// DO NOT EDIT ! // This file was generated automatically from 'src/generator/templates/cli/main.rs.mako' // DO NOT EDIT ! #![allow(unused_variables, unused_imports, dead_code, unused_mut)] #[macro_use] extern crate clap; use std::env; use std::io::{self, Write}; use clap::{App, SubCommand, Arg}; use google_cloudbilling1::{api, Error, oauth2, client::chrono, FieldMask}; use google_clis_common as client; use client::{InvalidOptionsError, CLIError, arg_from_str, writer_from_opts, parse_kv_arg, input_file_from_opts, input_mime_from_opts, FieldCursor, FieldError, CallType, UploadProtocol, calltype_from_str, remove_json_null_values, ComplexType, JsonType, JsonTypeInfo}; use std::default::Default; use std::error::Error as StdError; use std::str::FromStr; use serde_json as json; use clap::ArgMatches; use http::Uri; use hyper::client::connect; use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite}; use tower_service; enum DoitError { IoError(String, io::Error), ApiError(Error), } struct Engine<'n, S> { opt: ArgMatches<'n>, hub: api::Cloudbilling, gp: Vec<&'static str>, gpm: Vec<(&'static str, &'static str)>, } impl<'n, S> Engine<'n, S> where S: tower_service::Service + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, S::Response: hyper::client::connect::Connection + AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin + 'static, S::Future: Send + Unpin + 'static, S::Error: Into>, { async fn _billing_accounts_create(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut field_cursor = FieldCursor::default(); let mut object = json::value::Value::Object(Default::default()); for kvarg in opt.values_of("kv").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let last_errc = err.issues.len(); let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*kvarg, err, false); let mut temp_cursor = field_cursor.clone(); if let Err(field_err) = temp_cursor.set(&*key) { err.issues.push(field_err); } if value.is_none() { field_cursor = temp_cursor.clone(); if err.issues.len() > last_errc { err.issues.remove(last_errc); } continue; } let type_info: Option<(&'static str, JsonTypeInfo)> = match &temp_cursor.to_string()[..] { "display-name" => Some(("displayName", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "master-billing-account" => Some(("masterBillingAccount", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "name" => Some(("name", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "open" => Some(("open", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::Boolean, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "parent" => Some(("parent", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), _ => { let suggestion = FieldCursor::did_you_mean(key, &vec!["display-name", "master-billing-account", "name", "open", "parent"]); err.issues.push(CLIError::Field(FieldError::Unknown(temp_cursor.to_string(), suggestion, value.map(|v| v.to_string())))); None } }; if let Some((field_cursor_str, type_info)) = type_info { FieldCursor::from(field_cursor_str).set_json_value(&mut object, value.unwrap(), type_info, err, &temp_cursor); } } let mut request: api::BillingAccount = json::value::from_value(object).unwrap(); let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().create(request); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { "parent" => { call = call.parent(value.unwrap_or("")); }, _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v.extend(["parent"].iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_get(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().get(opt.value_of("name").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_get_iam_policy(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().get_iam_policy(opt.value_of("resource").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { "options-requested-policy-version" => { call = call.options_requested_policy_version( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "options-requested-policy-version", "int32")).unwrap_or(-0)); }, _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v.extend(["options-requested-policy-version"].iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_list(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().list(); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { "parent" => { call = call.parent(value.unwrap_or("")); }, "page-token" => { call = call.page_token(value.unwrap_or("")); }, "page-size" => { call = call.page_size( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "page-size", "int32")).unwrap_or(-0)); }, "filter" => { call = call.filter(value.unwrap_or("")); }, _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v.extend(["filter", "page-size", "page-token", "parent"].iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_move(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut field_cursor = FieldCursor::default(); let mut object = json::value::Value::Object(Default::default()); for kvarg in opt.values_of("kv").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let last_errc = err.issues.len(); let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*kvarg, err, false); let mut temp_cursor = field_cursor.clone(); if let Err(field_err) = temp_cursor.set(&*key) { err.issues.push(field_err); } if value.is_none() { field_cursor = temp_cursor.clone(); if err.issues.len() > last_errc { err.issues.remove(last_errc); } continue; } let type_info: Option<(&'static str, JsonTypeInfo)> = match &temp_cursor.to_string()[..] { "destination-parent" => Some(("destinationParent", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), _ => { let suggestion = FieldCursor::did_you_mean(key, &vec!["destination-parent"]); err.issues.push(CLIError::Field(FieldError::Unknown(temp_cursor.to_string(), suggestion, value.map(|v| v.to_string())))); None } }; if let Some((field_cursor_str, type_info)) = type_info { FieldCursor::from(field_cursor_str).set_json_value(&mut object, value.unwrap(), type_info, err, &temp_cursor); } } let mut request: api::MoveBillingAccountRequest = json::value::from_value(object).unwrap(); let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().move_(request, opt.value_of("name").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_patch(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut field_cursor = FieldCursor::default(); let mut object = json::value::Value::Object(Default::default()); for kvarg in opt.values_of("kv").