use fem::{DiscreteApproximation::*, StateSpace2x2, Bilinear}; use plotters::prelude::*; use nalgebra as na; fn main() { let omega = 12.5; //2.*std::f64::consts::PI*2.; let zeta = 2e-2; let tau = 0.5e-3; let mut ss = StateSpace2x2::from_second_order(BiLinear(tau), omega, zeta, None, None); println!("a: {}", ss.aa); println!("b: {}",; println!("c: {}",; let mut bl = Bilinear::from_second_order(tau, omega, zeta, vec![1.], vec![1.]); println!("q: {:?}", bl.q); println!("m: {:?}", bl.m); let u = vec![0.]; ss.x = na::Vector2::new(1.,0.); let n = 10000; let l = (n as f64 * tau) * 1.1; /*(0..10000).for_each(|k| { let t = tau * k as f64; let y = (-0.25 * t).exp() * (0.019988 * (12.5075 * t).sin() + (12.5075 * t).cos()); println!("{:.3}: {:4?} {:4}", tau * k as f64, ss.solve(&u), y) });*/ let root_drawing_area = SVGBackend::new("examples/second_order.svg", (600, 400)).into_drawing_area(); root_drawing_area.fill(&WHITE).unwrap(); let mut ctx = ChartBuilder::on(&root_drawing_area) .margin_top(40) .margin_right(40) // enables Y axis, the size is 40 px .set_label_area_size(LabelAreaPosition::Left, 40) // enable X axis, the size is 40 px .set_label_area_size(LabelAreaPosition::Bottom, 40) .build_cartesian_2d(0f64..l, -1f64..1f64) .unwrap(); ctx.configure_mesh().draw().unwrap(); ctx.draw_series(LineSeries::new( (0..10000).map(|k| (k as f64 * tau, ss.solve(&u)[0])), &BLUE.mix(0.5), )) .unwrap() .label(format!("{:?}",ss.method)) .legend(|(x, y)| PathElement::new(vec![(x, y), (x + 20, y)], &BLUE.mix(0.5))); ctx.draw_series(LineSeries::new( (0..10000).map(|k| { let t = k as f64 * tau; let y = (-0.25 * t).exp() * (0.019988 * (12.5075 * t).sin() + (12.5075 * t).cos()); (t, y) }), &RED.mix(0.5), )) .unwrap() .label("Expected") .legend(|(x, y)| PathElement::new(vec![(x, y), (x + 20, y)], &RED.mix(0.5))); ctx.configure_series_labels() .border_style(&BLACK) .background_style(&WHITE.mix(0.5)) .draw() .unwrap(); }