= godwit-daemon(1) == NAME godwit-daemon - a daemon runner for Godwit. == SYNOPSIS *godwit-daemon* [_FLAGS_] [_OPERATION_] [_OPTIONS_] *godwit-daemon* [_FLAGS_] [_OPTIONS_] --help *godwit-daemon* [_FLAGS_] [_OPTIONS_] --version == DESCRIPTION Godwit-daemon is a runner for managing godwit processes. This utility is implicitly used by godwit itself. The utility is exposed for developers/power-users to create their own projects, but for a normal user something better might already exist on the godwit command itself as a plugin. For developers, this utility should be considered as a *crucial botch*. A project made using this utility is also recommended to have a plugin-like front usable by godwit. The intention is to keep godwit as a *complete* cover over the daemon. The "daemon" etymology does not represent daemons in conventional sense. The utility considers any process running on managed thread as a daemon. Unlike daemons though, the runner never detaches/loses focus of the process at hand. Thus, it's better to look at the utility itself as a daemon, which doesn't follow written states like godwit. For more information visit https://github.com/Passeriform/GodWit-Daemon/README.md == EXIT STATUS * `0` exit status occurs when a command works as expected (even in case of errors), unless *--quiet* was given. * `1` exit status occurs when a running thread failed before joining or the thread-group failed itself. If a valid process is failing, feel free to file an issue https://github.com/Passeriform/GodWit-Daemon/issues/new. This may have multiple implications and affecting environmental factors. Thus, every bug report must contain complete OS information at the point of failure. == CONFIGURATION FILES Configuration files can be found as: 1. ~/.godwit/*daemon.gwcore* - Configuration file containing godwit-daemon working settings and runner evironment options. 2. *~/.gdrc* - Configuration file identical to *daemon.gwcore* bar the state-related environments options, which will be ignored. _Note:_ 1. Both files are idiomatic(equal) and only one is picked up for configuration. 2. If *~/.gdrc* exists, *~/.godwit/daemon.gwcore* will be ignored. 3. Order of precedence for config files is: *.gdrc* > *daemon.gwcore* 4. If no config is specified, daemon will assume default options. == SHELL COMPLETION Shell completion files are included in the release tarball for Bash, Fish, Zsh and PowerShell. For *bash*, move *godwit.bash* to *$HOME/bash_completion* or */etc/bash_completion.d/*. For *fish*, move *godwit.fish* to *$HOME/.config/fish/completions*. For *zsh*, move *godwit.zsh* to one of your *$fpath* directories. == VERSION {VERSION} == HOMEPAGE https://github.com/Passeriform/GodWit-Daemon Please report bugs and feature requests in the issue tracker. Please do your best to provide a reproducible test case for bugs. Include both the output of *godwit-daemon status -vvv* and the command you ran with a *-vvv* flag. == AUTHORS Utkarsh Bhardwaj (Passeriform)