![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/gnome-egpu) ![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/gnome-egpu) # gnome-egpu ### Tool to switch between iGPU and eGPU on Gnome Wayland ## Dependencies: - ```libgudev-1.0``` - ```libglib2.0``` ## Installation: ``` $ cargo install gnome-egpu ``` ## Instructions: To set up the initial udev rule: ``` # gnome-egpu setup ``` To then switch: - Power off computer, plug/unplug eGPU, turn on computer. GDM will attempt to use eGPU, falls back to iGPU. - **OR:** run ```# gnome-egpu setup``` each time you want to switch, selecting the desired GPU. **To-Do:** - ```# gnome-egpu pup``` --- monitors udev changes for eGPU and restarts GDM instantly - ```# gnome-egpu auto``` --- sets up udev rule to trigger GDM restart automatically