use gmt_dos_actors::prelude::*; use gmt_dos_clients::{Logging, Signal, Signals}; use gmt_dos_clients_fem::fem_io::actors_outputs::OSSM1Lcl; use gmt_dos_clients_fem::{DiscreteModalSolver, ExponentialMatrix}; use gmt_dos_clients_io::{gmt_m1::M1RigidBodyMotions, gmt_m2::asm::segment::VoiceCoilsMotion}; use gmt_dos_clients_m1_ctrl::{Calibration as M1Calibration, Segment as M1Segment}; use gmt_dos_clients_m2_ctrl::{Calibration as AsmsCalibration, Segment as AsmsSegment}; use gmt_dos_clients_mount::Mount; use gmt_fem::FEM; use nalgebra::DVector; use nanorand::{Rng, WyRand}; use std::{env, path::Path}; /* export FEM_REPO=/home/ubuntu/projects/dos-actors/grsim/20230131_1605_zen_30_M1_202110_ASM_202208_Mount_202111/ cargo test --release --package gmt_dos-clients_m2-ctrl --features serde --test mount-m1-m2 -- main --exact --nocapture */ const ACTUATOR_RATE: usize = 80; #[tokio::test] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { env_logger::init(); let mut rng = WyRand::new(); let sim_sampling_frequency = 8000; let m1_freq = 100; // Hz assert!(m1_freq == sim_sampling_frequency / ACTUATOR_RATE); let sim_duration = 3_usize; // second let n_step = sim_sampling_frequency * sim_duration; let mut fem = FEM::from_env()?; println!("{fem}"); let m1_calibration = M1Calibration::new(&mut fem); let n_mode = env::var("N_KL_MODE").map_or_else(|_| 66, |x| x.parse::().unwrap()); let n_actuator = 675; let sids = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; let calibration_file_name = Path::new(".").join(format!("asms_zonal_kl{n_mode}qr_calibration.bin")); let mut asms_calibration = if let Ok(data) = AsmsCalibration::try_from(&calibration_file_name) { data } else { let asms_calibration = AsmsCalibration::builder( n_mode, n_actuator, ( "KLmodesQR.mat".to_string(), (1..=7).map(|i| format!("KL_{i}")).collect::>(), ), &mut fem, ) .stiffness("Zonal") .build()?;; asms_calibration }; asms_calibration.transpose_modes(); let fem_dss = DiscreteModalSolver::::from_fem(fem) .sampling(sim_sampling_frequency as f64) .proportional_damping(2. / 100.) // .truncate_hankel_singular_values(1e-5) // .hankel_frequency_lower_bound(50.) .including_mount() .including_m1(Some(sids.clone()))? .including_asms(Some(sids.clone()), None, None)? .outs::() .use_static_gain_compensation() .build()?; println!("{fem_dss}"); let mut plant: Actor<_> = Actor::new(fem_dss.into_arcx()) /* .name(format!( "GMT Finite Element Model {}", env::var("FEM_REPO").unwrap() )) */ .name("") .image("fem.png"); let plant_logging = Logging::::new(sids.len() + 1).into_arcx(); let mut plant_logger: Terminator<_> = Actor::new(plant_logging.clone()); let rbm_fun = |i: usize, sid: u8| (-1f64).powi(i as i32) * (1 + (i % 3)) as f64 + sid as f64 / 10_f64; let rbm_signal = |sid: u8| -> Signals { (0..6).fold(Signals::new(6, n_step), |signals, i| { i, Signal::Sigmoid { amplitude: rbm_fun(i, sid) * 1e-6, sampling_frequency_hz: sim_sampling_frequency as f64, }, ) }) }; let mut aas = vec![]; let mut asms_coefs = |sid: u8| { let mut c = 0; let mut n = 0; let mut a = vec![]; for i in 0..n_mode { if c < (n + 1) { c += 1; } else { n += 1; c = 1; } a.push(1e-6 * (rng.generate::() * 2f64 - 1f64) / ((n + 1) as f64)); // asm_coefs =, gmt_dos_clients::Signal::Constant(a)); } let m = asms_calibration.modes(Some(vec![sid]))[0]; let mt = asms_calibration.modes_t(Some(vec![sid])).unwrap()[0]; let u = DVector::from_column_slice(&a); let forces = m * u; let a_u = mt * &forces; aas.extend_from_slice(a_u.as_slice()); forces .into_iter() .enumerate() .fold(Signals::new(n_actuator, n_step), |s, (i, f)| {, Signal::Constant(*f)) }) }; let mut m1: Model = Default::default(); let mut m2: Model = Default::default(); let mut setpoints: Model = Default::default(); for &sid in &sids { match sid { i if i == 1 => { let mut rbm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = rbm_signal(i).into(); let mut actuators_setpoint: Initiator<_, ACTUATOR_RATE> = Signals::new(if i == 7 { 306 } else { 335 }, n_step).into(); m1 += M1Segment::<1, ACTUATOR_RATE>::builder( m1_calibration.clone(), &mut rbm_setpoint, &mut actuators_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += rbm_setpoint + actuators_setpoint; let mut asm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = ( asms_coefs(i), format!