaceSrc: usize, LevelSrc: usize, OffsetSrc: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, LayerDst: usize, FaceDst: usize, LevelDst: usize, OffsetDst: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, ) { texture_copy1( self, TextureSrc, LayerSrc, FaceSrc, LevelSrc, OffsetSrc, LayerDst, FaceDst, LevelDst, OffsetDst, Extent, ) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_texture(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Target: root::gli::texture_target_type, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Faces: root::gli::texture_size_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_texture1( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Target, Format, Extent, Layers, Faces, Levels, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new2( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Target: root::gli::texture_target_type, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_texture2( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Target, Format, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new3( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Target: root::gli::texture_target_type, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_texture3( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Target, Format, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " Image, representation for a single texture level"] #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct image { pub is_print_shared_storage_count: bool, pub Storage: [u64; 2usize], pub Format: root::gli::image_format_type, pub BaseLevel: root::gli::image_size_type, pub Data: *mut root::gli::image_data_type, pub Size: root::gli::image_size_type, } pub type image_size_type = usize; pub use self::super::super::root::gli::format as image_format_type; pub type image_extent_type = root::gli::storage_linear_extent_type; pub type image_data_type = root::gli::storage_linear_data_type; extern "C" { #[doc = " Return whether the image instance is empty, no storage_linear or description have been assigned to the instance."] #[link_name = "\u{1}empty"] pub fn image_empty(this: *const root::gli::image) -> bool; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the image instance format."] #[link_name = "\u{1}format"] pub fn image_format(this: *const root::gli::image) -> root::gli::image_format_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the dimensions of an image instance: width, height and depth."] #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn image_extent(this: *const root::gli::image) -> root::gli::image_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the memory size of an image instance storage_linear in bytes."] #[link_name = "\u{1}size"] pub fn image_size(this: *const root::gli::image) -> root::gli::image_size_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return a pointer to the beginning of the image instance data."] #[link_name = "\u{1}data"] pub fn image_data(this: *mut root::gli::image) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Return a pointer to the beginning of the image instance data."] #[link_name = "\u{1}data"] pub fn image_data1(this: *const root::gli::image) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Clear the entire image storage_linear with zeros"] #[link_name = "\u{1}clear"] pub fn image_clear(this: *mut root::gli::image); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an empty image instance"] #[link_name = "\u{1}image"] pub fn image_image(this: *mut root::gli::image); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an image object and allocate an image storoge for it."] #[link_name = "\u{1}image"] pub fn image_image1( this: *mut root::gli::image, Format: root::gli::image_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::image_extent_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an image object by sharing an existing image storage_linear from another image instance."] #[doc = " This image object is effectively an image view where format can be reinterpreted"] #[doc = " with a different compatible image format."] #[doc = " For formats to be compatible, the block size of source and destination must match."] #[link_name = "\u{1}image"] pub fn image_image2( this: *mut root::gli::image, Image: *const root::gli::image, Format: root::gli::image_format_type, ); } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}image"] pub fn image_image3( this: *mut root::gli::image, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::image_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::image_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::image_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::image_size_type, ); } impl Default for image { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl image { #[inline] pub unsafe fn empty(&self) -> bool { image_empty(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn format(&self) -> root::gli::image_format_type { image_format(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent(&self) -> root::gli::image_extent_type { image_extent(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn size(&self) -> root::gli::image_size_type { image_size(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn data(&mut self) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void { image_data(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn data1(&self) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void { image_data1(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn clear(&mut self) { image_clear(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); image_image(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Format: root::gli::image_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::image_extent_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); image_image1(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new2( Image: *const root::gli::image, Format: root::gli::image_format_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); image_image2(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Image, Format); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new3( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::image_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::image_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::image_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::image_size_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); image_image3( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Format, BaseLayer, BaseFace, BaseLevel, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " 1d texture"] #[repr(C)] pub struct texture1d { pub _base: root::gli::texture, } pub type texture1d_extent_type = root::gli::extent1d; extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the width of a texture instance"] #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn texture1d_extent( this: *const root::gli::texture1d, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an empty texture 1D"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d"] pub fn texture1d_texture1d(this: *mut root::gli::texture1d); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture1d and allocate a new storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d"] pub fn texture1d_texture1d1( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture1d_extent_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture1d and allocate a new storage_linear with a complete mipmap chain"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d"] pub fn texture1d_texture1d2( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture1d_extent_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture1d view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d"] pub fn texture1d_texture1d3( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture1d view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d"] pub fn texture1d_texture1d4( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture1d view, reference a subset of an existing texture1d instance"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d"] pub fn texture1d_texture1d5( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d, Texture: *const root::gli::texture1d, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ); } impl Default for texture1d { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl texture1d { #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent( &self, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_extent_type { texture1d_extent(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_texture1d(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture1d_extent_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_texture1d1(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Levels, Swizzles); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new2( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture1d_extent_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_texture1d2(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Swizzles); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new3(Texture: *const root::gli::texture) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_texture1d3(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new4( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_texture1d4( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Format, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new5( Texture: *const root::gli::texture1d, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_texture1d5(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, BaseLevel, MaxLevel); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " 1d array texture"] #[repr(C)] pub struct texture1d_array { pub _base: root::gli::texture, } pub type texture1d_array_extent_type = root::gli::extent1d; extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the width of a texture instance"] #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn texture1d_array_extent( this: *const root::gli::texture1d_array, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an empty texture 1D array"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d_array"] pub fn texture1d_array_texture1d_array(this: *mut root::gli::texture1d_array); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture1d_array and allocate a new storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d_array"] pub fn texture1d_array_texture1d_array1( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d_array, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture1d_array and allocate a new storage_linear with a complete mipmap chain"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d_array"] pub fn texture1d_array_texture1d_array2( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d_array, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture1d_array view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d_array"] pub fn texture1d_array_texture1d_array3( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d_array, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture1d_array view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d_array"] pub fn texture1d_array_texture1d_array4( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d_array, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture view, reference a subset of an exiting storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture1d_array"] pub fn texture1d_array_texture1d_array5( this: *mut root::gli::texture1d_array, Texture: *const root::gli::texture1d_array, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ); } impl Default for texture1d_array { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl texture1d_array { #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent( &self, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type { texture1d_array_extent(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_array_texture1d_array(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_array_texture1d_array1( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Layers, Levels, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new2( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_array_texture1d_array2( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Layers, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new3(Texture: *const root::gli::texture) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_array_texture1d_array3(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new4( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_array_texture1d_array4( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Format, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new5( Texture: *const root::gli::texture1d_array, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture1d_array_texture1d_array5( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " 2d texture"] #[repr(C)] pub struct texture2d { pub _base: root::gli::texture, } pub type texture2d_extent_type = root::gli::extent2d; extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the dimensions of a texture instance: width and height."] #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn texture2d_extent( this: *const root::gli::texture2d, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an empty texture 2D."] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d"] pub fn texture2d_texture2d(this: *mut root::gli::texture2d); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture2d and allocate a new storage_linear."] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d"] pub fn texture2d_texture2d1( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture2d_extent_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture2d and allocate a new storage_linear with a complete mipmap chain."] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d"] pub fn texture2d_texture2d2( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture2d_extent_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture2d view with an existing storage_linear."] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d"] pub fn texture2d_texture2d3( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture2d view with an existing storage_linear."] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d"] pub fn texture2d_texture2d4( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture2d view, reference a subset of an existing texture2d instance."] