site_name: Chrome Management v6.0.0+20240624 site_url: site_description: A complete library to interact with Chrome Management (protocol v1) repo_url: docs_dir: docs site_dir: build_html nav: - Home: '' - 'Customers': - 'Apps Android Get': '' - 'Apps Chrome Get': '' - 'Apps Count Chrome App Requests': '' - 'Apps Fetch Devices Requesting Extension': '' - 'Apps Fetch Users Requesting Extension': '' - 'Apps Web Get': '' - 'Reports Count Chrome Browsers Needing Attention': '' - 'Reports Count Chrome Crash Events': '' - 'Reports Count Chrome Devices Reaching Auto Expiration Date': '' - 'Reports Count Chrome Devices That Need Attention': '' - 'Reports Count Chrome Hardware Fleet Devices': '' - 'Reports Count Chrome Versions': '' - 'Reports Count Installed Apps': '' - 'Reports Count Print Jobs By Printer': '' - 'Reports Count Print Jobs By User': '' - 'Reports Enumerate Print Jobs': '' - 'Reports Find Installed App Devices': '' - 'Telemetry Devices Get': '' - 'Telemetry Devices List': '' - 'Telemetry Events List': '' - 'Telemetry Notification Configs Create': '' - 'Telemetry Notification Configs Delete': '' - 'Telemetry Notification Configs List': '' - 'Telemetry Users Get': '' - 'Telemetry Users List': '' theme: readthedocs copyright: Copyright © 2015–2024, `Sebastian Thiel`