## Release Checklist - Run `cargo update` and review dependency updates. - Run `cargo outdated` and review semver incompatible updates. - Run `cargo deadlinks` and update dead links if any. - Review changes for every dependency crate since the last release. If no changes are found, create a release. Else, run the whole process after updating the dependent crates. - Edit `Cargo.toml`, `PKGBUILD` and `pkg/brew/godwit-daemon-bin.rb` to change the version. Run `cargo update -p godwit-daemon` to reflect in local `Cargo-lock.toml` and create a new signed tag. - Wait for Travis and GitHub Actions to finish CI tests and creating the release. If the release build fails, then, delete the tag from GitHub, make fixes, re-tag, delete the release and push. - Copy the relevant section of the CHANGELOG to the tagged release notes. - Run `scripts/release-pkg` locally and manually upload the Debian and Arch package to the release. - Check if Travis published the new version. If not, check if tests failed for Travis. In case of unresolvable issue, manually run `cargo publish`.