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d"] pub fn texture2d_texture2d5( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d, Texture: *const root::gli::texture2d, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ); } impl Default for texture2d { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl texture2d { #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent( &self, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_extent_type { texture2d_extent(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_texture2d(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture2d_extent_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_texture2d1(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Levels, Swizzles); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new2( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture2d_extent_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_texture2d2(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Swizzles); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new3(Texture: *const root::gli::texture) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_texture2d3(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new4( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_texture2d4( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Format, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new5( Texture: *const root::gli::texture2d, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_texture2d5(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, BaseLevel, MaxLevel); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " 2d array texture"] #[repr(C)] pub struct texture2d_array { pub _base: root::gli::texture, } pub type texture2d_array_extent_type = root::gli::extent2d; extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the dimensions of a texture instance: width and height"] #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn texture2d_array_extent( this: *const root::gli::texture2d_array, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an empty texture 2D array"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d_array"] pub fn texture2d_array_texture2d_array(this: *mut root::gli::texture2d_array); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture2d_array and allocate a new storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d_array"] pub fn texture2d_array_texture2d_array1( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d_array, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture2d_array and allocate a new storage_linear with a complete mipmap chain"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d_array"] pub fn texture2d_array_texture2d_array2( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d_array, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture2d_array view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d_array"] pub fn texture2d_array_texture2d_array3( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d_array, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture2d_array view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d_array"] pub fn texture2d_array_texture2d_array4( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d_array, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture view, reference a subset of an exiting texture2d_array instance"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture2d_array"] pub fn texture2d_array_texture2d_array5( this: *mut root::gli::texture2d_array, Texture: *const root::gli::texture2d_array, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ); } impl Default for texture2d_array { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl texture2d_array { #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent( &self, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type { texture2d_array_extent(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_array_texture2d_array(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_array_texture2d_array1( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Layers, Levels, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new2( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_array_texture2d_array2( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Layers, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new3(Texture: *const root::gli::texture) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_array_texture2d_array3(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new4( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_array_texture2d_array4( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Format, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new5( Texture: *const root::gli::texture2d_array, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture2d_array_texture2d_array5( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " 3d texture"] #[repr(C)] pub struct texture3d { pub _base: root::gli::texture, } pub type texture3d_extent_type = root::gli::extent3d; extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the dimensions of a texture instance: width, height and depth"] #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn texture3d_extent( this: *const root::gli::texture3d, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture3d_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an empty texture 3D"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture3d"] pub fn texture3d_texture3d(this: *mut root::gli::texture3d); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture3d and allocate a new storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture3d"] pub fn texture3d_texture3d1( this: *mut root::gli::texture3d, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture3d_extent_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture3d and allocate a new storage_linear with a complete mipmap chain"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture3d"] pub fn texture3d_texture3d2( this: *mut root::gli::texture3d, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture3d_extent_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture3d view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture3d"] pub fn texture3d_texture3d3( this: *mut root::gli::texture3d, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture3d view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture3d"] pub fn texture3d_texture3d4( this: *mut root::gli::texture3d, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture3d view, reference a subset of an existing texture3d instance"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture3d"] pub fn texture3d_texture3d5( this: *mut root::gli::texture3d, Texture: *const root::gli::texture3d, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ); } impl Default for texture3d { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl texture3d { #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent( &self, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture3d_extent_type { texture3d_extent(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture3d_texture3d(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture3d_extent_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture3d_texture3d1(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Levels, Swizzles); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new2( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture3d_extent_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture3d_texture3d2(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Swizzles); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new3(Texture: *const root::gli::texture) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture3d_texture3d3(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new4( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture3d_texture3d4( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Format, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new5( Texture: *const root::gli::texture3d, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture3d_texture3d5(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, BaseLevel, MaxLevel); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " Cube map texture"] #[repr(C)] pub struct texture_cube { pub _base: root::gli::texture, } pub type texture_cube_extent_type = root::gli::extent2d; extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the dimensions of a texture instance: width and height where both should be equal."] #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn texture_cube_extent( this: *const root::gli::texture_cube, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an empty texture cube"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube"] pub fn texture_cube_texture_cube(this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture_cube and allocate a new storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube"] pub fn texture_cube_texture_cube1( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture_cube and allocate a new storage_linear with a complete mipmap chain"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube"] pub fn texture_cube_texture_cube2( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture_cube view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube"] pub fn texture_cube_texture_cube3( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture_cube view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube"] pub fn texture_cube_texture_cube4( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture_cube view, reference a subset of an existing texture_cube instance"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube"] pub fn texture_cube_texture_cube5( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube, Texture: *const root::gli::texture_cube, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ); } impl Default for texture_cube { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl texture_cube { #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent( &self, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type { texture_cube_extent(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_texture_cube(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_texture_cube1( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Levels, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new2( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_texture_cube2(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Swizzles); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new3(Texture: *const root::gli::texture) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_texture_cube3(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new4( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_texture_cube4( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Format, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new5( Texture: *const root::gli::texture_cube, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_texture_cube5( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " Cube map array texture"] #[repr(C)] pub struct texture_cube_array { pub _base: root::gli::texture, } pub type texture_cube_array_extent_type = root::gli::extent2d; extern "C" { #[doc = " Return the dimensions of a texture instance: width and height where both should be equal."] #[link_name = "\u{1}extent"] pub fn texture_cube_array_extent( this: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create an empty texture cube array"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube_array"] pub fn texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array(this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube_array); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture_cube_array and allocate a new storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube_array"] pub fn texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array1( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube_array, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture_cube_array and allocate a new storage_linear with a complete mipmap chain"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube_array"] pub fn texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array2( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube_array, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture_cube_array view with an existing storage_linear"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube_array"] pub fn texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array3( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube_array, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Reference a subset of an exiting storage_linear constructor"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube_array"] pub fn texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array4( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube_array, Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Create a texture view, reference a subset of an exiting texture_cube_array instance"] #[link_name = "\u{1}texture_cube_array"] pub fn texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array5( this: *mut root::gli::texture_cube_array, Texture: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ); } impl Default for texture_cube_array { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl texture_cube_array { #[inline] pub unsafe fn extent( &self, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type { texture_cube_array_extent(self, Level) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new1( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array1( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Layers, Levels, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new2( Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, Extent: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type, Layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array2( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Format, Extent, Layers, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new3(Texture: *const root::gli::texture) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array3(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new4( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Format: root::gli::texture_format_type, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Swizzles: *const root::gli::texture_swizzles_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array4( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, Format, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, Swizzles, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new5( Texture: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); texture_cube_array_texture_cube_array5( __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Texture, BaseLayer, MaxLayer, BaseFace, MaxFace, BaseLevel, MaxLevel, ); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " Translation class to convert GLI enums into OpenGL values"] #[repr(C)] pub struct gl { pub FormatDesc: [u32; 836usize], pub Profile: root::gli::gl_profile, } pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 6407; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_BGR_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32992; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 6408; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_BGRA_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32993; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_BGRA8_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37793; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R8_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33321; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG8_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33323; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB8_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32849; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA8_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32856; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R16_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33322; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG16_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33324; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB16_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32852; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA16_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32859; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB10A2_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32857; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB10A2_SNORM_EXT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 65532; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R8_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36756; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG8_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36757; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB8_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36758; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA8_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36759; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R16_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36760; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG16_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36761; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB16_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36762; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA16_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36763; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R8U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33330; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG8U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33336; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB8U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36221; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA8U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36220; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R16U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33332; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG16U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33338; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB16U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36215; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA16U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36214; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R32U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33334; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG32U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33340; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB32U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36209; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA32U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36208; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB10A2U: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36975; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB10A2I_EXT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 