#version 440 // Note 'location' tests for enhanced layouts are in 330.frag layout(location = 2, component = 2) in vec2 a; layout(location = 2, component = 1) in float b; layout(location = 3, component = 2) in vec3 c; // ERROR: c overflows components 2 and 3 layout(location = 0, component = 3) in float d[4]; layout(location = 4, component = 0) in vec3 e[5]; layout(location = 4, component = 3) in float f[5]; layout(location = 9, component = 4) in float g[6]; // ERROR, component too big layout(location = 4, component = 2) in vec2 h; // component overlap okay for vertex in layout(location = 3, component = 2) out vec2 i; layout(location = 3, component = 0) out vec2 j; layout(location = 4, component = 2) out vec2 k; layout(location = 4, component = 2) out vec2 m; // ERROR, component overlap layout(location = 2, component = 2) out vec2 n; layout(location = 2, component = 0) out vec3 p; // ERROR, component overlap layout(location = 10, component = 3) out float q[6]; layout(location = 10, component = 0) out vec3 r[6]; layout(location = 15, component = 3) out float s; // ERROR, overlap layout(location = 10, component = 1) out float t; // ERROR, overlap layout(location = 20, component = 2) out float u; layout(location = 20, component = 0) out float v; layout(location = 20, component = 3) out float w; layout(location = 20, component = 1) out vec2 x; // ERROR, overlap layout(location = 30, component = 3) out vec2 y; // ERROR, goes to component 4 layout(location = 31, component = 1) out vec4 z; // ERROR, goes to component 4 layout(location = 32, component = 1) out mat4 ba; // ERROR layout(location = 33, component = 1) out struct S {int a;} Ss; // ERROR layout(location = 34, component = 1) out bn { int a;} bb; // ERROR layout(component = 1) out float bc; // ERROR, no location out blockname { layout(location = 40, component = 2) out float u; layout(location = 40, component = 0) out float v; layout(location = 40, component = 3) out float w; layout(location = 40, component = 1) out vec2 x; // ERROR, overlap layout(location = 41, component = 3) out vec2 y; // ERROR, goes to component 4 layout(location = 42, component = 1) out vec4 z; // ERROR, goes to component 4 layout(location = 42, component = 1) out mat4 ba; // ERROR layout(location = 43, component = 1) out S Ss; // ERROR } bd; layout(location = 1, component = 1) out; // ERROR, no global setting layout(location = 50, component = 3) out int be; layout(location = 50, component = 0) out vec3 bf; layout(location = 51, component = 1) out double dfo; // ERROR, odd component layout(location = 52, component = 2) out dvec2 dvo; // ERROR, overflow layout(location = 53) out double dfo2; layout(location = 53, component = 2) out vec2 ffv2; // okay, fits layout(location = 54) out dvec4 dvec4out; // uses up location 55 too layout(location = 55) out float overf; // ERROR, collides with previous dvec4 layout(location = 56, component = 1) out vec2 df2o; layout(location = 56, component = 3) out float sf2o; layout(location = 57, component = 2) out vec2 dv3o; layout(location = 57, component = 3) out float sf4o; // ERROR, overlapping component layout(location=58) out flat dvec3 dv3o2; // uses part of location 59 layout(location=59, component=2) out flat double dfo3; // okay, fits layout(location=59, component=0) out flat