site_name: BigQuery Data Transfer v6.0.0+20240616 site_url: site_description: A complete library to interact with BigQuery Data Transfer (protocol v1) repo_url: docs_dir: docs site_dir: build_html nav: - Home: '' - 'Projects': - 'Data Sources Check Valid Creds': '' - 'Data Sources Get': '' - 'Data Sources List': '' - 'Enroll Data Sources': '' - 'Locations Data Sources Check Valid Creds': '' - 'Locations Data Sources Get': '' - 'Locations Data Sources List': '' - 'Locations Enroll Data Sources': '' - 'Locations Get': '' - 'Locations List': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Create': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Delete': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Get': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs List': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Patch': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Runs Delete': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Runs Get': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Runs List': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Runs Transfer Logs List': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Schedule Runs': '' - 'Locations Transfer Configs Start Manual Runs': '' - 'Locations Unenroll Data Sources': '' - 'Transfer Configs Create': '' - 'Transfer Configs Delete': '' - 'Transfer Configs Get': '' - 'Transfer Configs List': '' - 'Transfer Configs Patch': '' - 'Transfer Configs Runs Delete': '' - 'Transfer Configs Runs Get': '' - 'Transfer Configs Runs List': '' - 'Transfer Configs Runs Transfer Logs List': '' - 'Transfer Configs Schedule Runs': '' - 'Transfer Configs Start Manual Runs': '' theme: readthedocs copyright: Copyright © 2015–2024, `Sebastian Thiel`