/* GMP-ECM -- Integer factorization with ECM, P-1 and P+1 methods. Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016 Jim Fougeron, Laurent Fousse, Alexander Kruppa, Paul Zimmermann, Cyril Bouvier, David Cleaver This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER # include #endif #include "ecm-impl.h" #include "ecm-ecm.h" #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H /* for access() */ # include #else # define F_OK 0 # ifdef HAVE_IO_H # include # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_GWNUM /* For GWNUM_VERSION */ #include "gwnum.h" #endif /* Used in print_config() */ #include "ecm-params.h" #ifdef HAVE_TORSION #include "torsions.h" /* to benefit from more torsion groups */ #endif /* #define DEBUG */ static int exit_asap_value = 0; static int exit_asap_signalnr = 0; /* Remembers which signal we received */ void signal_handler (int sig) { if (sig == SIGINT || sig == SIGTERM) { exit_asap_value = 1; exit_asap_signalnr = sig; /* If one of these two signals arrives again, we'll let the default handler take over, which will usually terminate the process immediately. */ signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); } } int stop_asap_test (void) { return exit_asap_value; } static void usage (void) { printf ("Usage: ecm [options] B1 [[B2min-]B2] < file\n"); printf ("\nParameters:\n"); printf (" B1 stage 1 bound\n"); printf (" B2 stage 2 bound (or interval B2min-B2max)\n"); printf ("\nOptions:\n"); printf (" -x0 x use x as initial point\n"); printf (" -y0 y use y as initial point (Weierstrass form)\n"); printf (" -param i which parametrization should be used [ecm]\n"); printf (" -sigma s use s as parameter to compute curve's coefficients" "\n can use -sigma i:s to specify -param i at the same" " time [ecm]\n"); printf (" -A A use A as a curve coefficient [ecm, see README]\n"); printf (" -torsion T to generate a curve with torsion group T " "[ecm, see README]\n"); printf (" -k n perform >= n steps in stage 2\n"); printf (" -power n use x^n for Brent-Suyama's extension\n"); printf (" -dickson n use n-th Dickson's polynomial for Brent-Suyama's extension\n"); printf (" -c n perform n runs for each input\n"); printf (" -pm1 perform P-1 instead of ECM\n"); printf (" -pp1 perform P+1 instead of ECM\n"); printf (" -q quiet mode\n"); printf (" -v verbose mode\n"); printf (" -timestamp print a time stamp with each number\n"); printf (" -mpzmod use GMP's mpz_mod for modular reduction\n"); printf (" -modmuln use Montgomery's MODMULN for modular reduction\n"); printf (" -redc use Montgomery's REDC for modular reduction\n"); printf (" -nobase2 disable special base-2 code\n"); printf (" -nobase2s2 disable special base-2 code in ecm stage 2 only\n"); printf (" -base2 n force base 2 mode with 2^n+1 (n>0) or 2^|n|-1 (n<0)\n"); printf (" -ntt enable NTT convolution routines in stage 2\n"); printf (" -no-ntt disable NTT convolution routines in stage 2\n"); printf (" -save file save residues at end of stage 1 to file\n"); printf (" -savea file like -save, appends to existing files\n"); printf (" -resume file resume residues from file, reads from stdin if file is \"-\"\n"); printf (" -chkpnt file save periodic checkpoints during stage 1 to file (for -param 0)\n"); printf (" -primetest perform a primality test on input\n"); printf (" -treefile f [ECM only] store stage 2 data in files f.0, ... \n"); printf (" -maxmem n use at most n MB of memory in stage 2\n"); printf (" -stage1time n add n seconds to ECM stage 1 time (for expected time est.)\n"); printf (" -inp file Use file as input (instead of redirecting stdin)\n"); printf (" -one Stop processing a candidate if a factor is found (looping mode)\n"); printf (" -go val Preload with group order val, which can be a simple expression,\n"); printf (" or can use N as a placeholder for the number being factored.\n"); printf (" -printconfig Print compile-time configuration and exit.\n"); printf (" -bsaves file With -param 1-3, save stage 1 exponent in file.\n"); printf (" -bloads file With -param 1-3, load stage 1 exponent from file.\n"); #ifdef WITH_GPU printf (" -gpu Use CGBN for computations stage 1.\n"); printf (" -gpudevice n Use device n to execute GPU code (by default, " "CUDA chooses)\n"); printf (" -gpucurves n Compute on n curves in parallel on the GPU (by " "default, CUDA chooses)\n"); #endif /* WITH_GPU */ #ifdef HAVE_GWNUM printf (" -force-gwnum Use gwnum routines for ECM stage 1 (if possible).\n"); printf (" -force-no-gwnum Do not use gwnum routines for ECM stage 1.\n"); #endif /* HAVE_GWNUM */ printf (" -h, --help Prints this help and exit.\n"); } /* Print parameters that were used to build GMP-ECM */ static void print_config (void) { printf ("Compilation options:\n"); #ifdef __MPIR_VERSION printf ("Included MPIR header files version %d.%d.%d\n", __MPIR_VERSION, __MPIR_VERSION_MINOR, __MPIR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL); #else /* __MPIR_VERSION */ #ifdef __GNU_MP_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL printf ("Included GMP header files version %d.%d.%d\n", __GNU_MP_VERSION, __GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR, __GNU_MP_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL); #else printf ("Included GMP header files version %d.