Test supports module.
use glium::Display;
use glium::backend::Facade;
use glium::index::PrimitiveType;
use glutin::config::{Config, ConfigTemplateBuilder};
use glutin::context::ContextAttributesBuilder;
use glutin::display::GetGlDisplay;
use glutin::prelude::*;
use glutin::surface::{SurfaceAttributesBuilder, WindowSurface};
use glutin_winit::DisplayBuilder;
use raw_window_handle::{HasWindowHandle, WindowHandle, RawWindowHandle};
use glium::winit::event::Event;
use glium::winit::event_loop::{EventLoop, EventLoopProxy};
use glium::winit::window::Window;
use std::env;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::sync::{mpsc::Receiver, Mutex, Once, RwLock};
use std::thread;
// The code below here down to `build_display` is a workaround due to a lack of a test initialization hook
// This sort of design is recommended against for applications
// There is a Wayland version of this extension trait but the X11 version also works on Wayland
use glium::winit::platform::x11::EventLoopBuilderExtX11;
use glium::winit::platform::windows::EventLoopBuilderExtWindows;
// Thread communication
static EVENT_LOOP_PROXY: RwLock>> = RwLock::new(None);
static WINDOW_RECEIVER: Mutex >> = Mutex::new(None);
// Initialization
static INIT_EVENT_LOOP: Once = Once::new();
static SEND_PROXY: Once = Once::new();
enum HandleOrWindow {
RefWindow(&'static Window),
impl From<&'static Window> for HandleOrWindow {
fn from(window: &'static Window) -> Self {
let window_handle = window.window_handle().unwrap();
match window_handle.as_raw() {
RawWindowHandle::Xlib(_) |
RawWindowHandle::Xcb(_) |
RawWindowHandle::Drm(_) |
RawWindowHandle::Win32(_) |
=> HandleOrWindow::SendHandle(window_handle),
RawWindowHandle::UiKit(_) |
RawWindowHandle::AppKit(_) |
RawWindowHandle::Orbital(_) |
RawWindowHandle::OhosNdk(_) |
RawWindowHandle::Wayland(_) |
RawWindowHandle::Gbm(_) |
RawWindowHandle::WinRt(_) |
RawWindowHandle::WebCanvas(_) |
RawWindowHandle::WebOffscreenCanvas(_) |
RawWindowHandle::AndroidNdk(_) |
=> HandleOrWindow::RefWindow(window),
// Intentionally unsupported platforms
_ => panic!("Unsupported"),
impl From for RawWindowHandle {
fn from(handle: HandleOrWindow) -> Self {
let handle = match handle {
HandleOrWindow::SendHandle(handle) => handle,
HandleOrWindow::RefWindow(window) => window.window_handle().unwrap(),
// requires `From` implementation to be kept in sync with `raw_window_handle` and `winit` crates
unsafe impl Send for HandleOrWindow {}
unsafe fn initialize_event_loop() {
INIT_EVENT_LOOP.call_once(|| {
// One-time-use channel to get the event loop proxy
let (ots, otr) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(0);
// Transfers window and config for creating display
let (sender, receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
let builder = thread::Builder::new().name("event_loop".into());
.spawn(|| {
let event_loop_res = if cfg!(unix) || cfg!(windows) {
} else {
let event_loop = event_loop_res.expect("event loop building");
let proxy = event_loop.create_proxy();
event_loop.run(move |event, window_target| {
match event {
Event::UserEvent(_) => {
let window_attributes = Window::default_attributes().with_visible(false);
let config_template_builder = ConfigTemplateBuilder::new();
let display_builder =
let (window, gl_config) = display_builder
.build(window_target, config_template_builder, |mut configs| {
// Just use the first configuration since we don't have any special preferences here
// Leak the window object to obtain a static reference
let boxed_window = Box::new(window.unwrap());
let window = Box::leak(boxed_window);
sender.send(((&*window).into(), gl_config)).unwrap();
_ => {
// Send event loop proxy ASAP
SEND_PROXY.call_once(|| {
// `recv` will block until any non-user event is encountered
let event_loop_proxy = otr.recv().unwrap();
// Write to the thread communication variables while still in `call_once`'s closure
*EVENT_LOOP_PROXY.write().unwrap() = Some(event_loop_proxy);
*WINDOW_RECEIVER.lock().unwrap() = Some(receiver);
/// Builds a display for tests.
pub fn build_display() -> Display {
// This is the first function to run when any test thread calls build_display.
// `Once` spawns a new thread to create the event loop and sets up the communication channels.
