# 0.2.4 * Fix `SectionText::scale` docs. * Improve `SectionGlyph` docs. # 0.2.3 * Default layouts: Keep word trailing space width if ending in a hard break or end of all glyphs _e.g. `"Foo \n"`_ _(This particularly changes the layout of right & centre aligned text ending in spaces)_. # 0.2.2 * Update _approx_ to `0.5`. # 0.2.1 * Update _approx_ to `0.4`. * Update _xi-unicode_ to `0.3`. # 0.2 * Rework crate switching from _rusttype_ to _ab_glyph_. - Layout returns `SectionGlyph`s which contain `section_index` & string `byte_index`. - Drop support for `Color` which didn't affect layout & can now be associated to sections without built-in support. - Glyph bounding boxes are no longer used at all during layout. This means invisible glyphs, like `' '`, are now generally included. # 0.1.9 * Fix consistency of section bounds by removing usage of glyph pixel bounds during word layout, instead always relying on advance-width. * Fix possible floating point errors when using section bounds that exactly bound the section. # 0.1.8 * Update _rusttype_ to `0.8`. _Compatible with rusttype `0.6.5` & `0.7.9`._ # 0.1.7 * Update _xi-unicode_ to `0.2`. # 0.1.6 * Fix missing line breaks for multi-byte breaking chars like Chinese characters. # 0.1.5 * Add `GlyphPositioner::recalculate_glyphs` with a default unoptimised implementation. Custom layouts won't be broken by this change, but will need to implement the new function to provide optimised behaviour. * Optimise built-in layout's recalculate_glyphs for screen position changes with `GlyphChange::Geometry`. * Optimise built-in layout's recalculate_glyphs for single color changes with `GlyphChange::Color`. * Optimise built-in layout's recalculate_glyphs for alpha changes with `GlyphChange::Alpha`. * Optimise layout re-positioning with `PositionedGlyph::set_position` usage. # 0.1.4 * Implement `PartialEq` for `SectionGeometry` & `SectionText`. # 0.1.3 * Implement `FontMap` for `AsRef<[Font]>` instead of `Index` to support arrays and slices. If this breaks your usage try implementing `FontMap` directly. # 0.1.2 * Fix single-line vertical alignment y-adjustment for center & bottom. # 0.1.1 * Re-export `rusttype::point`. * Fix `bounds_rect` implementation for some `f32::INFINITY` cases. * Handle zero & negative scale cases. # 0.1 * Initial release.