( "ASM #{i} Set-Point" ), ) .into(); let client = asm_setpoint.client(); (&mut *client.lock().await).progress(); m2 += AsmsSegment::<1>::builder( n_actuator, asms_calibration.stiffness(i), &mut asm_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += asm_setpoint; plant .add_output() .bootstrap() .build::>() .into_input(&mut plant_logger)?; } i if i == 2 => { let mut rbm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = rbm_signal(i).into(); let mut actuators_setpoint: Initiator<_, ACTUATOR_RATE> = Signals::new(if i == 7 { 306 } else { 335 }, n_step).into(); m1 += M1Segment::<2, ACTUATOR_RATE>::builder( m1_calibration.clone(), &mut rbm_setpoint, &mut actuators_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += rbm_setpoint + actuators_setpoint; let mut asm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = ( asms_coefs(i), format!( "ASM #{i} Set-Point" ), ) .into(); m2 += AsmsSegment::<2>::builder( n_actuator, asms_calibration.stiffness(i), &mut asm_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += asm_setpoint; plant .add_output() .bootstrap() .build::>() .into_input(&mut plant_logger)?; } i if i == 3 => { let mut rbm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = rbm_signal(i).into(); let mut actuators_setpoint: Initiator<_, ACTUATOR_RATE> = Signals::new(if i == 7 { 306 } else { 335 }, n_step).into(); m1 += M1Segment::<3, ACTUATOR_RATE>::builder( m1_calibration.clone(), &mut rbm_setpoint, &mut actuators_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += rbm_setpoint + actuators_setpoint; let mut asm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = ( asms_coefs(i), format!( "ASM #{i} Set-Point" ), ) .into(); m2 += AsmsSegment::<3>::builder( n_actuator, asms_calibration.stiffness(i), &mut asm_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += asm_setpoint; plant .add_output() .bootstrap() .build::>() .into_input(&mut plant_logger)?; } i if i == 4 => { let mut rbm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = rbm_signal(i).into(); let mut actuators_setpoint: Initiator<_, ACTUATOR_RATE> = Signals::new(if i == 7 { 306 } else { 335 }, n_step).into(); m1 += M1Segment::<4, ACTUATOR_RATE>::builder( m1_calibration.clone(), &mut rbm_setpoint, &mut actuators_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += rbm_setpoint + actuators_setpoint; let mut asm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = ( asms_coefs(i), format!( "ASM #{i} Set-Point" ), ) .into(); m2 += AsmsSegment::<4>::builder( n_actuator, asms_calibration.stiffness(i), &mut asm_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += asm_setpoint; plant .add_output() .bootstrap() .build::>() .into_input(&mut plant_logger)?; } i if i == 5 => { let mut rbm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = rbm_signal(i).into(); let mut actuators_setpoint: Initiator<_, ACTUATOR_RATE> = Signals::new(if i == 7 { 306 } else { 335 }, n_step).into(); m1 += M1Segment::<5, ACTUATOR_RATE>::builder( m1_calibration.clone(), &mut rbm_setpoint, &mut actuators_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += rbm_setpoint + actuators_setpoint; let mut asm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = ( asms_coefs(i), format!