# Self Notes Some notes for myself to keep to. When I'll be working, I'll try to follow these. ## Regarding the CHANGELOG After some time, I decided to add a changelog for `glitchup`. I feel as if it would help keep note of what changed. This can be done manually, but I wanted to try and use [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0-beta.4/). On one hand, it helps make commits clearer, specifically with respect to what they're trying to do. ~~On the other hand, I'm using [`jilu`](https://github.com/rustic-games/jilu#%E8%AE%B0%E5%BD%95) to generate the changelog.~~ Trying to install `jilu` breaks, meaning its use is impossible. As a result, the changelog has been changed to be more customized, and `jilu` will no longer be used. An attempt to keep commits conventional however, will still be made. ### Conventional Commits The following serves as a reminder for how to conventionally commit: - **feat:** a new feature - **fix:** a bugfix - **docs:** documentation only changes - **style:** changes that don't affect the meaning of the code - **refactor:** code change that neither fixes a bug, nor adds a feature - **perf:** code change that improves performance - **test:** adding missing tests - **chore:** changes to build process / auxiliary tools / libraries such as documentation generation