use { gluesql_core::prelude::{Glue, Payload, Value}, gluesql_json_storage::JsonStorage, serde_json::json, std::{ fs::{remove_dir_all, File}, io::Write, }, test_suite::select_map, }; #[tokio::test] async fn json_dml() { let path = "tmp/json_dml"; if let Err(e) = remove_dir_all(path) { println!("fs::remove_file {:?}", e); }; let json_storage = JsonStorage::new(path).unwrap(); let mut glue = Glue::new(json_storage); let dir = format!("{path}/JsonDML.json"); let mut file = File::create(dir).unwrap(); let data = r#"[ { "id": 1, "notice": "should keep this array of jsons format" } ] "#; write!(file, "{data}").unwrap(); let cases = vec![ ( glue.execute(r#"INSERT INTO JsonDML VALUES ('{"id": 2, "notice": "appended json"}')"#) .await, Ok(Payload::Insert(1)), ), ( glue.execute("SELECT * FROM JsonDML").await, Ok(select_map![ json!({ "id": 1, "notice": "should keep this array of jsons format" }), json!({ "id": 2, "notice": "appended json" }) ]), ), ( glue.execute("UPDATE JsonDML SET notice = 'updated' WHERE id = 2") .await, Ok(Payload::Update(1)), ), ( glue.execute("SELECT * FROM JsonDML WHERE id = 2").await, Ok(select_map![json!({ "id": 2, "notice": "updated" })]), ), ( glue.execute("DELETE FROM JsonDML WHERE id = 2").await, Ok(Payload::Delete(1)), ), ( glue.execute("SELECT * FROM JsonDML").await, Ok(select_map![json!({ "id": 1, "notice": "should keep this array of jsons format" })]), ), ( glue.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GLUE_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'JsonDML'") .await, Ok(Payload::Select { labels: vec!["COUNT(*)".to_owned()], rows: vec![vec![Value::I64(1)]], }), ), ( glue.execute("DROP TABLE JsonDML").await, Ok(Payload::DropTable), ), ( glue.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GLUE_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'JsonDML'") .await, Ok(Payload::Select { labels: vec!["COUNT(*)".to_owned()], rows: Vec::new(), }), ), ]; for (actual, expected) in cases { assert_eq!(|mut payloads| payloads.remove(0)), expected); } }