%d\n", __GNU_MP_VERSION, __GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR); #endif #endif /* __MPIR_VERSION */ printf ("GMP_NUMB_BITS = %u\n", GMP_NUMB_BITS); #ifdef ECM_TUNE_CASE printf ("Tuning parameters from %s\n", ECM_TUNE_CASE); #else printf ("ECM_TUNE_CASE not defined.\n"); #endif #ifdef GWNUM_VERSION printf ("Included GWNUM header files version %s\n", GWNUM_VERSION); #else printf ("GWNUM_VERSION undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SSE2 printf ("HAVE_SSE2 = %d\n", HAVE_SSE2); #else printf ("HAVE_SSE2 undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE___GMPN_ADD_NC printf ("HAVE___GMPN_ADD_NC = %d\n", HAVE___GMPN_ADD_NC); #else printf ("HAVE___GMPN_ADD_NC undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE___GMPN_MOD_34LSUB1 printf ("HAVE___GMPN_MOD_34LSUB1 = %d\n", HAVE___GMPN_MOD_34LSUB1); #else printf ("HAVE___GMPN_MOD_34LSUB1 undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE___GMPN_REDC_1 printf ("HAVE___GMPN_REDC_1 = %d\n", HAVE___GMPN_REDC_1); #else printf ("HAVE___GMPN_REDC_1 undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef USE_ASM_REDC printf ("USE_ASM_REDC = %d\n", USE_ASM_REDC); #ifdef WINDOWS64_ABI printf ("WINDOWS64_ABI = %d\n", WINDOWS64_ABI); #else printf ("WINDOWS64_ABI undefined\n"); #endif #else printf ("USE_ASM_REDC undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef WANT_ASSERT printf ("WANT_ASSERT = %d\n", WANT_ASSERT); #else printf ("WANT_ASSERT undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef _OPENMP printf ("_OPENMP = %d\n", _OPENMP); #else printf ("_OPENMP undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef MPZMOD_THRESHOLD printf ("MPZMOD_THRESHOLD = %d\n", MPZMOD_THRESHOLD); #else printf ("MPZMOD_THRESHOLD undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef REDC_THRESHOLD printf ("REDC_THRESHOLD = %d\n", REDC_THRESHOLD); #else printf ("REDC_THRESHOLD undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef MUL_NTT_THRESHOLD printf ("MUL_NTT_THRESHOLD = %d\n", MUL_NTT_THRESHOLD); #else printf ("MUL_NTT_THRESHOLD undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef NTT_GFP_TWIDDLE_DIF_BREAKOVER printf ("NTT_GFP_TWIDDLE_DIF_BREAKOVER = %d\n", NTT_GFP_TWIDDLE_DIF_BREAKOVER); #else printf ("NTT_GFP_TWIDDLE_DIF_BREAKOVER undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef NTT_GFP_TWIDDLE_DIT_BREAKOVER printf ("NTT_GFP_TWIDDLE_DIT_BREAKOVER = %d\n", NTT_GFP_TWIDDLE_DIT_BREAKOVER); #else printf ("NTT_GFP_TWIDDLE_DIT_BREAKOVER undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef PREREVERTDIVISION_NTT_THRESHOLD printf ("PREREVERTDIVISION_NTT_THRESHOLD = %d\n", PREREVERTDIVISION_NTT_THRESHOLD); #else printf ("PREREVERTDIVISION_NTT_THRESHOLD undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef POLYINVERT_NTT_THRESHOLD printf ("POLYINVERT_NTT_THRESHOLD = %d\n", POLYINVERT_NTT_THRESHOLD); #else printf ("POLYINVERT_NTT_THRESHOLD undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef POLYEVALT_NTT_THRESHOLD printf ("POLYEVALT_NTT_THRESHOLD = %d\n", POLYEVALT_NTT_THRESHOLD); #else printf ("POLYEVALT_NTT_THRESHOLD undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef MPZSPV_NORMALISE_STRIDE printf ("MPZSPV_NORMALISE_STRIDE = %d\n", MPZSPV_NORMALISE_STRIDE); #else printf ("MPZSPV_NORMALISE_STRIDE undefined\n"); #endif #ifdef WITH_GPU printf ("WITH_GPU = %d\n", WITH_GPU); #else printf ("WITH_GPU undefined\n"); #endif } /* r <- q mod N. Return value: 1 if den invertible, 0 if factor found; in this case gcd(den(q), N) is put in r. */ static int mod_from_mpq (mpz_t r, mpq_t q, mpz_t N, int verbose) { mpz_t inv, C; int factor_is_prime, cofactor_is_prime, ret = ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND; mpz_init (inv); if (mpz_invert (inv, mpq_denref (q), N) == 0) { mpz_gcd (r, mpq_denref (q), N); if (verbose > 0) { if (verbose > 1) printf ("Warning: factor found during initialization\n"); printf ("********** Factor found in step 1: "); } mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, r); if (verbose > 0) printf ("\n"); if (mpz_cmp (r, N) == 0) ret = ECM_INPUT_NUMBER_FOUND; else { factor_is_prime = mpz_probab_prime_p (r, PROBAB_PRIME_TESTS); mpz_init (C); mpz_tdiv_q (C, N, r); cofactor_is_prime = mpz_probab_prime_p (C, PROBAB_PRIME_TESTS); mpz_clear (C); if (factor_is_prime) ret = cofactor_is_prime ? ECM_PRIME_FAC_PRIME_COFAC : ECM_PRIME_FAC_COMP_COFAC; else ret = cofactor_is_prime ? ECM_COMP_FAC_PRIME_COFAC : ECM_COMP_FAC_COMP_COFAC; } } else { mpz_mul (inv, mpq_numref (q), inv); mpz_mod (r, inv, N); } mpz_clear (inv); return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Main program * * * ******************************************************************************/ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char **argv0 = argv; mpz_t x, y, sigma, A, f, orig_x0, orig_y0, B2, B2min, startingB2min, orig_n; mpcandi_t n; mpgocandi_t go; mpq_t rat_x0, rat_y0, rat_A; mpz_t numer_A, denom_A; /* used in Hessian stuff */ double B1, B1done; int result, returncode = 0; int verbose = OUTPUT_NORMAL; /* verbose level */ int timestamp = 0; int method = ECM_ECM; int use_ntt = 1; /* Default, use NTT if input is small enough */ int specific_x0 = 0, /* 1=starting point supplied by user, 0=random or */ /* compute from sigma */ specific_y0 = 0, /* was y0 given by the user? */ specific_A = 0, /* one may want its own A, including A=0 */ specific_sigma = 0; /* 0=make random */ /* 1=sigma from command line */ int repr = ECM_MOD_DEFAULT; /* automatic