use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, measurement::WallTime, Bencher, Criterion}; use glyph_brush_draw_cache::*; use glyph_brush_layout::ab_glyph::*; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; /// Simple paragraph layout for glyphs into `target`. /// /// This is for testing and examples. pub fn layout_paragraph( font: SF, position: Point, max_width: f32, text: &str, target: &mut Vec, ) where F: Font, SF: ScaleFont, { let v_advance = font.height() + font.line_gap(); let mut caret = position + point(0.0, font.ascent()); let mut last_glyph: Option = None; for c in text.chars() { if c.is_control() { if c == '\n' { caret = point(position.x, caret.y + v_advance); last_glyph = None; } continue; } let mut glyph = font.scaled_glyph(c); if let Some(previous) = last_glyph.take() { caret.x += font.kern(,; } glyph.position = caret; last_glyph = Some(glyph.clone()); caret.x += font.h_advance(; if !c.is_whitespace() && caret.x > position.x + max_width { caret = point(position.x, caret.y + v_advance); glyph.position = caret; last_glyph = None; } target.push(glyph); } } static DEJA_VU_SANS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { FontRef::try_from_slice(include_bytes!("../../fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf") as &[u8]).unwrap() }); const LOADS_OF_UNICODE: &str = include_str!("loads-of-unicode.txt"); fn unicode_chars(len: usize) -> &'static str { let (index, _) = LOADS_OF_UNICODE.char_indices().nth(len).unwrap(); &LOADS_OF_UNICODE[..index] } #[inline] fn do_population_bench( b: &mut Bencher, cache_builder: DrawCacheBuilder, text: &str, scale: f32, ) { let font_id = 0; let mut glyphs = Vec::new(); layout_paragraph( DEJA_VU_SANS.as_scaled(scale), point(0.0, 0.0), 500.0, text, &mut glyphs, ); let mut cache =; { // warm up / avoid benching population performance for glyph in &glyphs { cache.queue_glyph(font_id, glyph.clone()); } cache .cache_queued(&[&*DEJA_VU_SANS], |_, _| {}) .expect("cache_queued initial"); } b.iter(|| { cache.clear(); cache.clear_queue(); for glyph in &glyphs { cache.queue_glyph(font_id, glyph.clone()); } cache .cache_queued(&[&*DEJA_VU_SANS], |_, _| {}) .expect("cache_queued"); }) } /// Run single threaded: /// * Leave code unmodified /// * `cargo bench --bench st_vs_mt -- --save-baseline st` /// /// Run multithreaded: /// * Modify to `.multithread(true)` /// * `cargo bench --bench st_vs_mt -- --save-baseline mt` /// /// Compare with `critcmp mt st --target-dir draw-cache/target/` fn bench_population_st_vs_mt(c: &mut Criterion) { for char_len in &[1500, 300, 50, 16] { for scale in &[150.0, 75.0, 30.0, 12.0] { let title = format!("bench_{char_len}_chars_{scale}px"); c.bench_function(&title, |b| { do_population_bench( b, DrawCache::builder() .dimensions(4096, 4096) .multithread(false), // use `true` and save as `mt` baseline unicode_chars(*char_len), *scale, ); }); } } } criterion_group!(draw_st_mt, bench_population_st_vs_mt); criterion_main!(draw_st_mt);