#ifndef _GENERATION__H #define _GENERATION__H #include "../ecm-impl.h" #include "Jacobi.h" #include "auxi.h" #define GENERATION_THESE_SMALL_PARAM_TOO_BIG -1 // the parameters that were used, give constants that are too big #define GENERATION_NOT_CURVE 0 // There is no curve with these (fixed) parameters #define GENERATION_A_CURVE 1 // A curve is generated with these fixed parameters #define GENERATION_CORRECT_CURVE 2 // The generated curve can be used #define GENERATION_FACTOR_FOUND 3 // We found a factor #define GENERATION_FAIL 4 // The generation have failed (maybe the generated curve can't be used) #define GENERATION_PARAM_TOO_BIG 5 // There is no more curve with small enough parameters #define POW_MAX 4 // nJacobi < 2^5 #define N_JACOBI_MIN 0 #define N_JACOBI_MAX_p1 (1<