choice */ int nobase2step2 = 0; /* flag to turn off base 2 arithmetic in ecm stage 2 */ unsigned long k = ECM_DEFAULT_K; /* default number of blocks in stage 2 */ int S = ECM_DEFAULT_S; /* Degree for Brent-Suyama extension requested by user. Positive value: use S-th power, negative: use degree |S| Dickson poly, default (0): automatic choice. */ char *savefilename = NULL, *resumefilename = NULL, *infilename = NULL; char *TreeFilename = NULL, *chkfilename = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_TORSION char *torsion = NULL; #endif char rtime[256] = "", who[256] = "", comment[256] = "", program[256] = ""; FILE *resumefile = NULL, *infile = NULL; mpz_t resume_lastN, resume_lastfac; /* When resuming residues from a file, store the last number processed and the factors found for this it */ int resume_wasPrp = 0; /* 1 if resume_lastN/resume_lastfac is a PRP */ int primetest = 0, saveappend = 0; double startingB1; unsigned int count = 1; /* number of curves for each number */ unsigned int cnt = 0; /* number of remaining curves for current number */ int deep=1; double maxmem = 0.; double stage1time = 0.; ecm_params params; int param = ECM_PARAM_DEFAULT; /* automatic choice */ char *savefile_s = NULL; char *loadfile_s = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GWNUM double gw_k = 0.0; /* set default values for gwnum poly k*b^n+c */ unsigned long gw_b = 0; /* set default values for gwnum poly k*b^n+c */ unsigned long gw_n = 0; /* set default values for gwnum poly k*b^n+c */ signed long gw_c = 0; /* set default values for gwnum poly k*b^n+c */ signed long gw_cl_flag = 0; #endif int use_gpu = 0; /* Do we use the GPU for stage 1 (by default no) */ int gpudevice = -1; /* Which device do we use for GPU code (by default CUDA */ /* chooses) */ unsigned int gpucurves = 0; /* How many curves do we want for GPU code */ /* (by default CUDA chooses) */ /* check ecm is linked with a compatible library */ if (mp_bits_per_limb != GMP_NUMB_BITS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, mp_bits_per_limb and GMP_NUMB_BITS differ\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Please check your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable\n"); exit (1); } ecm_init (params); /* initialize the group order candidate */ mpgocandi_t_init (&go); /* Init variables we might need to store options */ mpz_init (sigma); mpz_init (A); mpz_init (B2); mpz_init (B2min); mpz_init (startingB2min); mpq_init (rat_A); mpq_init (rat_x0); mpq_init (rat_y0); /* first look for options */ while ((argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-')) { if (strcmp (argv[1], "-pm1") == 0) { method = ECM_PM1; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-pp1") == 0) { method = ECM_PP1; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-q") == 0) { verbose = OUTPUT_ALWAYS; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-v") == 0) { verbose ++; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-timestamp") == 0) { timestamp = 1; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-mpzmod") == 0) { repr = ECM_MOD_MPZ; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-modmuln") == 0) { repr = ECM_MOD_MODMULN; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-redc") == 0) { repr = ECM_MOD_REDC; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-nobase2") == 0) { repr = ECM_MOD_NOBASE2; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-nobase2s2") == 0) { nobase2step2 = 1; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-ntt") == 0) { use_ntt = 2; /* Use NTT, even for large input numbers */ argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-no-ntt") == 0) { use_ntt = 0; /* Never use NTT */ argv++; argc--; } #ifdef HAVE_GWNUM /* switches to facilitate finding crossovers or force faster method */ else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-force-gwnum") == 0) { gw_cl_flag = 1.0; /* always use gwnum if input number > 2^350 */ argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-force-no-gwnum") == 0) { gw_cl_flag = -1.0; /* Do not use gwnum */ argv++; argc--; } /* note that gw_cl_flag == 0.0 will indicate that neither choice above was specified and the estimated crossovers in ecm-impl.h will be used */ #endif /* HAVE_GWNUM */ else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-primetest") == 0) { primetest = 1; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-one") == 0) { deep = 0; argv++; argc--; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-bsaves") == 0)) { savefile_s = argv[2]; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-bloads") == 0)) { loadfile_s = argv[2]; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp (argv[1], "--help") == 0) { usage (); goto free_all; } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-printconfig") == 0) { print_config (); goto free_all; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-x0")) == 0) { if (mpq_set_str (rat_x0, argv[2], 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, invalid starting point: %s\n", argv[2]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } specific_x0 = 1; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-y0")) == 0) { if (mpq_set_str (rat_y0, argv[2], 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, invalid starting point: %s\n", argv[2]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } specific_y0 = 1; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-param")) == 0) { /* atoi does not allow use to distinct from */ /* '-param 0' and '-param -otherargs' as it will always return 0 */ if (argv[2][0] == '-') { fprintf (stderr, "Error, invalid -param value: %s\n", argv[2]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* If param was already set (by -sigma i:x), we should check that */ /* the same value is passed with -param */ if (param != ECM_PARAM_DEFAULT) { if (param != atoi (argv[2])) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, conflict between -sigma and -param " "arguments\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } else param = atoi (argv[2]); argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-sigma")) == 0) { /* Accept stuff like '-sigma i:s', this is equivalent to */ /* '-param i -sigma s'. If we have only -sigma s and param is not */ /* yet defined we assumed this is 0 (for compatibility reason) */ if (argv[2][1] == ':') { argv[2][1] = '\0'; /* If param was already set (by -param i:x), we should check */ /* that the same value is passed with -sigma */ if (param != ECM_PARAM_DEFAULT) { if (param != atoi (argv[2])) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, conflict between -sigma and " "-param arguments\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } else param = atoi (argv[2]) ; if (mpz_set_str (sigma, argv[2]+2, 0) || mpz_sgn (sigma) == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, invalid sigma value: %s\n", argv[2]+2); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { if (param == ECM_PARAM_DEFAULT) param = ECM_PARAM_SUYAMA; if (mpz_set_str (sigma, argv[2], 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, invalid sigma value: %s\n", argv[2]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } specific_sigma = 1; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-A")) == 0) { if (mpq_set_str (rat_A, argv[2], 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, invalid A value: %s\n", argv[2]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } specific_A = 1; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } #ifdef HAVE_TORSION else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-torsion")) == 0) { torsion = argv[2]; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } #endif else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-power")) == 0) { S = abs (atoi (argv[2])); /* should this be validated? and a error/abort issued if 0 ??? */ argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-dickson") == 0)) { S = - abs ( atoi (argv[2])); /* should this be validated? and a error/abort issued if 0 ??? */ argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-k") == 0)) { k = atol (argv[2]); /* should this be validated? and a error/abort issued if 0 ??? */ argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-c") == 0)) { count = atoi (argv[2]); /* should this be validated? and a error/abort issued if 0 ??? */ argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-save") == 0)) { savefilename = argv[2]; saveappend = 0; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-savea") == 0)) { savefilename = argv[2]; saveappend = 1; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-resume") == 0)) { resumefilename = argv[2]; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-chkpnt") == 0)) { chkfilename = argv[2]; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-treefile") == 0)) { TreeFilename = argv[2]; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-base2") == 0)) { int b = atoi (argv[2]); if (abs (b) >= 16) /* |Values| < 16 are reserved for other methods */ repr = b; /* keep method unchanged in that case */ argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-inp") == 0)) { infilename = argv[2]; infile = fopen (infilename, "r"); if (!infile) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't find input file %s\n", infilename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-maxmem") == 0)) { maxmem = atof (argv[2]) * 1048576.; ASSERT_ALWAYS (maxmem >= 0.0); argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-stage1time") == 0)) { stage1time = atof (argv[2]); argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-go") == 0)) { if (go.cpOrigExpr) { fprintf (stderr, "Warning, for multiple -go options, only the last one is taken into account.\n"); free (go.cpOrigExpr); } go.cpOrigExpr = malloc (strlen (argv[2]) + 1); if (go.cpOrigExpr == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot allocate memory in main\n"); exit (1); } strcpy (go.cpOrigExpr, argv[2]); if (strchr (go.cpOrigExpr, 'N')) { go.containsN = 1; go.Valid = 1; /* we actually do not know if it is valid here, but we "assume" until the first time it gets run through */ } else { go.containsN = 0; /* have "fully" parsed expr or number. Do not recompute for each N */ if (eval_str (&(go.Candi), go.cpOrigExpr, 0, NULL)) go.Valid = 1; } argv += 2; argc -= 2; } #ifdef WITH_GPU else if (strcmp (argv[1], "-gpu") == 0 || strcmp (argv[1], "-cgbn") == 0) { use_gpu = 1; argv++; argc--; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-gpudevice") == 0)) { gpudevice = atoi (argv[2]); argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp (argv[1], "-gpucurves") == 0)) { gpucurves = atoi (argv[2]); argv += 2; argc -= 2; } #endif else { fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[1]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } if ((method == ECM_PM1 || method == ECM_PP1) && (S != ECM_DEFAULT_S && S != 1)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, %s not supported for %s\n", S < 0 ? "-dickson" : "-power", method == ECM_PM1 ? "-pm1" : "-pp1" ); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (argc < 2) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid arguments. See %s --help.