65531; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R8I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33329; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG8I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33335; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB8I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36239; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA8I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36238; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R16I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33331; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG16I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33337; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB16I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36233; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA16I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36232; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R32I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33333; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG32I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33339; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB32I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36227; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA32I: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36226; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R16F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33325; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG16F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33327; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB16F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 34843; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA16F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 34842; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R32F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33326; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG32F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33328; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB32F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 34837; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA32F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 34836; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R64F_EXT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 65530; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG64F_EXT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 65529; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB64F_EXT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 65528; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA64F_EXT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 65527; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SR8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36797; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRG8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36798; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35905; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35907; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB9E5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35901; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG11B10F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35898; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG3B2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 10768; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R5G6B5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36194; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB5A1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32855; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA4: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32854; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG4_EXT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 65534; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_LA4: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32835; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_L8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32832; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_A8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32828; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_LA8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32837; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_L16: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32834; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_A16: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32830; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_LA16: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32840; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_D16: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33189; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_D24: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33190; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_D16S8_EXT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 65526; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_D24S8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35056; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_D32: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33191; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_D32F: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36012; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_D32FS8X24: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36013; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_S8_EXT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36168; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB_DXT1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33776; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_DXT1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33777; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_DXT3: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33778; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_DXT5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 33779; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R_ATI1N_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36283; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R_ATI1N_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36284; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG_ATI2N_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36285; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG_ATI2N_SNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36286; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB_BP_UNSIGNED_FLOAT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36495; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB_BP_SIGNED_FLOAT: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36494; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB_BP_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36492; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35840; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35841; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35842; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35843; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37175; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37176; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_ATC_RGB: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35986; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35987; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 34798; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB_ETC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36196; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB_ETC2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37492; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_PUNCHTHROUGH_ETC2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37494; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ETC2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37496; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R11_EAC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37488; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SIGNED_R11_EAC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37489; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG11_EAC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37490; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SIGNED_RG11_EAC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37491; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_4x4: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37808; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_5x4: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37809; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_5x5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37810; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_6x5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37811; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_6x6: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37812; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_8x5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37813; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_8x6: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37814; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_8x8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37815; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_10x5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37816; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_10x6: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37817; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_10x8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37818; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_10x10: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37819; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_12x10: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37820; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA_ASTC_12x12: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37821; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_DXT1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35916; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_ALPHA_DXT1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35917; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_ALPHA_DXT3: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35918; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_ALPHA_DXT5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35919; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_BP_UNORM: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 36493; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35412; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35413; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_ALPHA_PVRTC_2BPPV1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35414; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_ALPHA_PVRTC_4BPPV1: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 35415; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_ALPHA_PVRTC_2BPPV2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37872; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB_ALPHA_PVRTC_4BPPV2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37873; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ETC2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37493; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37495; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37497; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37840; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37841; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37842; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37843; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37844; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37845; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37846; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37847; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37848; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37849; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37850; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37851; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37852; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 37853; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_ALPHA8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32828; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_ALPHA16: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32830; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_LUMINANCE8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32832; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_LUMINANCE16: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32834; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32837; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 32840; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R8_USCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61440; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R8_SSCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61441; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG8_USCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61442; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG8_SSCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61443; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB8_USCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61444; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB8_SSCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61445; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA8_USCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61446; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA8_SSCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61447; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB10A2_USCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61448; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB10A2_SSCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61449; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R16_USCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61450; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_R16_SSCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61451; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG16_USCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61452; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RG16_SSCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61453; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB16_USCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61454; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGB16_SSCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61455; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA16_USCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61456; pub const gl_internal_format_INTERNAL_RGBA16_SSCALED_GTC: root::gli::gl_internal_format = 61457; pub type gl_internal_format = u32; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_NONE: root::gli::gl_external_format = 0; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_RED: root::gli::gl_external_format = 6403; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_RG: root::gli::gl_external_format = 33319; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_RGB: root::gli::gl_external_format = 6407; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_BGR: root::gli::gl_external_format = 32992; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_RGBA: root::gli::gl_external_format = 6408; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_BGRA: root::gli::gl_external_format = 32993; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_RED_INTEGER: root::gli::gl_external_format = 36244; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_RG_INTEGER: root::gli::gl_external_format = 33320; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_RGB_INTEGER: root::gli::gl_external_format = 36248; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_BGR_INTEGER: root::gli::gl_external_format = 36250; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_RGBA_INTEGER: root::gli::gl_external_format = 36249; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_BGRA_INTEGER: root::gli::gl_external_format = 36251; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_DEPTH: root::gli::gl_external_format = 6402; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_DEPTH_STENCIL: root::gli::gl_external_format = 34041; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_STENCIL: root::gli::gl_external_format = 6401; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_LUMINANCE: root::gli::gl_external_format = 6409; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_ALPHA: root::gli::gl_external_format = 6406; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: root::gli::gl_external_format = 6410; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_SRGB_EXT: root::gli::gl_external_format = 35904; pub const gl_external_format_EXTERNAL_SRGB_ALPHA_EXT: root::gli::gl_external_format = 35906; pub type gl_external_format = u32; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_NONE: root::gli::gl_type_format = 0; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_I8: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5120; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_U8: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5121; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_I16: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5122; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_U16: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5123; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_I32: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5124; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_U32: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5125; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_I64: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5134; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_U64: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5135; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_F16: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5131; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_F16_OES: root::gli::gl_type_format = 36193; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_F32: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5126; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_F64: root::gli::gl_type_format = 5130; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT32_RGB9_E5_REV: root::gli::gl_type_format = 35902; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT32_RG11B10F_REV: root::gli::gl_type_format = 35899; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT8_RG3B2: root::gli::gl_type_format = 32818; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT8_RG3B2_REV: root::gli::gl_type_format = 33634; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT16_RGB5A1: root::gli::gl_type_format = 32820; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT16_RGB5A1_REV: root::gli::gl_type_format = 33638; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT16_R5G6B5: root::gli::gl_type_format = 33635; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT16_R5G6B5_REV: root::gli::gl_type_format = 33636; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT16_RGBA4: root::gli::gl_type_format = 32819; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT16_RGBA4_REV: root::gli::gl_type_format = 33637; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT32_RGBA8: root::gli::gl_type_format = 32821; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT32_RGBA8_REV: root::gli::gl_type_format = 33639; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT32_RGB10A2: root::gli::gl_type_format = 32822; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT32_RGB10A2_REV: root::gli::gl_type_format = 33640; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT8_RG4_REV_GTC: root::gli::gl_type_format = 65533; pub const gl_type_format_TYPE_UINT16_A1RGB5_GTC: root::gli::gl_type_format = 65532; pub type gl_type_format = u32; pub const gl_target_TARGET_1D: root::gli::gl_target = 3552; pub const gl_target_TARGET_1D_ARRAY: root::gli::gl_target = 35864; pub const gl_target_TARGET_2D: root::gli::gl_target = 3553; pub const gl_target_TARGET_2D_ARRAY: root::gli::gl_target = 35866; pub const gl_target_TARGET_3D: root::gli::gl_target = 32879; pub const gl_target_TARGET_RECT: root::gli::gl_target = 34037; pub const gl_target_TARGET_RECT_ARRAY: root::gli::gl_target = 34037; pub const gl_target_TARGET_CUBE: root::gli::gl_target = 34067; pub const gl_target_TARGET_CUBE_ARRAY: root::gli::gl_target = 36873; pub type gl_target = u32; pub const gl_swizzle_SWIZZLE_RED: root::gli::gl_swizzle = 6403; pub const gl_swizzle_SWIZZLE_GREEN: root::gli::gl_swizzle = 6404; pub const gl_swizzle_SWIZZLE_BLUE: root::gli::gl_swizzle = 6405; pub const gl_swizzle_SWIZZLE_ALPHA: root::gli::gl_swizzle = 6406; pub const gl_swizzle_SWIZZLE_ZERO: root::gli::gl_swizzle = 0; pub const gl_swizzle_SWIZZLE_ONE: root::gli::gl_swizzle = 1; pub type gl_swizzle = u32; pub const gl_profile_PROFILE_ES20: root::gli::gl_profile = 0; pub const gl_profile_PROFILE_ES30: root::gli::gl_profile = 1; pub const gl_profile_PROFILE_GL32: root::gli::gl_profile = 2; pub const gl_profile_PROFILE_GL33: root::gli::gl_profile = 3; pub const gl_profile_PROFILE_KTX: root::gli::gl_profile = 4; pub type gl_profile = u32; pub type gl_swizzles = [u32; 4usize]; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct gl_format { pub Internal: root::gli::gl_internal_format, pub External: root::gli::gl_external_format, pub Type: root::gli::gl_type_format, pub Swizzles: root::gli::gl_swizzles, } impl Default for gl_format { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct gl_format_desc { pub Internal: root::gli::gl_internal_format, pub External: root::gli::gl_external_format, pub Type: root::gli::gl_type_format, pub Properties: ::std::os::raw::c_uint, } impl Default for gl_format_desc { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } extern "C" { #[doc = " Convert GLI targets into OpenGL texture targets"] #[link_name = "\u{1}translate"] pub fn gl_translate( this: *const root::gli::gl, Target: root::gli::target, ) -> *const root::gli::gl_target; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Convert GLI formats into OpenGL texture formats"] #[link_name = "\u{1}translate"] pub fn gl_translate1( this: *const root::gli::gl, Format: root::gli::format, Swizzle: *const root::gli::swizzles, ) -> root::gli::gl_format; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Convert an OpenGL format into a GLI format"] #[link_name = "\u{1}find"] pub fn gl_find( this: *mut root::gli::gl, InternalFormat: root::gli::gl_internal_format, ExternalFormat: root::gli::gl_external_format, Type: root::gli::gl_type_format, ) -> root::gli::format; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}gl"] pub fn gl_gl(this: *mut root::gli::gl, Profile: root::gli::gl_profile); } impl Default for gl { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl gl { #[inline] pub unsafe fn translate( &self, Target: root::gli::target, ) -> *const root::gli::gl_target { gl_translate(self, Target) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn translate1( &self, Format: root::gli::format, Swizzle: *const root::gli::swizzles, ) -> root::gli::gl_format { gl_translate1(self, Format, Swizzle) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn find( &mut self, InternalFormat: root::gli::gl_internal_format, ExternalFormat: root::gli::gl_external_format, Type: root::gli::gl_type_format, ) -> root::gli::format { gl_find(self, InternalFormat, ExternalFormat, Type) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new(Profile: root::gli::gl_profile) -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); gl_gl(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), Profile); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } #[doc = " Translation class to convert GLI enums into DirectX enums"] #[repr(C)] pub struct dx { pub Translation: [u32; 1463usize], } pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_UNKNOWN: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 0; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_R8G8B8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 20; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 21; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 22; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_R5G6B5: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 23; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 24; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 25; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 26; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_R3G3B2: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 27; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 28; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A8R3G3B2: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 29; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_X4R4G4B4: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 30; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A2B10G10R10: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 31; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A8B8G8R8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 32; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_X8B8G8R8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 33; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_G16R16: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 34; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 35; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 36; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A8P8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 40; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_P8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 41; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_L8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 50; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A8L8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 51; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A4L4: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 52; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_V8U8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 60; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_L6V5U5: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 61; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_X8L8V8U8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 62; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 63; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_V16U16: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 64; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A2W10V10U10: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 67; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_UYVY: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1498831189; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_R8G8_B8G8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1195525970; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_YUY2: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 844715353; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_G8R8_G8B8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1111970375; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_DXT1: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 827611204; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_DXT2: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 844388420; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_DXT3: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 861165636; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_DXT4: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 877942852; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_DXT5: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 894720068; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_ATI1: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 826889281; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_AT1N: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1311855681; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_ATI2: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 843666497; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_AT2N: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1311921217; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_BC4U: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1429488450; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_BC4S: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1395934018; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_BC5U: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1429553986; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_BC5S: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1395999554; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_ETC: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 541283397; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_ETC1: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 826496069; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_ATC: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 541283393; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_ATCA: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1094931521; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_ATCI: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 1229149249; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_POWERVR_2BPP: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 843273296; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_POWERVR_4BPP: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 876827728; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_D16_LOCKABLE: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 70; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_D32: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 71; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_D15S1: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 73; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_D24S8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 75; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_D24X8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 77; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_D24X4S4: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 79; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_D16: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 80; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_D32F_LOCKABLE: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 82; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_D24FS8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 83; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_L16: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 81; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_VERTEXDATA: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 100; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_INDEX16: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 101; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_INDEX32: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 102; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_Q16W16V16U16: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 110; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_MULTI2_ARGB8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 827606349; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_R16F: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 111; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_G16R16F: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 112; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 113; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_R32F: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 114; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_G32R32F: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 115; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 116; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_CxV8U8: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 117; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_DX10: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 808540228; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_GLI1: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 826887239; pub const dx_d3dfmt_D3DFMT_FORCE_DWORD: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt = 2147483647; pub type dx_d3dfmt = u32; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 0; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 1; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 2; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 3; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 4; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 5; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 6; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 7; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 8; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 9; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 10; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 11; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 12; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 13; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 14; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 15; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 16; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 17; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 18; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32G8X24_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 19; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 20; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 21; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_X32_TYPELESS_G8X24_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 22; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 23; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 24; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 25; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 26; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 27; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 28; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 29; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 30; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 31; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 32; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 33; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 34; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 35; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 36; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 37; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 38; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 39; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 40; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 41; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 42; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R32_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 43; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R24G8_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 44; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 45; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 46; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 47; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 48; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 49; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 50; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 51; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 52; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 53; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 54; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 55; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 56; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 57; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 58; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 59; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 60; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 61; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 62; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 63; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 64; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 65; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R1_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 66; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 67; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_B8G8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 68; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_G8R8_G8B8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 69; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 70; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 71; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 72; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 73; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 74; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 75; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 76; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 77; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 78; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 79; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 80; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 81; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 82; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 83; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 84; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 85; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 86; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 87; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 88; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 89; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 90; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 91; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 92; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 93; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 94; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 95; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 96; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 97; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 98; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 99; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_AYUV: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 100; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_Y410: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 101; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_Y416: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 102; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_NV12: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 103; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_P010: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 104; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_P016: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 105; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_420_OPAQUE: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 106; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 107; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_Y210: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 108; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_Y216: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 109; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_NV11: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 110; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_AI44: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 111; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_IA44: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 112; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_P8: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 113; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_A8P8: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 114; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 115; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_P208: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 130; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_V208: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 131; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_V408: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 132; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_4X4_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 133; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_4X4_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 134; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_4X4_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 135; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_5X4_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 137; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_5X4_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 138; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_5X4_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 139; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_5X5_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 141; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_5X5_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 142; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_5X5_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 143; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_6X5_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 145; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_6X5_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 146; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_6X5_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 147; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_6X6_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 149; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_6X6_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 150; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_6X6_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 151; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_8X5_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 153; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_8X5_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 154; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_8X5_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 155; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_8X6_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 157; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_8X6_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 158; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_8X6_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 159; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_8X8_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 161; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_8X8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 162; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_8X8_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 163; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X5_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 165; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X5_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 166; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X5_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 167; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X6_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 169; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X6_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 170; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X6_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 171; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X8_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 173; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X8_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 174; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X8_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 175; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X10_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 177; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X10_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 178; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_10X10_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 179; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_12X10_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 181; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_12X10_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 182; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_12X10_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 183; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_12X12_TYPELESS: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 185; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_12X12_UNORM: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 186; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_ASTC_12X12_UNORM_SRGB: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 187; pub const dx_dxgi_format_dds_DXGI_FORMAT_FORCE_UINT: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_dds = 4294967295; pub type dx_dxgi_format_dds = u32; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 1; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 2; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64_FLOAT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 3; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64G64_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 4; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64G64_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 5; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64G64_FLOAT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 6; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64G64B64_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 7; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 8; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64G64B64_FLOAT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 9; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 10; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 11; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_FLOAT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 12; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RG4_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 13; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA4_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 14; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 15; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R5G5B5A1_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 16; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_A1B5G5R5_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 17; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 18; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 19; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 20; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 21; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 22; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 23; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 24; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 25; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 26; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 27; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 28; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 29; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 30; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 31; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 32; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 33; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 34; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 35; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 36; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 37; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 38; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 39; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 40; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 41; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 42; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 43; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 44; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_PACK_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 45; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_PACK_SNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 46; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_PACK_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 47; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_PACK_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 48; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_PACK_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 49; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_PACK_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 50; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_PACK_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 51; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_SNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 52; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 53; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 54; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 55; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B10G10R10A2_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 56; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B10G10R10A2_SNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 57; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B10G10R10A2_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 58; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B10G10R10A2_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 59; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B10G10R10A2_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 60; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_B10G10R10A2_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 61; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 62; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 63; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 64; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 65; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 66; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 67; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 68; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 69; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 70; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 71; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16_FLOAT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 72; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_USCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 73; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SSCALED_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 74; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_S8_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 75; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 76; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 77; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_L8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 78; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 79; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_LA8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 80; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_L16_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 81; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_A16_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 82; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_LA16_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 83; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R3G3B2_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 84; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_RGB_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 85; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_RGB_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 86; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGB_ETC2_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 87; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGB_ETC2_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 88; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_ETC2_A1_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 89; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_ETC2_A1_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 90; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_ETC2_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 91; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_ETC2_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 92; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R11_EAC_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 93; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_R11_EAC_SNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 94; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RG11_EAC_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 95; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RG11_EAC_SNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 96; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGB_PVRTC1_8X8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 97; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGB_PVRTC1_8X8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 98; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGB_PVRTC1_16X8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 99; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGB_PVRTC1_16X8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 100; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC1_8X8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 101; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC1_8X8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 102; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC1_16X8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 103; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC1_16X8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 104; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC2_8X8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 105; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC2_8X8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 106; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC2_16X8_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 107; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_PVRTC2_16X8_SRGB_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 108; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGB_ETC_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 109; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGB_ATC_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 110; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_ATCA_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 111; pub const dx_dxgi_format_gli_DXGI_FORMAT_RGBA_ATCI_UNORM_GLI: root::gli::dx_dxgi_format_gli = 112; pub type dx_dxgi_format_gli = u32; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct dx_dxgiFormat { pub DDS: root::__BindgenUnionField, pub GLI: root::__BindgenUnionField, pub bindgen_union_field: u32, } pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 1; pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_ALPHA: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 2; pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_FOURCC: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 4; pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_RGB: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 64; pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_YUV: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 512; pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_LUMINANCE: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 131072; pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 131074; pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_RGBAPIXELS: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 65; pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_RGBA: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 66; pub const dx_ddpf_DDPF_LUMINANCE_ALPHAPIXELS: root::gli::dx_ddpf = 131073; pub type dx_ddpf = u32; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct dx_format { pub DDPixelFormat: root::gli::dx_ddpf, pub D3DFormat: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt, pub DXGIFormat: root::gli::dx_dxgiFormat, pub Mask: root::glm::u32vec4, } impl Default for dx_format { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } extern "C" { #[doc = " Convert GLI formats into Direct3D formats"] #[link_name = "\u{1}translate"] pub fn dx_translate( this: *const root::gli::dx, Format: root::gli::format, ) -> *const root::gli::dx_format; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Convert a Direct3D 9 format into a GLI format"] #[link_name = "\u{1}find"] pub fn dx_find( this: *const root::gli::dx, FourCC: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt, ) -> root::gli::format; } extern "C" { #[doc = " Convert a Direct3D 10 format into a GLI format"] #[link_name = "\u{1}find"] pub fn dx_find1( this: *const root::gli::dx, FourCC: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt, Format: root::gli::dx_dxgiFormat, ) -> root::gli::format; } extern "C" { #[link_name = "\u{1}dx"] pub fn dx_dx(this: *mut root::gli::dx); } impl Default for dx { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() } } } impl dx { #[inline] pub unsafe fn translate( &self, Format: root::gli::format, ) -> *const root::gli::dx_format { dx_translate(self, Format) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn find(&self, FourCC: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt) -> root::gli::format { dx_find(self, FourCC) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn find1( &self, FourCC: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt, Format: root::gli::dx_dxgiFormat, ) -> root::gli::format { dx_find1(self, FourCC, Format) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn new() -> Self { let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); dx_dx(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr()); __bindgen_tmp.assume_init() } } extern "C" { #[doc = " Evaluate whether a target and format combinaison is only supported by the DDS container through GLI DDS extension."] pub fn is_dds_ext(Target: root::gli::target, Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } pub const filter_FILTER_NONE: root::gli::filter = 0; pub const filter_FILTER_NEAREST: root::gli::filter = 1; pub const filter_FILTER_FIRST: root::gli::filter = 1; pub const filter_FILTER_LINEAR: root::gli::filter = 2; pub const filter_FILTER_LAST: root::gli::filter = 2; #[doc = " Texture filtring modes"] pub type filter = u32; pub const wrap_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: root::gli::wrap = 0; pub const wrap_WRAP_FIRST: root::gli::wrap = 0; pub const wrap_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_BORDER: root::gli::wrap = 1; pub const wrap_WRAP_REPEAT: root::gli::wrap = 2; pub const wrap_WRAP_MIRROR_REPEAT: root::gli::wrap = 3; pub const wrap_WRAP_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: root::gli::wrap = 4; pub const wrap_WRAP_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_BORDER: root::gli::wrap = 5; pub const wrap_WRAP_LAST: root::gli::wrap = 5; #[doc = " Texture coordinate wrapping mode"] pub type wrap = u32; pub type sampler1d_interpolate_type = root::gli::detail::interpolate; pub type sampler1d_texture_type = root::gli::texture1d; pub type sampler1d_size_type = root::gli::texture_size_type; pub type sampler1d_extent_type = root::gli::texture1d_extent_type; pub type sampler1d_level_type = root::gli::sampler1d_interpolate_type; pub type sampler1d_normalized_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_texel_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_convert_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_fetch_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_write_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_filter_type = u8; #[repr(transparent)] pub struct fsampler1D(pub [u64; 66usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for fsampler1D { type Target = [u64; 66usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for fsampler1D { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } pub type sampler1d_array_interpolate_type = root::gli::detail::interpolate; pub type sampler1d_array_texture_type = root::gli::texture1d_array; pub type sampler1d_array_size_type = root::gli::texture_size_type; pub type sampler1d_array_extent_type = root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type; pub type sampler1d_array_level_type = root::gli::sampler1d_array_interpolate_type; pub type sampler1d_array_normalized_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_array_texel_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_array_convert_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_array_fetch_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_array_write_type = u8; pub type sampler1d_array_filter_type = u8; #[repr(transparent)] pub struct fsampler1DArray(pub [u64; 66usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for fsampler1DArray { type Target = [u64; 66usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for fsampler1DArray { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } pub type sampler2d_interpolate_type = root::gli::detail::interpolate; pub type sampler2d_texture_type = root::gli::texture2d; pub type sampler2d_size_type = root::gli::texture_size_type; pub type sampler2d_extent_type = root::gli::texture2d_extent_type; pub type sampler2d_level_type = root::gli::sampler2d_interpolate_type; pub type sampler2d_normalized_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_texel_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_convert_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_fetch_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_write_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_filter_type = u8; #[repr(transparent)] pub struct fsampler2D(pub [u64; 66usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for fsampler2D { type Target = [u64; 66usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for fsampler2D { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } pub type sampler2d_array_interpolate_type = root::gli::detail::interpolate; pub type sampler2d_array_texture_type = root::gli::texture2d_array; pub type sampler2d_array_size_type = root::gli::texture_size_type; pub type sampler2d_array_extent_type = root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type; pub type sampler2d_array_level_type = root::gli::sampler2d_array_interpolate_type; pub type sampler2d_array_normalized_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_array_texel_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_array_convert_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_array_fetch_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_array_write_type = u8; pub type sampler2d_array_filter_type = u8; #[repr(transparent)] pub struct fsampler2DArray(pub [u64; 66usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for fsampler2DArray { type Target = [u64; 66usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for fsampler2DArray { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } pub type sampler3d_interpolate_type = root::gli::detail::interpolate; pub type sampler3d_texture_type = root::gli::texture3d; pub type sampler3d_size_type = root::gli::texture_size_type; pub type sampler3d_extent_type = root::gli::texture3d_extent_type; pub type sampler3d_level_type = root::gli::sampler3d_interpolate_type; pub type sampler3d_normalized_type = u8; pub type sampler3d_texel_type = u8; pub type sampler3d_convert_type = u8; pub type sampler3d_fetch_type = u8; pub type sampler3d_write_type = u8; pub type sampler3d_filter_type = u8; #[repr(transparent)] pub struct fsampler3D(pub [u64; 66usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for fsampler3D { type Target = [u64; 66usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for fsampler3D { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } pub type sampler_cube_interpolate_type = root::gli::detail::interpolate; pub type sampler_cube_texture_type = root::gli::texture_cube; pub type sampler_cube_size_type = root::gli::texture_size_type; pub type sampler_cube_extent_type = root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type; pub type sampler_cube_level_type = root::gli::sampler_cube_interpolate_type; pub type sampler_cube_normalized_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_texel_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_convert_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_fetch_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_write_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_filter_type = u8; #[repr(transparent)] pub struct fsamplerCube(pub [u64; 66usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for fsamplerCube { type Target = [u64; 66usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for fsamplerCube { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } pub type sampler_cube_array_interpolate_type = root::gli::detail::interpolate; pub type sampler_cube_array_texture_type = root::gli::texture_cube_array; pub type sampler_cube_array_size_type = root::gli::texture_size_type; pub type sampler_cube_array_extent_type = root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type; pub type sampler_cube_array_level_type = root::gli::sampler_cube_array_interpolate_type; pub type sampler_cube_array_normalized_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_array_texel_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_array_convert_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_array_fetch_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_array_write_type = u8; pub type sampler_cube_array_filter_type = u8; #[repr(transparent)] pub struct fsamplerCubeArray(pub [u64; 66usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for fsamplerCubeArray { type Target = [u64; 66usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for fsamplerCubeArray { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } } pub mod std { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::root; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct allocator { pub _address: u8, } pub type allocator_size_type = u64; pub type allocator_difference_type = u64; pub type allocator_pointer = u8; pub type allocator_const_pointer = u8; pub type allocator_reference = u8; pub type allocator_const_reference = u8; pub type allocator_value_type = u8; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct allocator_rebind { pub _address: u8, } pub type allocator_rebind_other = u8; pub type allocator_propagate_on_container_move_assignment = u8; pub type allocator_is_always_equal = u8; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct vector { pub _address: u8, } pub type vector__Base = u8; pub type vector__Tp_alloc_type = u8; pub type vector__Alloc_traits = u8; pub type vector_value_type = u8; pub type vector_pointer = u8; pub type vector_const_pointer = u8; pub type vector_reference = u8; pub type vector_const_reference = u8; pub type vector_iterator = u8; pub type vector_const_iterator = u8; pub type vector_const_reverse_iterator = u8; pub type vector_reverse_iterator = u8; pub type vector_size_type = u64; pub type vector_difference_type = u64; pub type vector_allocator_type = u8; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct vector__Temporary_value { pub _address: u8, } pub type array_value_type = u8; pub type array_pointer = u8; pub type array_const_pointer = u8; pub type array_reference = u8; pub type array_const_reference = u8; pub type array_iterator = u8; pub type array_const_iterator = u8; pub type array_size_type = u64; pub type array_difference_type = u64; pub type array_reverse_iterator = u8; pub type array_const_reverse_iterator = u8; pub type array__AT_Type = u8; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct shared_ptr { pub _address: u8, } pub type shared_ptr__Constructible = u8; pub type shared_ptr__Assignable = u8; pub type shared_ptr_element_type = u8; } pub mod __gnu_cxx { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::root; } pub mod glm { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::root; #[doc = " 8 bit unsigned integer type."] pub type uint8 = u8; #[doc = " 1 component vector of signed integer numbers."] pub type ivec1 = u32; #[doc = " 2 components vector of signed integer numbers."] #[doc = ""] #[doc = " @see GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 4.1.5 Vectors"] #[derive(Debug, Default)] #[repr(transparent)] pub struct ivec2(pub [u32; 2usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for ivec2 { type Target = [u32; 2usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for ivec2 { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } #[doc = " 3 components vector of signed integer numbers."] #[doc = ""] #[doc = " @see GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 4.1.5 Vectors"] #[derive(Debug, Default)] #[repr(transparent)] pub struct ivec3(pub [u32; 3usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for ivec3 { type Target = [u32; 3usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for ivec3 { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } #[doc = " Default qualifier 32 bit unsigned integer vector of 4 components type."] #[doc = " @see gtc_type_precision"] pub type u32vec4 = [u32; 4usize]; #[doc = " 4 components vector of single-precision floating-point numbers."] #[doc = ""] #[doc = " @see GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 4.1.5 Vectors"] #[repr(transparent)] pub struct vec4(pub [u32; 4usize]); impl ::std::ops::Deref for vec4 { type Target = [u32; 4usize]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for vec4 { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } } pub mod bindings { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::root; pub mod Texture { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn texture_empty(tex: *const root::gli::texture) -> bool; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_format( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_format_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_target( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_target_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_swizzles( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_swizzles_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_base_layer( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_max_layer( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_layers( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_base_face( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_max_face( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_faces( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_base_level( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_max_level( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_levels( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_extent( tex: *const root::gli::texture, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_extent_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_size(tex: *const root::gli::texture) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_size_level( tex: *const root::gli::texture, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_data( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_data_mut( tex: *mut root::gli::texture, ) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_data_detail( tex: *const root::gli::texture, layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, face: root::gli::texture_size_type, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_data_detail_mut( tex: *mut root::gli::texture, layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, face: root::gli::texture_size_type, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn texture_clear(tex: *mut root::gli::texture); } extern "C" { pub fn texture_copy( tex: *mut root::gli::texture, src: *const root::gli::texture, src_layer: usize, src_face: usize, src_level: usize, dst_layer: usize, dst_face: usize, dst_level: usize, ); } extern "C" { pub fn texture_copy_subset( tex: *mut root::gli::texture, src: *const root::gli::texture, src_layer: usize, src_face: usize, src_level: usize, src_offset: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, dst_layer: usize, dst_face: usize, dst_level: usize, dst_offset: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, extent: *const root::gli::texture_extent_type, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Manually Call destructor for texture object. Helper function used in FFI."] pub fn destroy_texture(tex: *mut root::gli::texture); } extern "C" { pub fn get_texture_shared_storage_count( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> ::std::os::raw::c_int; } } pub mod Image { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn image_new_empty() -> root::gli::image; } extern "C" { pub fn image_new_( format: root::gli::image_format_type, extent: root::gli::image_extent_type, ) -> root::gli::image; } extern "C" { pub fn image_share_from( img: *const root::gli::image, format: root::gli::image_format_type, ) -> root::gli::image; } extern "C" { pub fn image_share_from_texture( tex: *const root::gli::texture, format: root::gli::image_format_type, base_layer: root::gli::image_size_type, base_face: root::gli::image_size_type, base_level: root::gli::image_size_type, ) -> root::gli::image; } extern "C" { pub fn image_empty(img: *const root::gli::image) -> bool; } extern "C" { pub fn image_format(img: *const root::gli::image) -> root::gli::image_format_type; } extern "C" { pub fn image_extent(img: *const root::gli::image) -> root::gli::image_extent_type; } extern "C" { pub fn image_size(img: *const root::gli::image) -> root::gli::image_size_type; } extern "C" { pub fn image_data_mut(img: *mut root::gli::image) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn image_data(img: *const root::gli::image) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn image_clear(img: *mut root::gli::image); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Manually Call destructor for image object. Helper function used in FFI."] pub fn destroy_image(img: *mut root::gli::image); } extern "C" { pub fn get_image_shared_storage_count( img: *const root::gli::image, ) -> ::std::os::raw::c_int; } } pub mod Texture1D { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn tex1d_new_empty() -> root::gli::texture1d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1d_new_( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture1d_extent_type, levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1d_new_with_mipmap_chain( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture1d_extent_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1d_share_from(tex: *const root::gli::texture) -> root::gli::texture1d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1d_share_from_detail( tex: *const root::gli::texture, format: root::gli::texture_format_type, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1d_share_from_subset( tex: *const root::gli::texture1d, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1d_extent( tex: *const root::gli::texture1d, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_extent_type; } } pub mod Texture1DArray { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn tex1darray_new_empty() -> root::gli::texture1d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1darray_new_( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type, layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1darray_new_with_mipmap_chain( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type, layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1darray_share_from( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1darray_share_from_detail( tex: *const root::gli::texture, format: root::gli::texture_format_type, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1darray_share_from_subset( tex: *const root::gli::texture1d_array, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex1darray_extent( tex: *const root::gli::texture1d_array, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture1d_array_extent_type; } } pub mod Texture2D { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn tex2d_new_empty() -> root::gli::texture2d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2d_new_( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture2d_extent_type, levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2d_new_with_mipmap_chain( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture2d_extent_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2d_share_from(tex: *const root::gli::texture) -> root::gli::texture2d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2d_share_from_detail( tex: *const root::gli::texture, format: root::gli::texture_format_type, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2d_share_from_subset( tex: *const root::gli::texture2d, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2d_extent( tex: *const root::gli::texture2d, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_extent_type; } } pub mod Texture2DArray { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn tex2darray_new_empty() -> root::gli::texture2d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2darray_new_( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type, layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2darray_new_with_mipmap_chain( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type, layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2darray_share_from( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2darray_share_from_detail( tex: *const root::gli::texture, format: root::gli::texture_format_type, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2darray_share_from_subset( tex: *const root::gli::texture2d_array, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn tex2darray_extent( tex: *const root::gli::texture2d_array, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture2d_array_extent_type; } } pub mod Texture3D { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn tex3d_new_empty() -> root::gli::texture3d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex3d_new_( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture3d_extent_type, levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture3d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex3d_new_with_mipmap_chain( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture3d_extent_type, ) -> root::gli::texture3d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex3d_share_from(tex: *const root::gli::texture) -> root::gli::texture3d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex3d_share_from_detail( tex: *const root::gli::texture, format: root::gli::texture_format_type, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture3d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex3d_share_from_subset( tex: *const root::gli::texture3d, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture3d; } extern "C" { pub fn tex3d_extent( tex: *const root::gli::texture3d, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture3d_extent_type; } } pub mod TextureCube { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn texcube_new_empty() -> root::gli::texture_cube; } extern "C" { pub fn texcube_new_( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type, levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube; } extern "C" { pub fn texcube_new_with_mipmap_chain( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube; } extern "C" { pub fn texcube_share_from( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube; } extern "C" { pub fn texcube_share_from_detail( tex: *const root::gli::texture, format: root::gli::texture_format_type, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube; } extern "C" { pub fn texcube_share_from_subset( tex: *const root::gli::texture_cube, base_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube; } extern "C" { pub fn texcube_extent( tex: *const root::gli::texture_cube, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_extent_type; } } pub mod TextureCubeArray { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn texcubearray_new_empty() -> root::gli::texture_cube_array; } extern "C" { pub fn texcubearray_new_( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type, layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, levels: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_array; } extern "C" { pub fn texcubearray_new_with_mipmap_chain( format: root::gli::texture_format_type, extent: root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type, layers: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_array; } extern "C" { pub fn texcubearray_share_from( tex: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_array; } extern "C" { pub fn texcubearray_share_from_detail( tex: *const root::gli::texture, format: root::gli::texture_format_type, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_array; } extern "C" { pub fn texcubearray_share_from_subset( tex: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array, base_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_face: root::gli::texture_size_type, base_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, max_level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_array; } extern "C" { pub fn texcubearray_extent( tex: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array, level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::gli::texture_cube_array_extent_type; } } pub mod Comparison { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn is_image_equal( image_a: *const root::gli::image, image_b: *const root::gli::image, ) -> bool; } extern "C" { pub fn is_image_unequal( image_a: *const root::gli::image, image_b: *const root::gli::image, ) -> bool; } extern "C" { pub fn is_texture_equal( a: *const root::gli::texture, b: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> bool; } extern "C" { pub fn is_texture_unequal( a: *const root::gli::texture, b: *const root::gli::texture, ) -> bool; } } pub mod GL { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn new_gl_converter(Profile: root::gli::gl_profile) -> root::gli::gl; } extern "C" { pub fn gl_translate( converter: *const root::gli::gl, Target: root::gli::target, ) -> root::gli::gl_target; } extern "C" { pub fn gl_translate1( converter: *const root::gli::gl, Format: root::gli::format, Swizzle: *const root::gli::swizzles, ) -> root::gli::gl_format; } extern "C" { pub fn gl_find( converter: *mut root::gli::gl, InternalFormat: root::gli::gl_internal_format, ExternalFormat: root::gli::gl_external_format, Type: root::gli::gl_type_format, ) -> root::gli::format; } } pub mod DX { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn new_dx_converter() -> root::gli::dx; } extern "C" { pub fn dx_translate( converter: *const root::gli::dx, Format: root::gli::format, ) -> root::gli::dx_format; } extern "C" { pub fn dx_find( converter: *const root::gli::dx, FourCC: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt, ) -> root::gli::format; } extern "C" { pub fn dx_find2( converter: *const root::gli::dx, FourCC: root::gli::dx_d3dfmt, Format: root::gli::dx_dxgiFormat, ) -> root::gli::format; } extern "C" { pub fn is_dds_ext(Target: root::gli::target, Format: root::gli::format) -> bool; } } pub mod Load { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn load_memory( Data: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, Size: usize, ) -> root::gli::texture; } extern "C" { pub fn load_by_path(Path: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char) -> root::gli::texture; } extern "C" { pub fn load_dds_memory( Data: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, Size: usize, ) -> root::gli::texture; } extern "C" { pub fn load_dds_by_path(Path: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char) -> root::gli::texture; } extern "C" { pub fn load_kmg_memory( Data: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, Size: usize, ) -> root::gli::texture; } extern "C" { pub fn load_kmg_by_path(Path: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char) -> root::gli::texture; } extern "C" { pub fn load_ktx_memory( Data: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, Size: usize, ) -> root::gli::texture; } extern "C" { pub fn load_ktx_by_path(Path: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char) -> root::gli::texture; } } pub mod Save { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn save_save_dds( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Path: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, ) -> bool; } extern "C" { pub fn save_save_kmg( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Path: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, ) -> bool; } extern "C" { pub fn save_save_ktx( Texture: *const root::gli::texture, Path: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, ) -> bool; } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct TexelType4F { pub content: [f32; 4usize], } extern "C" { pub fn vec4ToTex4F(raw: root::glm::vec4) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } pub mod FSampler1D { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1d_new( Texture: *const root::gli::texture1d, Wrap: root::gli::wrap, Mip: root::gli::filter, Min: root::gli::filter, ) -> root::gli::fsampler1D; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1d_set_border_color( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1D, BorderColor: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1d_clear( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1D, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1d_texel_fetch( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler1D, TexelCoord: u32, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1d_texel_write( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1D, TexelCoord: u32, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1d_texel_lod( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler1D, SampleCoord: f32, Level: f32, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1d_target_texture( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler1D, ) -> *const root::gli::texture1d; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1d_generate_mipmaps1( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1D, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1d_generate_mipmaps2( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1D, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Manually Call destructor for image object. Helper function used in FFI."] pub fn destroy_sampler1d(Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1D); } } pub mod FSampler1DArray { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1darray_new( Texture: *const root::gli::texture1d_array, Wrap: root::gli::wrap, Mip: root::gli::filter, Min: root::gli::filter, ) -> root::gli::fsampler1DArray; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1darray_set_border_color( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1DArray, BorderColor: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1darray_clear( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1DArray, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1darray_texel_fetch( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler1DArray, TexelCoord: u32, Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1darray_texel_write( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1DArray, TexelCoord: u32, Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1darray_texel_lod( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler1DArray, SampleCoord: f32, Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: f32, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1darray_target_texture( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler1DArray, ) -> *const root::gli::texture1d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1darray_generate_mipmaps1( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1DArray, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler1darray_generate_mipmaps2( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1DArray, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Manually Call destructor for image object. Helper function used in FFI."] pub fn destroy_sampler1d_array(Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler1DArray); } } pub mod FSampler2D { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2d_new( Texture: *const root::gli::texture2d, Wrap: root::gli::wrap, Mip: root::gli::filter, Min: root::gli::filter, ) -> root::gli::fsampler2D; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2d_set_border_color( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2D, BorderColor: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2d_clear( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2D, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2d_texel_fetch( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler2D, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 2usize], Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2d_texel_write( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2D, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 2usize], Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2d_texel_lod( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler2D, SampleCoord: *const [f32; 2usize], Level: f32, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2d_target_texture( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler2D, ) -> *const root::gli::texture2d; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2d_generate_mipmaps1( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2D, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2d_generate_mipmaps2( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2D, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Manually Call destructor for image object. Helper function used in FFI."] pub fn destroy_sampler2d(Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2D); } } pub mod FSampler2DArray { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2darray_new( Texture: *const root::gli::texture2d_array, Wrap: root::gli::wrap, Mip: root::gli::filter, Min: root::gli::filter, ) -> root::gli::fsampler2DArray; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2darray_set_border_color( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2DArray, BorderColor: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2darray_clear( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2DArray, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2darray_texel_fetch( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler2DArray, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 2usize], Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2darray_texel_write( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2DArray, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 2usize], Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2darray_texel_lod( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler2DArray, SampleCoord: *const [f32; 2usize], Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: f32, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2darray_target_texture( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler2DArray, ) -> *const root::gli::texture2d_array; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2darray_generate_mipmaps1( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2DArray, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler2darray_generate_mipmaps2( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2DArray, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Manually Call destructor for image object. Helper function used in FFI."] pub fn destroy_sampler2d_array(Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler2DArray); } } pub mod FSampler3D { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn fsampler3d_new( Texture: *const root::gli::texture3d, Wrap: root::gli::wrap, Mip: root::gli::filter, Min: root::gli::filter, ) -> root::gli::fsampler3D; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler3d_set_border_color( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler3D, BorderColor: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler3d_clear( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler3D, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler3d_texel_fetch( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler3D, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 3usize], Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler3d_texel_write( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler3D, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 3usize], Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler3d_texel_lod( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler3D, SampleCoord: *const [f32; 3usize], Level: f32, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler3d_target_texture( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsampler3D, ) -> *const root::gli::texture3d; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler3d_generate_mipmaps1( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler3D, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler3d_generate_mipmaps3( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler3D, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Manually Call destructor for image object. Helper function used in FFI."] pub fn destroy_sampler3d(Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsampler3D); } } pub mod FSamplerCube { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_new( Texture: *const root::gli::texture_cube, Wrap: root::gli::wrap, Mip: root::gli::filter, Min: root::gli::filter, ) -> root::gli::fsamplerCube; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_set_border_color( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCube, BorderColor: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_clear( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCube, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_texel_fetch( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsamplerCube, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 2usize], Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_texel_write( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCube, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 2usize], Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_texel_lod( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsamplerCube, SampleCoord: *const [f32; 2usize], Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: f32, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_target_texture( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsamplerCube, ) -> *const root::gli::texture_cube; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_generate_mipmaps1( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCube, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_generate_mipmaps2( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCube, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Manually Call destructor for image object. Helper function used in FFI."] pub fn destroy_sampler_cube(Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCube); } } pub mod FSamplerCubeArray { #[allow(unused_imports)] use self::super::super::super::root; extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_array_new( Texture: *const root::gli::texture_cube_array, Wrap: root::gli::wrap, Mip: root::gli::filter, Min: root::gli::filter, ) -> root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_array_set_border_color( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray, BorderColor: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_array_clear( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_array_texel_fetch( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 2usize], Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_array_texel_write( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray, TexelCoord: *const [u32; 2usize], Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: root::gli::texture_size_type, Texel: root::bindings::TexelType4F, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_array_texel_lod( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray, SampleCoord: *const [f32; 2usize], Layer: root::gli::texture_size_type, Face: root::gli::texture_size_type, Level: f32, ) -> root::bindings::TexelType4F; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_array_target_texture( Sampler: *const root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray, ) -> *const root::gli::texture_cube_array; } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_array_generate_mipmaps1( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { pub fn fsampler_cube_array_generate_mipmaps2( Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray, BaseLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLayer: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxFace: root::gli::texture_size_type, BaseLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, MaxLevel: root::gli::texture_size_type, Minification: root::gli::filter, ); } extern "C" { #[doc = " Manually Call destructor for image object. Helper function used in FFI."] pub fn destroy_sampler_cube_array(Sampler: *mut root::gli::fsamplerCubeArray); } } } }