double dfo4; // ERROR, overlaps the dvec3 in starting in 58 out bblck1 { vec4 bbv; } bbinst1; out bblck2 { layout(xfb_offset=64) vec4 bbv; } bbinst2; layout(xfb_buffer = 3, xfb_stride = 64) out; // default buffer is 3 out bblck3 { layout(xfb_offset=16) vec4 bbv; // in xfb_buffer 3 } bbinst3; uniform ubblck3 { layout(xfb_offset=16) vec4 bbv; // ERROR, not in a uniform } ubbinst3; layout(xfb_buffer=2, xfb_offset=48, xfb_stride=80) out vec4 bg; layout( xfb_offset=32, xfb_stride=64) out vec4 bh; layout(xfb_offset=48) out; // ERROR layout(xfb_stride=80, xfb_buffer=2, xfb_offset=16) out bblck4 { vec4 bbv1; vec4 bbv2; } bbinst4; out bblck5 { layout(xfb_offset=0) vec4 bbv1; layout(xfb_stride=64, xfb_buffer=3, xfb_offset=48) vec4 bbv2; layout(xfb_buffer=2) vec4 bbv3; // ERROR, wrong buffer } bbinst5; out layout(xfb_buffer=2) bblck6 { layout(xfb_offset=0) vec4 bbv1; layout(xfb_stride=64, xfb_buffer=3, xfb_offset=32) vec4 bbv2; // ERROR, overlap 32 from bh, and buffer contradiction layout(xfb_buffer=2, xfb_offset=0) vec4 bbv3; // ERROR, overlap 0 from bbinst5 layout(xfb_buffer=2) vec4 bbv5; layout(xfb_offset=24) float bbf6; // ERROR, overlap 24 from bbv1 in bbinst4 } bbinst6; layout(xfb_stride=48) out; // ERROR, stride of buffer 3 layout(xfb_buffer=1) out; // default buffer is 1 layout(xfb_offset=4) out float bj; layout(xfb_offset=0) out ivec2 bk; // ERROR, overlap 4 layout(xfb_buffer=3, xfb_stride=48) out; // ERROR, stride of buffer 3 (default is now 3) layout(xfb_stride=48) out float bl; // ERROR, stride of buffer 3 layout(xfb_stride=48) out bblck7 { // ERROR, stride of buffer 3 layout(xfb_stride=64) vec4 bbv1; layout(xfb_stride=32) vec4 bbv2; // ERROR, stride of buffer 3 } bbinst7; struct S5 { int i; // 4 bytes plus 4 byte hole double d; // 8 bytes float f; // 4 bytes }; // total size = 20 struct T { bool b; // 4 plus 4 byte hole S5 s; // 20 vec2 v2; // 8 }; // total size = 36 out layout(xfb_buffer=0, xfb_offset=0, xfb_stride=92) bblck8 { // ERROR, stride not multiple of 8 bool b; // offset 0 T t; // offset 8, size 40 int i; // offset 40 + 4 = 48 mat3x3 m3; // offset 52 float f; // offset 52 + 9*4 = 88 float g; // ERROR, overflow stride } bbinst8; out layout(xfb_buffer=4) bblck9 { layout(xfb_offset=1) bool b; // ERROR layout(xfb_offset=12) T t; // ERROR layout(xfb_offset=52) mat3x3 m3; // non-multiple of 8 okay layout(xfb_offset=90) int i; // ERROR layout(xfb_offset=98) double d; // ERROR layout(xfb_offset=108) S s; // non-multiple of 8 okay } bbinst9; layout(xfb_buffer=5, xfb_stride=6) out; // link ERROR, stride not multiple of 4 layout(xfb_offset=0) out float bm; layout(xfb_buffer=6, xfb_stride=2000) out; // ERROR, stride too big out layout(xfb_buffer=7, xfb_offset=0) bblck10 { // link ERROR, implicit stride too big dmat4x4 m1; dmat4x4 m2; float f; } bbinst10; int drawParamsBad() { return gl_BaseVertexARB + gl_BaseInstanceARB + gl_DrawIDARB; // ERROR, extension not requested } #extension GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters: enable int drawParams() { return gl_BaseVertexARB + gl_BaseInstanceARB + gl_DrawIDARB; gl_BaseVertexARB = 3; // ERROR, can't write to shader 'in' gl_BaseInstanceARB = 3; // ERROR, can't write to shader 'in' gl_DrawIDARB = 3; // ERROR, can't write to shader 'in' glBaseInstanceARB; // ERROR, not defined }