( "ASM #{i} Set-Point" ), ) .into(); m2 += AsmsSegment::<5>::builder( n_actuator, asms_calibration.stiffness(i), &mut asm_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += asm_setpoint; plant .add_output() .bootstrap() .build::>() .into_input(&mut plant_logger)?; } i if i == 6 => { let mut rbm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = rbm_signal(i).into(); let mut actuators_setpoint: Initiator<_, ACTUATOR_RATE> = Signals::new(if i == 7 { 306 } else { 335 }, n_step).into(); m1 += M1Segment::<6, ACTUATOR_RATE>::builder( m1_calibration.clone(), &mut rbm_setpoint, &mut actuators_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += rbm_setpoint + actuators_setpoint; let mut asm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = ( asms_coefs(i), format!( "ASM #{i} Set-Point" ), ) .into(); m2 += AsmsSegment::<6>::builder( n_actuator, asms_calibration.stiffness(i), &mut asm_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += asm_setpoint; plant .add_output() .bootstrap() .build::>() .into_input(&mut plant_logger)?; } i if i == 7 => { let mut rbm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = rbm_signal(i).into(); let mut actuators_setpoint: Initiator<_, ACTUATOR_RATE> = Signals::new(if i == 7 { 306 } else { 335 }, n_step).into(); m1 += M1Segment::<7, ACTUATOR_RATE>::builder( m1_calibration.clone(), &mut rbm_setpoint, &mut actuators_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += rbm_setpoint + actuators_setpoint; let mut asm_setpoint: Initiator<_> = ( asms_coefs(i), format!( "ASM #{i} Set-Point" ), ) .into(); m2 += AsmsSegment::<7>::builder( n_actuator, asms_calibration.stiffness(i), &mut asm_setpoint, ) .build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += asm_setpoint; plant .add_output() .bootstrap() .build::>() .into_input(&mut plant_logger)?; } _ => unimplemented!("Segments ID must be in the range [1,7]"), } } // MOUNT CONTROL let mut mount_setpoint: Initiator<_> = ( Signals::new(3, n_step), "Mount Setpoint", ) .into(); let mount: Actor<_> = Mount::builder(&mut mount_setpoint).build(&mut plant)?; setpoints += mount_setpoint; plant .add_output() .bootstrap() .build::() .into_input(&mut plant_logger)?; (model!(plant, plant_logger) + mount + m1 + m2 + setpoints) .name("mount-m1-m2") .flowchart() .check()? .run() .await?; println!("{}", plant_logging.lock().await); (*plant_logging.lock().await).to_mat_file("mount-m1-m2.mat")?; let n = sids.len(); let n_total_mode = n_actuator * n; let rbm_err = (*plant_logging.lock().await).chunks().last().unwrap()[n_total_mode..] .chunks(6) .map(|x| x.iter().map(|x| x * 1e6).collect::>()) .enumerate() .inspect(|(i, x)| println!("{:2}: {:+.1?}", i, x)) .map(|(i, x)| { x.iter() .enumerate() .map(|(j, x)| x - rbm_fun(j, i as u8 + 1)) .map(|x| x * x) .sum::() / 6f64 }) .map(|x| x.sqrt()) .sum::() / 7f64; let m = asms_calibration.modes_t(Some(sids.clone())).unwrap(); (*plant_logging.lock().await) .chunks() .enumerate() .skip(n_step - 11) .map(|(i, u)| { let x: Vec<_> = u[..n_total_mode] .chunks(n_actuator) .zip(&m) .flat_map(|(u, m)| { let c = m * DVector::::from_column_slice(u); c.as_slice().to_vec() }) .collect(); ( i, x.iter() .step_by(n_mode) .take(n) .map(|x| x * 1e6) .collect::>(), x.iter() .skip(n_mode - 1) .step_by(n_mode) .take(n) .map(|x| x * 1e6) .collect::>(), ) }) .for_each(|(i, x, y)| println!("{:4}: {:+.6?}---{:+.6?}", i, x, y)); let aas_err = (*plant_logging.lock().await) .chunks() .last() .unwrap() .chunks(n_actuator) .zip(&m) .zip(aas.chunks(n_mode)) .map(|((u, m), x0)| { let x = m * DVector::::from_column_slice(u); x.as_slice() .iter() .zip(x0) .map(|(x, x0)| (x - x0) * 1e6) .map(|x| x * x) .sum::() / n_mode as f64 }) .map(|x| x.sqrt()) .sum::() / 7f64; assert!(dbg!(rbm_err) < 5e-2 && dbg!(aas_err) < 1e-4); Ok(()) }