# Glotaran converter lib This is a _almost completely_ internal usage library for our lab to convert Time Resolved fluorescence and Laser Flash Photolysys output files to Glotaran `wavelength explicit` input files. The equipment we use are: - Edinburgh Instruments L980 Spectrometer. - Horiba Jovin-Yvon Spex Fluorolog FL3-11 Fluorometer with TRP equipment. In the first case we can directly run: ```rust use glotaran_converter_lib::run_lfp; let filename = "example_lfp.txt"; let output_filename = run_lfp(filename).unwrap(); ``` or if you `cargo install` the lib you can just run ``` bash lfp filename ``` If you want to use this lib with Fluorescence data I recommend the [`glotaran_converter_cli`](https://crates.io/crates/glotaran_converter_cli) lib, which is much more ergonomic, altough no documentation is available yet.