// The static mut variables are only ever read with synchronization after initialization.
unsafe { initialize_event_loop(); }
// Tell event loop to create a window and config for creating a display
// Receive said window and config one thread at a time
let (handle_or_window, gl_config) =
// Then the configuration which decides which OpenGL version we'll end up using, here we just use the default which is currently 3.3 core
// When this fails we'll try and create an ES context, this is mainly used on mobile devices or various ARM SBC's
// If you depend on features available in modern OpenGL Versions you need to request a specific, modern, version. Otherwise things will very likely fail.
let version = parse_version();
let raw_window_handle = handle_or_window.into();
let context_attributes = ContextAttributesBuilder::new()
let not_current_gl_context = unsafe {
gl_config.display().create_context(&gl_config, &context_attributes).unwrap()
let attrs = SurfaceAttributesBuilder::::new().build(
// Now we can create our surface, use it to make our context current and finally create our display
let surface = unsafe { gl_config.display().create_window_surface(&gl_config, &attrs).unwrap() };
let current_context = not_current_gl_context.make_current(&surface).unwrap();
Display::from_context_surface(current_context, surface).unwrap()
/// Rebuilds an existing display.
/// In real applications this is used for things such as switching to fullscreen. Some things are
/// invalidated during a rebuild, and this has to be handled by glium.
pub fn rebuild_display(_display: &glium::Display) {
let version = parse_version();
let event_loop = glium::winit::event_loop::EventLoop::new();
let wb = glium::winit::window::WindowBuilder::new().with_visible(false);
let cb = glutin::ContextBuilder::new()
display.rebuild(wb, cb, &event_loop).unwrap();
fn parse_version() -> glutin::context::ContextApi {
match env::var("GLIUM_GL_VERSION") {
Ok(version) => {
// expects "OpenGL 3.3" for example
let mut iter = version.rsplitn(2, ' ');
let version = iter.next().unwrap();
let ty = iter.next().unwrap();
let mut iter = version.split('.');
let major = iter.next().unwrap().parse().unwrap();
let minor = iter.next().unwrap().parse().unwrap();
if ty == "OpenGL" {
glutin::context::ContextApi::OpenGl(Some(glutin::context::Version::new(major, minor)))
} else if ty == "OpenGL ES" {
glutin::context::ContextApi::Gles(Some(glutin::context::Version::new(major, minor)))
} else if ty == "WebGL" {
glutin::context::ContextApi::Gles(Some(glutin::context::Version::new(major, minor)))
} else {
Err(_) => glutin::context::ContextApi::OpenGl(None),
/// Builds a 2x2 unicolor texture.
pub fn build_unicolor_texture2d(facade: &F, red: f32, green: f32, blue: f32)
-> glium::Texture2d where F: Facade
let color = ((red * 255.0) as u8, (green * 255.0) as u8, (blue * 255.0) as u8);
glium::texture::Texture2d::new(facade, vec![
vec![color, color],
vec![color, color],
/// Builds a 2x2 depth texture.
pub fn build_constant_depth_texture(facade: &F, depth: f32) -> glium::texture::DepthTexture2d
where F: Facade + ?Sized
glium::texture::DepthTexture2d::new(facade, vec![
vec![depth, depth],
vec![depth, depth],
/// Builds a vertex buffer, index buffer, and program, to draw red `(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)` to the whole screen.
pub fn build_fullscreen_red_pipeline(facade: &F) -> (glium::vertex::VertexBufferAny,
glium::index::IndexBufferAny, glium::Program) where F: Facade
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Vertex {
position: [f32; 2],
implement_vertex!(Vertex, position);
glium::VertexBuffer::new(facade, &[
Vertex { position: [-1.0, 1.0] }, Vertex { position: [1.0, 1.0] },
Vertex { position: [-1.0, -1.0] }, Vertex { position: [1.0, -1.0] },
glium::IndexBuffer::new(facade, PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip, &[0u8, 1, 2, 3]).unwrap().into(),
110 => {
vertex: "
#version 110
attribute vec2 position;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
fragment: "
#version 110
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
100 => {
vertex: "
#version 100
attribute lowp vec2 position;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
fragment: "
#version 100
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
/// Builds a vertex buffer and an index buffer corresponding to a rectangle.
/// The vertex buffer has the "position" attribute of type "vec2".
pub fn build_rectangle_vb_ib(facade: &F)
-> (glium::vertex::VertexBufferAny, glium::index::IndexBufferAny) where F: Facade
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Vertex {
position: [f32; 2],
implement_vertex!(Vertex, position);
glium::VertexBuffer::new(facade, &[
Vertex { position: [-1.0, 1.0] }, Vertex { position: [1.0, 1.0] },
Vertex { position: [-1.0, -1.0] }, Vertex { position: [1.0, -1.0] },
glium::IndexBuffer::new(facade, PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip, &[0u8, 1, 2, 3]).unwrap().into(),
/// Builds a texture suitable for rendering.
pub fn build_renderable_texture(facade: &F) -> glium::Texture2d where F: Facade {
glium::Texture2d::empty(facade, 1024, 1024).unwrap()