\n", argv0[0]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (strcmp (ecm_version (), ECM_VERSION) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, library version %s differs from header " "version %s with which this file was compiled\n", ecm_version (), ECM_VERSION); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* start of the program */ if (verbose >= 1) { char Gmp_version[64]; char out0[128], *out = out0; #ifdef __MPIR_VERSION sprintf (Gmp_version, "MPIR %d.%d.%d", __MPIR_VERSION, __MPIR_VERSION_MINOR, __MPIR_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL); #else /* original GMP */ sprintf (Gmp_version, "GMP %s", gmp_version); #endif /* __MPIR_VERSION */ out += sprintf (out, "GMP-ECM %s [configured with %s", ecm_version (), Gmp_version); #ifdef HAVE_GWNUM out += sprintf (out, ", GWNUM %s", GWNUM_VERSION); #endif #ifdef USE_ASM_REDC out += sprintf (out, ", --enable-asm-redc"); #endif #ifdef WITH_GPU out += sprintf (out, ", --enable-gpu"); #endif #ifdef WANT_ASSERT out += sprintf (out, ", --enable-assert"); #endif #ifdef _OPENMP out += sprintf (out, ", --enable-openmp"); #endif printf ("%s] [", out0); switch (method) { case ECM_PM1: printf ("P-1"); break; case ECM_PP1: printf ("P+1"); break; default: printf ("ECM"); } printf ("]\n"); #ifdef ECM_TUNE_CASE if (verbose >= 2) printf ("Tuned for %s\n", ECM_TUNE_CASE); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTNAME if (verbose >= 2) { #define MNAMESIZE 64 char mname[MNAMESIZE]; if (gethostname (mname, MNAMESIZE) == 0) { mname[MNAMESIZE - 1] = 0; /* gethostname() may omit trailing 0 */ printf ("Running on %s\n", mname); } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_GWNUM #ifdef gwnum_is_gpl if (! gwnum_is_gpl ()) #endif printf ("Due to incompatible licenses, this binary file must not " "be distributed.\n"); #endif } /* set first stage bound B1 */ B1 = strtod (argv[1], &argv[1]); if (*argv[1] == '-') { B1done = B1; B1 = strtod (argv[1] + 1, NULL); } else B1done = ECM_DEFAULT_B1_DONE; mpz_set_si (B2min, -1); /* default, means that B2min will be set to B1 by ecm(), pm1() and pp1() */ if (B1 < 0.0 || B1done < 0.0) { fprintf (stderr, "Bound values must be positive\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* check B1 is not too large */ if (B1 > MAX_B1) { fprintf (stderr, "Too large stage 1 bound, limit is %1.0f\n", MAX_B1); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } init_expr (); mpz_set_si (B2, ECM_DEFAULT_B2); /* compute it automatically from B1 */ /* parse B2 or B2min-B2max */ if (argc >= 3) { int c; double d; char *endptr; /* This is like strtok, but SunOS does not seem to have it declared in any header files, in spite of saying it does in the man pages... */ for (endptr = argv[2]; *endptr != '\0' && *endptr != '-'; endptr++); if (*endptr == '-') *(endptr++) = '\0'; else endptr = NULL; c = -1; { int r; r = gmp_sscanf (argv[2], "%Zd%n", B2, &c); /* Try parsing as integer */ if (r <= 0) { /* restore original value */ if (endptr != NULL) *(--endptr) = '-'; fprintf (stderr, "Invalid B2 value: %s\n", argv[2]); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } #ifdef __MINGW32__ /* MinGW scanf() returns a value 1 too high for %n */ /* Reported to MinGW as bug number 1163607 */ if (c > 0 && argv[2][c - 1] == 0) c--; #endif if (c < 0 || argv[2][c] != '\0') { c = -1; gmp_sscanf (argv[2], "%lf%n", &d, &c); /* Try parsing scientific */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ if (c > 0 && argv[2][c - 1] == 0) c--; #endif mpz_set_d (B2, d); } if (c < 0 || argv[2][c] != '\0' || argv[2][0] == '\0') /* If not the whole token could be parsed either way, or if there was no token to begin with (i.e string starting with '-') signal error */ c = -1; else if (endptr != NULL) /* Did we have a '-' in there? */ { mpz_set (B2min, B2); /* make sure B2min is not less than B1 */ if (mpz_cmp_d (B2min, B1) < 0) mpz_set_d (B2min, B1); c = -1; gmp_sscanf (endptr, "%Zd%n", B2, &c); #ifdef __MINGW32__ if (c > 0 && endptr[c - 1] == 0) c--; #endif if (c < 0 || endptr[c] != '\0') { gmp_sscanf (endptr, "%lf%n", &d, &c); #ifdef __MINGW32__ if (c > 0 && endptr[c - 1] == 0) c--; #endif mpz_set_d (B2, d); } if (c < 0 || endptr[c] != '\0') c = -1; } if (c == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: expected positive integer(s) B2 or " "B2min-B2\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* set static parameters (i.e. those that don't change during the program) */ params->verbose = verbose; params->method = method; mpz_set (params->B2min, B2min); mpz_set (params->B2, B2); params->k = k; params->S = S; params->repr = repr; params->nobase2step2 = nobase2step2; params->chkfilename = chkfilename; params->TreeFilename = TreeFilename; params->maxmem = maxmem; params->stage1time = stage1time; params->gpu = use_gpu; /* If WITH_GPU is not defined it will always be 0 */ params->gpu_device = gpudevice; /* If WITH_GPU is not defined or */ /* use_gpu = 0, it has no meaning */ params->gpu_number_of_curves = gpucurves; /* If WITH_GPU is not defined or */ /* use_gpu = 0, it has no meaning*/ /* Open resume file for reading, if resuming is requested */ if (resumefilename != NULL) { /* -resume should not be used with -gpu */ if (use_gpu) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, -resume not allowed with -gpu\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (strcmp (resumefilename, "-") == 0) resumefile = stdin; else resumefile = fopen (resumefilename, "r"); if (resumefile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not open file %s for reading\n", resumefilename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } mpz_init (resume_lastN); mpz_init (resume_lastfac); mpz_set_ui (resume_lastfac, 1); } /* Open save file for writing, if saving is requested */ if (savefilename != NULL) { FILE *savefile; /* Are we not appending and does this file already exist ? */ if (!saveappend && access (savefilename, F_OK) == 0) { printf ("Save file %s already exists, will not overwrite\n", savefilename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Test if we can open the file for writing */ savefile = fopen (savefilename, "a"); if (savefile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not open file %s for writing\n", savefilename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } fclose (savefile); } if (specific_sigma && (specific_x0 || specific_A)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, -sigma parameter is incompatible with " "-A and -x0 parameters.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (specific_y0 && (!specific_x0 || !specific_A)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, -y0 must be used with -A and -x0 parameters.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (resumefile && (specific_sigma || param != ECM_PARAM_DEFAULT || specific_A || specific_x0)) { printf ("Warning: -sigma, -param, -A and -x0 parameters are\n" "ignored when resuming from save files.\n"); mpz_set_ui (sigma, 0); specific_sigma = 0; param = ECM_PARAM_DEFAULT; mpz_set_ui (A, 0); specific_x0 = 0; } mpcandi_t_init (&n); /* number(s) to factor */ mpz_init (f); /* factor found */ mpz_init (x); /* stage 1 residue */ mpz_init (y); /* stage 1 for ECM_W or ECM_H */ mpz_init (orig_x0); /* starting point, for save file */ mpz_init (orig_y0); /* starting point, for save file */ /* Install signal handlers */ #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL /* We catch signals only if there is a savefile. Otherwise there's nothing we could save by exiting cleanly, but the waiting for the code to check for signals may delay program end unacceptably */ if (savefilename != NULL) { signal (SIGINT, &signal_handler); signal (SIGTERM, &signal_handler); params->stop_asap = &stop_asap_test; } #endif /* loop for number in standard input or file */ startingB1 = B1; mpz_set (startingB2min, B2min); if (!infilename) infile = stdin; /* Main loop */ while ((cnt > 0 || feof (infile) == 0) && !exit_asap_value) { result = ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND; params->B1done = B1done; /* may change with resume */ if (resumefile != NULL) /* resume case */ { if (count != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, option -c and -resume are incompatible\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!read_resumefile_line (&method, x, y, &n, sigma, A, orig_x0, orig_y0, &(params->E->type), &(params->param), &(params->B1done), program, who, rtime, comment, resumefile)) break; if (params->E->type == ECM_EC_TYPE_WEIERSTRASS || params->E->type == ECM_EC_TYPE_HESSIAN || params->E->type == ECM_EC_TYPE_TWISTED_HESSIAN) params->sigma_is_A = -1; else params->sigma_is_A = mpz_sgn (sigma) == 0; /* sure? */ if (mpz_cmp (n.n, resume_lastN) == 0) { /* Aha, we're trying the same number again. */ /* We skip this attempt if: 1. the remaining cofactor after the last attempt was a probable prime, or 2. if a factor was found and the user gave the -one option */ if (resume_wasPrp || (deep == 0 && mpz_cmp_ui (resume_lastfac, 1) != 0)) continue; /* If we found a factor in an earlier attempt, divide it out */ if (mpz_cmp_ui (resume_lastfac, 1) > 0) mpcandi_t_addfoundfactor (&n, resume_lastfac, 1); } else { /* It's a different number. Set resume_lastN and resume_lastfac */ mpz_set (resume_lastN, n.n); mpz_set_ui (resume_lastfac, 1); resume_wasPrp = n.isPrp; } cnt = count; /* i.e. 1 */ if (verbose >= OUTPUT_NORMAL) { printf ("Resuming "); if (method == ECM_ECM) printf ("ECM"); else if (method == ECM_PM1) printf ("P-1"); else if (method == ECM_PP1) printf ("P+1"); printf (" residue "); if (program[0] || who[0] || rtime[0]) printf ("saved "); if (who[0]) printf ("by %s ", who); if (program[0]) printf ("with %s ", program); if (rtime[0]) printf ("on %s ", rtime); if (comment[0]) printf ("(%s)", comment); printf ("\n"); } } else /* no-resume case */ { if (cnt) /* nothing to read: reuse old number */ { if (verbose >= OUTPUT_NORMAL) printf ("Run %u out of %u:\n", count - cnt + 1, count); } else /* new number */ { if (!read_number (&n, infile, primetest)) break; cnt = count; /* reset B1 (and B2min) values, as they could have been advanced on the prior candidate */ B1 = startingB1; mpz_set (B2min, startingB2min); } /* "blank" lines, or lines that could not be parsed correctly will leave a 1 in this value */ if (n.isPrp) { /* n is 0 or 1 (or -1 I guess) so do NOT proceed with it */ cnt = 0; continue; } /* Set effective seed for factoring attempt on this number */ if (specific_A) { if (param != ECM_PARAM_TWISTED_HESSIAN) { returncode = mod_from_mpq (A, rat_A, n.n, verbose); } else { mpz_init(numer_A); mpz_init(denom_A); mpz_mod(numer_A, mpq_numref(rat_A), n.n); mpz_mod(denom_A, mpq_denref(rat_A), n.n); returncode = ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND; } if (returncode != ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND) goto free_all1; } if (specific_x0) /* convert rational value to integer */ { if (count != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, option -c is incompatible with -x0\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } returncode = mod_from_mpq (x, rat_x0, n.n, verbose); if (returncode != ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND) goto free_all1; if (specific_y0) { returncode = mod_from_mpq (y, rat_y0, n.n, verbose); if (returncode != ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND) goto free_all1; } } else /* Set x to 0. This will tell the ecm library to choose a random starting point for P-1 and P+1. ECM will compute a suitable value from sigma or A if x is zero. */ mpz_set_ui (x, 0); if (ECM_IS_DEFAULT_B1_DONE (B1done)) /* first time */ { mpz_set (orig_x0, x); if (specific_y0) mpz_set (orig_y0, y); } } if (verbose >= OUTPUT_NORMAL) { if (cnt == count) { /* first time this candidate has been run (if looping more than once) */ if (n.cpExpr && n.nexprlen < MAX_NUMBER_PRINT_LEN) printf ("Input number is %s (%u digits)\n", n.cpExpr, n.ndigits); else if (n.ndigits < MAX_NUMBER_PRINT_LEN) gmp_printf ("Input number is %Zd (%u digits)\n", n.n, n.ndigits); else { /* Print only first and last ten digits of the number */ mpz_t t, u; mpz_init (t); mpz_init (u); mpz_ui_pow_ui (u, 5, n.ndigits - 10); mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (t, n.n, n.ndigits - 10); mpz_tdiv_q (t, t, u); gmp_printf ("Input number is %Zd...", t); mpz_ui_pow_ui (u, 10, 10); mpz_tdiv_r (t, n.n, u); gmp_printf ("%Zd (%u digits)\n", t, n.ndigits); mpz_clear (u); mpz_clear (t); } if (n.isPrp) printf ("****** Warning: input is probably prime ******\n"); } fflush (stdout); } /* Even in verbose=0 we should primality check if told to do so, however, we will print to stderr to keep stdout "clean" for verbose=0 like behavior */ else if (cnt == count && n.isPrp) gmp_fprintf (stderr, "Input number is %Zd (%u digits)\n" "****** Warning: input is probably prime ******\n", n.n, n.ndigits); mpgocandi_fixup_with_N (&go, &n); if (param != ECM_PARAM_DEFAULT && method != ECM_ECM) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, the -param option is only valid for ECM\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (param != ECM_PARAM_DEFAULT && !IS_BATCH_MODE (param) && param != ECM_PARAM_SUYAMA && param != ECM_PARAM_WEIERSTRASS && param != ECM_PARAM_HESSIAN && param != ECM_PARAM_TWISTED_HESSIAN) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, invalid -param value: %d\n", param); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* params->param might be set if we resume from a file */ if (params->param == ECM_PARAM_DEFAULT) params->param = param; /* this is a hack to produce an error in ecm() when -bsaves is used but we are not in batch mode */ if (savefile_s != NULL) { if (!IS_BATCH_MODE(param)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, -bsaves makes sense in batch mode only " "(-param in {%d,%d,%d})\n", ECM_PARAM_BATCH_SQUARE, ECM_PARAM_BATCH_2, ECM_PARAM_BATCH_32BITS_D); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* if batch_s <> 1, it means it was already initialized, thus don't discard it, for example with -c 2 */ if (mpz_cmp_ui (params->batch_s, 1) == 0) /* not initialized */ mpz_set_ui (params->batch_s, 2); } /* load batch product s from a file */ if (loadfile_s != NULL) { int st = cputime (); if (!IS_BATCH_MODE(param)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error, -bloads makes sense in batch mode only " "(-param in {%d,%d,%d})\n", ECM_PARAM_BATCH_SQUARE, ECM_PARAM_BATCH_2, ECM_PARAM_BATCH_32BITS_D); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } params->batch_last_B1_used = B1; if (read_s_from_file (params->batch_s, loadfile_s, B1)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while reading s from file\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (verbose >= OUTPUT_VERBOSE) fprintf (stdout, "Reading batch product (of %"PRIu64" bits) of " "primes up to B1=%1.0f from %s took %ldms\n", (uint64_t) mpz_sizeinbase (params->batch_s, 2), B1, loadfile_s, cputime () - st); } /* set parameters that may change from one curve to another */ params->method = method; /* may change with resume */ mpz_set (params->x, x); /* may change with resume */ mpz_set (params->y, y); /* may change with resume */ /* already set when resumefile was read */ if (resumefile == NULL) { /* if A is not zero, we use it */ params->sigma_is_A = specific_A; if (specific_A) { if (params->param == ECM_PARAM_WEIERSTRASS) { /* compute B = y^2-x^3-A*x = y^2 - (x^2+A)*x */ mpz_mul (params->E->a6, y, y); mpz_mul (params->E->a4, x, x); mpz_add (params->E->a4, params->E->a4, A); mpz_mul (params->E->a4, params->E->a4, x); mpz_sub (params->E->a6, params->E->a6, params->E->a4); mpz_mod (params->E->a6, params->E->a6, n.n); mpz_set (params->E->a4, A); params->sigma_is_A = -1; params->E->type = ECM_EC_TYPE_WEIERSTRASS; params->E->law = ECM_LAW_HOMOGENEOUS; } else if (params->param == ECM_PARAM_HESSIAN) { /* use x^3+y^3+1=3*A*x*y */ mpz_set (params->E->a4, A); params->sigma_is_A = -1; params->E->type = ECM_EC_TYPE_HESSIAN; params->E->law = ECM_LAW_HOMOGENEOUS; } else if (params->param == ECM_PARAM_TWISTED_HESSIAN) { /* use a*x^3+y^3+1=d*x*y with A=a^3/d -- trick! */ mpz_set (params->E->a4, numer_A); mpz_set (params->E->a6, denom_A); mpz_clear(numer_A); mpz_clear(denom_A); params->sigma_is_A = -1; params->E->type = ECM_EC_TYPE_TWISTED_HESSIAN; params->E->law = ECM_LAW_HOMOGENEOUS; } } #ifdef HAVE_TORSION else if (torsion != NULL) { params->param = ECM_PARAM_TORSION; params->sigma_is_A = -1; result = build_curves_with_torsion2 (f, n.n, params->E, params->x, params->y, torsion, sigma); } #endif } mpz_set (params->sigma, (params->sigma_is_A) ? A : sigma); mpz_set (params->go, go.Candi.n); /* may change if contains N */ mpz_set (params->B2min, B2min); /* may change with -c */ /* Default, for P-1/P+1 with old stage 2 and ECM, use NTT only for small input */ if (use_ntt == 1 && (method == ECM_ECM || S != ECM_DEFAULT_S)) params->use_ntt = (mpz_size (n.n) <= NTT_SIZE_THRESHOLD); else params->use_ntt = use_ntt; #ifdef HAVE_GWNUM params->gw_cl_flag = gw_cl_flag; /* save */ /* check if the input number is too small (2^350) for gwnum */ if (mpz_sizeinbase(n.n, 2) < 350) { params->gw_b = 0; params->gw_k = 0.0; /* indicate that input is too small for gwnum */ if (verbose > OUTPUT_NORMAL) printf ("Input number is too small for gwnum\n"); } else { /* check if the input number can be represented as k*b^n+c */ if (kbnc_str (&gw_k, &gw_b, &gw_n, &gw_c, n.cpExpr, n.n)) { params->gw_k = gw_k; params->gw_b = gw_b; params->gw_n = gw_n; params->gw_c = gw_c; if (verbose > OUTPUT_NORMAL) printf ("Found number: %.0f*%lu^%lu + %ld\n", gw_k, gw_b, gw_n, gw_c); } else if (kbnc_z (&gw_k, &gw_b, &gw_n, &gw_c, n.n)) { params->gw_k = gw_k; params->gw_b = gw_b; params->gw_n = gw_n; params->gw_c = gw_c; if (verbose > OUTPUT_NORMAL) printf ("Found number: %.0f*%lu^%lu + %ld\n", gw_k, gw_b, gw_n, gw_c); } else { params->gw_b = 0; } } #endif if (timestamp) { time_t t; t = time (NULL); printf ("[%.24s]\n", ctime (&t)); } #if 0 /* Test mpres_muldivbysomething_si() which is not called in normal operation */ mpmod_selftest (n.n); #endif /* now call the ecm library */ if (result == ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND) /* if torsion was used, some factor may have been found... */ result = ecm_factor (f, n.n, B1, params); if (result == ECM_ERROR || result == ECM_USER_ERROR) { if (result == ECM_ERROR) // internal error fprintf (stderr, "Please report internal errors at <%s>.\n", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!params->gpu) cnt --; /* one more curve performed */ else { if (cnt <= params->gpu_number_of_curves) cnt = 0; else cnt -= params->gpu_number_of_curves; } /* When GPU is used we need to have the value of N before it is divided by potential factor in f */ mpz_init_set (orig_n, n.n); if (result != ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND) { mpz_t tmp_factor; returncode = 0; mpz_init (tmp_factor); do { if (params->gpu) /* gpu returns multiple factors as f = f0 + f1*n + ... + fk*n^k */ mpz_fdiv_qr (f, tmp_factor, f, orig_n); else mpz_set (tmp_factor, f); returncode = process_newfactor (tmp_factor, result, &n, method, returncode, params->gpu, &cnt, &resume_wasPrp, resume_lastfac, resumefile, verbose, deep); } while (params->gpu && mpz_cmp_ui (f, 0) != 0 && returncode != ECM_INPUT_NUMBER_FOUND); mpz_clear (tmp_factor); } /* if quiet mode, prints remaining cofactor after last curve */ if ((cnt == 0) && (verbose == 0) && (mpz_cmp_ui (n.n, 1) > 0)) { if (n.cpExpr) printf ("%s", n.cpExpr); else mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, n.n); putchar ('\n'); fflush (stdout); } /* Write composite cofactors to savefile if requested */ /* If no factor was found, we consider cofactor composite and write it */ if (savefilename != NULL && !n.isPrp) { /* TODO Deal with return code */ write_resumefile (savefilename, method, params, &n, orig_n, orig_x0, orig_y0, comment); } mpz_clear (orig_n); /* Save the batch exponent s if requested */ if (savefile_s != NULL) { int ret = write_s_in_file (savefile_s, params->batch_s); if (verbose >= OUTPUT_VERBOSE && ret > 0) printf ("Saved batch product (of %u bytes) in %s\n", ret, savefile_s); } } /* end of main loop */ free_all1: if (infilename) /* infile might be stdin, don't fclose that! */ fclose (infile); if (resumefile) { fclose (resumefile); mpz_clear (resume_lastN); mpz_clear (resume_lastfac); } mpz_clear (orig_y0); mpz_clear (orig_x0); mpz_clear (y); mpz_clear (x); mpz_clear (f); mpcandi_t_free (&n); free_all: free_expr (); mpq_clear (rat_y0); mpq_clear (rat_x0); mpq_clear (rat_A); mpz_clear (startingB2min); mpz_clear (B2min); mpz_clear (B2); mpz_clear (A); mpz_clear (sigma); mpgocandi_t_free (&go); ecm_clear (params); /* exit 0 if a factor was found for the last input, except if we exit due to a signal */ #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL if (returncode == 0 && exit_asap_value != 0) returncode = 143; #endif /* print memory usage */ if (verbose > 1) { long peak = PeakMemusage (); if (peak != -1) printf ("Peak memory usage: %ldMB\n", peak >> 10); } return returncode; }