/* * File: ASM_preshapeBesselF.h * * Code generated for Simulink model 'ASM_preshapeBesselF'. * * Model version : 9.4 * Simulink Coder version : 9.8 (R2022b) 13-May-2022 * C/C++ source code generated on : Fri Apr 14 16:03:45 2023 * * Target selection: ert.tlc * Embedded hardware selection: Intel->x86-64 (Linux 64) * Code generation objective: Execution efficiency * Validation result: All passed */ #ifndef RTW_HEADER_ASM_preshapeBesselF_h_ #define RTW_HEADER_ASM_preshapeBesselF_h_ #ifndef ASM_preshapeBesselF_COMMON_INCLUDES_ #define ASM_preshapeBesselF_COMMON_INCLUDES_ #include "rtwtypes.h" #endif /* ASM_preshapeBesselF_COMMON_INCLUDES_ */ #include "ASM_preshapeBesselF_types.h" #include #include "rt_defines.h" /* Block signals and states (default storage) for system '' */ typedef struct { real_T SSflag_d_DSTATE[4]; /* '/SS flag_d' */ } DW_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T; /* External inputs (root inport signals with default storage) */ typedef struct { real_T AO_cmd; /* '/AO_cmd' */ } ExtU_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T; /* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with default storage) */ typedef struct { real_T cmd_f_ddot; /* '/cmd_f_ddot' */ real_T cmd_f_dot; /* '/cmd_f_dot' */ real_T cmd_f; /* '/cmd_f' */ } ExtY_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T; /* Real-time Model Data Structure */ struct tag_RTM_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T { DW_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T *dwork; }; /* Model entry point functions */ extern void ASM_preshapeBesselF_initialize(RT_MODEL_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T *const ASM_preshapeBesselF_M); extern void ASM_preshapeBesselF_step(RT_MODEL_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T *const ASM_preshapeBesselF_M, ExtU_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T *ASM_preshapeBesselF_U, ExtY_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T *ASM_preshapeBesselF_Y); extern void ASM_preshapeBesselF_terminate(RT_MODEL_ASM_preshapeBesselF_T *const ASM_preshapeBesselF_M); /*- * The generated code includes comments that allow you to trace directly * back to the appropriate location in the model. The basic format * is /block_name, where system is the system number (uniquely * assigned by Simulink) and block_name is the name of the block. * * Note that this particular code originates from a subsystem build, * and has its own system numbers different from the parent model. * Refer to the system hierarchy for this subsystem below, and use the * MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back * to the parent model. For example, * * hilite_system('m2asm_2_rust/ASM_preshapeBesselF') - opens subsystem m2asm_2_rust/ASM_preshapeBesselF * hilite_system('m2asm_2_rust/ASM_preshapeBesselF/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp * * Here is the system hierarchy for this model * * '' : 'm2asm_2_rust' * '' : 'm2asm_2_rust/ASM_preshapeBesselF' */ #endif /* RTW_HEADER_ASM_preshapeBesselF_h_ */ /* * File trailer for generated code. * * [EOF] */