# This build file includes a target for the Ruby wrapper library for # google-cloud-container. # This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) # Export yaml configs. exports_files(glob(["*.yaml"])) load( "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", ) # Generates a Ruby wrapper client for container. # Ruby wrapper clients are versionless, but are generated from source protos # for a particular service version, v1 in this case. ruby_cloud_gapic_library( name = "container_ruby_wrapper", srcs = ["//google/container/v1:container_proto_with_info"], extra_protoc_parameters = [ "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-container", "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=CONTAINER", "ruby-cloud-wrapper-of=v1:0.0;v1beta1:0.0", "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine", "ruby-cloud-api-id=container.googleapis.com", "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=container", "ruby-cloud-migration-version=1.0", ], ruby_cloud_description = "Builds and manages container-based applications, powered by the open source Kubernetes technology.", ruby_cloud_title = "Kubernetes Engine", transport = "grpc", ) # Open Source package. ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( name = "google-cloud-container-ruby", deps = [ ":container_ruby_wrapper", ], )