use gml_fmt_lib::*; const LANG_CONFIG: LangConfig = LangConfig { use_spaces: true, space_size: 4, newlines_at_end: 1, }; fn run_test(input: &str) -> String { run(input, &LANG_CONFIG, None).expect("Panicked during Integration Test!") } #[test] fn regions() { let input = "#region Test Test Test #endregion Okay "; let format = "#region Test Test Test #endregion Okay "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), format); } #[test] fn multiline_string() { let input = "@\"Test sure yup\""; let format = "@\"Test sure yup\"; "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), format); } #[test] fn else_if() { let input = "if (xx < (1 2.75)) { return x; } else if (xx < (2 / 2.75)) { return z; }"; let format = "if (xx < (1 2.75)) { return x; } else if (xx < (2 / 2.75)) { return z; } "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), format); } #[test] fn series_of_declarations() { let input = "var function, xx, xx2, xxm1; var x = 2, y, var q"; let format = "var function, xx, xx2, xxm1; var x = 2, y, var q; "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), format); } #[test] fn do_until() { let input = "do { // whatever show_debug_message(x); } until (test); do { // gah } until (true); "; let format = "do { // whatever show_debug_message(x); } until (test); do { // gah } until (true); "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), format); } #[test] fn for_loops() { let input = "for (var x = 0; i < 10; i++) { show_debug_message(\"test\"); for (; i < 10; i++) { show_debug_message(3); } } for (var i;; i++) { show_debug_message(3); } for (var i;;) { show_debug_message(4); } "; let format = "for (var x = 0; i < 10; i++) { show_debug_message(\"test\"); for (; i < 10; i++) { show_debug_message(3); } } for (var i;; i++) { show_debug_message(3); } for (var i;;) { show_debug_message(4); } "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), format); } #[test] fn decimal_number() { let input = "var x = .3; var z = 3.;"; let format = "var x = 0.3; var z = 3.0; "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), format); } #[test] fn trailing_commas() { let input = "func(a,b,c,);"; let format = "func(a, b, c,); "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), format); } #[test] fn not_trailing_commas() { let input = "fun( _e[], _e[], _e[] );"; let output = "fun( _e[], _e[], _e[] ); "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn enum_test() { let input = "enum EInputConstants{//Starts at high negative number to not interfere with other input constants //P - Positive axis (Axis is regular coordinates with 0;0 being bottom left) //N - Negative axis //Note that return is always positive GP_AXISLV_P = -100, GP_AXISLV_N, GP_AXISLH_P, GP_AXISLH_N, GP_AXISRV_P, //down GP_AXISRV_N, //up GP_AXISRH_P, /* gah a test */ GP_AXISRH_N, SCROLL_DOWN, SCROLL_UP,ANY,NONE }"; let format = "enum EInputConstants { //Starts at high negative number to not interfere with other input constants //P - Positive axis (Axis is regular coordinates with 0;0 being bottom left) //N - Negative axis //Note that return is always positive GP_AXISLV_P = -100, GP_AXISLV_N, GP_AXISLH_P, GP_AXISLH_N, GP_AXISRV_P, //down GP_AXISRV_N, //up GP_AXISRH_P, /* gah a test */ GP_AXISRH_N, SCROLL_DOWN, SCROLL_UP, ANY, NONE } "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), format); } #[test] fn do_until_double_loop() { let input = "do { //If foo if (_a[# _x, _y] != _val){ if (array_find_index(_gah,_goo) == -1){ _a[# _x, _y] = _val; ++sha; } } //bar var _dir = irandom(3) * 200; _x += lengthdir_x(1,_dir); _y += lengthdir_y(1,_dir); } until(_gah / _boo > _bah); "; let output = "do { //If foo if (_a[# _x, _y] != _val) { if (array_find_index(_gah, _goo) == -1) { _a[# _x, _y] = _val; ++sha; } } //bar var _dir = irandom(3) * 200; _x += lengthdir_x(1, _dir); _y += lengthdir_y(1, _dir); } until (_gah / _boo > _bah); "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn if_with_line() { let input = "if (a < 0) { var b = false; with (ident) { var dir = point_direction(other.x, other.y, a(), b()); with (other) { hspeed = hsp; vspeed = vsp; direction = angle_approach(direction, dir, rot); if (a(x, y, 2, target, false, false)) { z(0); e(); } speed = approach(speed, max_spd, acc); hsp = hspeed; vsp = vspeed; speed = 0; a += t *; } exists = true; } g -=; if (g < 0 || !exists) { a(); } val = true; } // Foo x += hsp*ss; y += vsp*ss;"; let output = "if (a < 0) { var b = false; with (ident) { var dir = point_direction(other.x, other.y, a(), b()); with (other) { hspeed = hsp; vspeed = vsp; direction = angle_approach(direction, dir, rot); if (a(x, y, 2, target, false, false)) { z(0); e(); } speed = approach(speed, max_spd, acc); hsp = hspeed; vsp = vspeed; speed = 0; a += t *; } exists = true; } g -=; if (g < 0 || !exists) { a(); } val = true; } // Foo x += hsp * ss; y += vsp * ss; "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn do_access_cascading() { let input = "if (a(b[i])&& b[i] .c < 0) { var c = b[i].q; var l = b[i].q; b[i].q = c; b[i].q[0] = 30; } "; let output = "if (a(b[i]) && b[i].c < 0) { var c = b[i].q; var l = b[i].q; b[i].q = c; b[i].q[0] = 30; } "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn ending_delimiter_enum() { let input = "colour = choose( 4, // foo 5, // foor 6, // foo, 7, // bar )"; let output = "colour = choose( 4, // foo 5, // foor 6, // foo, 7, // bar ); "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn double_call() { let input = "func( a, b, c[a], d[Y], 5, 4, 1, global.q * 0.13, between(a, c * 0.72, u * 0.76) || between(b, d * 0.82, u * 0.86) || between(c, c * 0.92, u * 0.96) ? c_white : c_red ); "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), input); } #[test] fn non_block_if_else() { let input = "if (true) return false; else if (true) return false; if (true) return false; else if (true) return false; if (true) return false; if (true) return false; "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), input); } #[test] fn horrible_multiline_string() { let input = "var _bulletNormal = string_join(@\'{ \"type\": \"normal\", \"object\": \', Obj_Bullet, @\', \"speed\": 260, \"count\": 1, \"damage\": 1, \"knockback\": 0.1, \"lifetime\": 8000 }\'); "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), input); } #[test] fn nice_macro() { let input = "#macro give_me_five x =5+5;"; let output = "#macro give_me_five x =5+5; "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn whitesmith_enum() { let input = "enum YosiFunction { init, main, new_player, new_zapper, new_laser, move_ground, rect, blueprint_read, player_die, } "; let output = "enum YosiFunction { init, main, new_player, new_zapper, new_laser, move_ground, rect, blueprint_read, player_die, } "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn whitesmith_control_statement() { let input = "while true { // who would format like this } "; let output = "while true { // who would format like this } "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn bad_for_loop() { let input = "for (var xx = clamp((global.cameraLeft - 25) div 192, 0, 6); xx <= clamp((global.cameraRight + 25) div 192, 0, 6); ++xx;) { // comments }"; let output = "for (var xx = clamp((global.cameraLeft - 25) div 192, 0, 6); xx <= clamp((global.cameraRight + 25) div 192, 0, 6); ++xx) { // comments } "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn expression_no_semicolon_test() { let input = "call(z) call(q) x = 20 y = 10 "; let output = "call(z); call(q); x = 20; y = 10; "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); } #[test] fn mix_no_semicolon() { let input = "global.roundOver=true alarm[3]=room_speed/10; audio_stop_sound(aMusicTitle);"; let output = "global.roundOver = true; alarm[3] = room_speed / 10; audio_stop_sound(aMusicTitle); "; assert_eq!(run_test(input), output); }