# gomez
_gomez_ is a framework and implementation for **mathematical optimization** and
solving **non-linear systems of equations**.
The library is written completely in Rust. Its focus is on being useful for
**practical problems** and having API that is simple for easy cases as well as
flexible for complicated ones. The name stands for ***g***lobal
***o***ptimization & ***n***on-linear ***e***quations ***s***olving, with a few
## Practical problems
The main goal is to be useful for practical problems. This is manifested by the
following features:
* _Derivative-free_. No algorithm requires an analytical derivative (gradient,
Hessian, Jacobian). Methods that use derivatives approximate it using finite
difference method1.
* _Constraints_ support. It is possible to specify the problem domain with
constraints2, which is necessary for many engineering applications.
* Non-naive implementations. The code is not a direct translation of a textbook
pseudocode. It's written with performance in mind and applies important
techniques from numerical mathematics. It also tries to handle situations that
hurt the methods but occur in practice.
1 There is a plan to provide ways to override this approximation with
a real derivative.
2 Currently, only unconstrained and box-bounded domains are
## Algorithms
* [Trust region](algo::trust_region) – Recommended method to be used as a
default and it will just work in most cases.
* [LIPO](algo::lipo) – Global optimization algorithm useful for searching good
initial guesses in combination with a numerical algorithm.
* [Steffensen](algo::steffensen) – Fast and lightweight method for solving
one-dimensional systems of equations.
* [Nelder-Mead](algo::nelder_mead) – Direct search optimization method that does
not use any derivatives.
This list will be extended in the future. But at the same time, having as many
algorithms as possible is _not_ the goal. Instead, the focus is on providing
quality implementations of battle-tested methods.
## Roadmap
Listed *not* in priority order.
* [Homotopy continuation
method](http://homepages.math.uic.edu/~jan/srvart/node4.html) to compare the
performance with the trust region method
* Conjugate gradient method
* Experimentation with various global optimization techniques for initial guess
* Evolutionary/nature-inspired algorithms
* Bayesian optimization
* Focus on initial guesses search and tools for analysis in general
## License
Licensed under [MIT](LICENSE).
There are `gsl-wrapper` and `gsl-sys` crates which are licensed under the
[GPLv3](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html) identically as
[GSL](https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/) itself. This code is part of the
repository but is not part of the gomez library. Its purpose is solely for
comparison in the benchmarks.