In the following email addresses, please replace "at" by "@" and "dot" by ".". For example, should read . Cyril Bouvier contributed the batch mode and GPU for stage 1 David Cleaver contributed the APRCL code Pierrick Gaudry contributed efficient assembly code for combined mul/redc. Brian Gladman contributed the Visual C build files Jim Fougeron contributed the expression parser, the primality testing tools, and several command-line options. Laurent Fousse contributed the middle product code, the autoconf/automake tools, and author of the Debian package. Alexander Kruppa (substitute appropriately) joined Paul Zimmermann at release 5, contributed the Toom-Cook multiplication code, the special code for Fermat numbers, and many other nice things. Francois Morain contributed the Stage 1 code for Weierstrass form Dave Newman contributed the Kronecker-Schönhage multiplication code, and the NTT code. Jason S. Papadopoulos contributed optimizations to the NTT code. Seth Troisi contributed to GPU code Paul Zimmermann author of the first version of the program. Several people also helped by suggesting improvements, or testing beta-versions: Allan Steel, Karim Belabas, Torbjörn Granlund, Japke Rosink, Bruce Dodson. If you want to contribute to GMP-ECM, you are welcome; the development version is available on .