[package] name = "good_memory_allocator" version = "0.1.7" edition = "2021" authors = ["Roee Shoshani", "Guy Nir"] description = "A blazingly fast and memory efficient memory allocator to be used in `no_std` environments." repository = "https://github.com/MaderNoob/galloc" keywords = ["allocator", "no_std", "malloc", "heap", "kernel"] categories = ["memory-management", "no-std", "algorithms", "data-structures", "embedded"] license = "MIT" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [dependencies] spin = { version = "0.9.4", optional = true } either = { version = "1.8.0", default-features = false } [dev-dependencies] rand = "0.8.5" good_memory_allocator = { path = ".", features = ["spin", "allocator"] } linked_list_allocator = { version = "0.10.3", features = ["use_spin_nightly", "const_mut_refs", "alloc_ref"] } simple-chunk-allocator = "0.1.5" average = "0.13.1" x86 = "0.51.0" [features] default = ["spin"] allocator = ["spin"] [profile.release] lto = true codegen-units = 1 panic = "abort"