site_name: books v5.0.4+20240222 site_url: site_description: A complete library to interact with books (protocol v1) repo_url: docs_dir: docs site_dir: build_html nav: - Home: '' - 'Bookshelves': - 'Get': '' - 'List': '' - 'Volumes List': '' - 'Cloudloading': - 'Add Book': '' - 'Delete Book': '' - 'Update Book': '' - 'Dictionary': - 'List Offline Metadata': '' - 'Familysharing': - 'Get Family Info': '' - 'Share': '' - 'Unshare': '' - 'Layers': - 'Annotation Data Get': '' - 'Annotation Data List': '' - 'Get': '' - 'List': '' - 'Volume Annotations Get': '' - 'Volume Annotations List': '' - 'Myconfig': - 'Get User Settings': '' - 'Release Download Access': '' - 'Request Access': '' - 'Sync Volume Licenses': '' - 'Update User Settings': '' - 'Mylibrary': - 'Annotations Delete': '' - 'Annotations Insert': '' - 'Annotations List': '' - 'Annotations Summary': '' - 'Annotations Update': '' - 'Bookshelves Add Volume': '' - 'Bookshelves Clear Volumes': '' - 'Bookshelves Get': '' - 'Bookshelves List': '' - 'Bookshelves Move Volume': '' - 'Bookshelves Remove Volume': '' - 'Bookshelves Volumes List': '' - 'Readingpositions Get': '' - 'Readingpositions Set Position': '' - 'Notification': - 'Get': '' - 'Onboarding': - 'List Categories': '' - 'List Category Volumes': '' - 'Personalizedstream': - 'Get': '' - 'Promooffer': - 'Accept': '' - 'Dismiss': '' - 'Get': '' - 'Series': - 'Get': '' - 'Membership Get': '' - 'Volumes': - 'Associated List': '' - 'Get': '' - 'List': '' - 'Mybooks List': '' - 'Recommended List': '' - 'Recommended Rate': '' - 'Useruploaded List': '' theme: readthedocs copyright: Copyright © 2015-2020, `Sebastian Thiel`