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let last_errc = err.issues.len(); let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*kvarg, err, false); let mut temp_cursor = field_cursor.clone(); if let Err(field_err) = temp_cursor.set(&*key) { err.issues.push(field_err); } if value.is_none() { field_cursor = temp_cursor.clone(); if err.issues.len() > last_errc { err.issues.remove(last_errc); } continue; } let type_info: Option<(&'static str, JsonTypeInfo)> = match &temp_cursor.to_string()[..] { "display-name" => Some(("displayName", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "master-billing-account" => Some(("masterBillingAccount", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "name" => Some(("name", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "open" => Some(("open", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::Boolean, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "parent" => Some(("parent", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), _ => { let suggestion = FieldCursor::did_you_mean(key, &vec!["display-name", "master-billing-account", "name", "open", "parent"]); err.issues.push(CLIError::Field(FieldError::Unknown(temp_cursor.to_string(), suggestion, value.map(|v| v.to_string())))); None } }; if let Some((field_cursor_str, type_info)) = type_info { FieldCursor::from(field_cursor_str).set_json_value(&mut object, value.unwrap(), type_info, err, &temp_cursor); } } let mut request: api::BillingAccount = json::value::from_value(object).unwrap(); let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().patch(request, opt.value_of("name").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { "update-mask" => { call = call.update_mask( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "update-mask", "google-fieldmask")).unwrap_or(FieldMask::default())); }, _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v.extend(["update-mask"].iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_projects_list(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().projects_list(opt.value_of("name").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { "page-token" => { call = call.page_token(value.unwrap_or("")); }, "page-size" => { call = call.page_size( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "page-size", "int32")).unwrap_or(-0)); }, _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v.extend(["page-size", "page-token"].iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_set_iam_policy(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut field_cursor = FieldCursor::default(); let mut object = json::value::Value::Object(Default::default()); for kvarg in opt.values_of("kv").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let last_errc = err.issues.len(); let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*kvarg, err, false); let mut temp_cursor = field_cursor.clone(); if let Err(field_err) = temp_cursor.set(&*key) { err.issues.push(field_err); } if value.is_none() { field_cursor = temp_cursor.clone(); if err.issues.len() > last_errc { err.issues.remove(last_errc); } continue; } let type_info: Option<(&'static str, JsonTypeInfo)> = match &temp_cursor.to_string()[..] { "policy.etag" => Some(("policy.etag", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "policy.version" => Some(("policy.version", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::Int, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "update-mask" => Some(("updateMask", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), _ => { let suggestion = FieldCursor::did_you_mean(key, &vec!["etag", "policy", "update-mask", "version"]); err.issues.push(CLIError::Field(FieldError::Unknown(temp_cursor.to_string(), suggestion, value.map(|v| v.to_string())))); None } }; if let Some((field_cursor_str, type_info)) = type_info { FieldCursor::from(field_cursor_str).set_json_value(&mut object, value.unwrap(), type_info, err, &temp_cursor); } } let mut request: api::SetIamPolicyRequest = json::value::from_value(object).unwrap(); let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().set_iam_policy(request, opt.value_of("resource").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_sub_accounts_create(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut field_cursor = FieldCursor::default(); let mut object = json::value::Value::Object(Default::default()); for kvarg in opt.values_of("kv").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let last_errc = err.issues.len(); let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*kvarg, err, false); let mut temp_cursor = field_cursor.clone(); if let Err(field_err) = temp_cursor.set(&*key) { err.issues.push(field_err); } if value.is_none() { field_cursor = temp_cursor.clone(); if err.issues.len() > last_errc { err.issues.remove(last_errc); } continue; } let type_info: Option<(&'static str, JsonTypeInfo)> = match &temp_cursor.to_string()[..] { "display-name" => Some(("displayName", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "master-billing-account" => Some(("masterBillingAccount", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "name" => Some(("name", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "open" => Some(("open", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::Boolean, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "parent" => Some(("parent", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), _ => { let suggestion = FieldCursor::did_you_mean(key, &vec!["display-name", "master-billing-account", "name", "open", "parent"]); err.issues.push(CLIError::Field(FieldError::Unknown(temp_cursor.to_string(), suggestion, value.map(|v| v.to_string())))); None } }; if let Some((field_cursor_str, type_info)) = type_info { FieldCursor::from(field_cursor_str).set_json_value(&mut object, value.unwrap(), type_info, err, &temp_cursor); } } let mut request: api::BillingAccount = json::value::from_value(object).unwrap(); let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().sub_accounts_create(request, opt.value_of("parent").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_sub_accounts_list(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().sub_accounts_list(opt.value_of("parent").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { "page-token" => { call = call.page_token(value.unwrap_or("")); }, "page-size" => { call = call.page_size( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "page-size", "int32")).unwrap_or(-0)); }, "filter" => { call = call.filter(value.unwrap_or("")); }, _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v.extend(["filter", "page-size", "page-token"].iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _billing_accounts_test_iam_permissions(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut field_cursor = FieldCursor::default(); let mut object = json::value::Value::Object(Default::default()); for kvarg in opt.values_of("kv").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let last_errc = err.issues.len(); let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*kvarg, err, false); let mut temp_cursor = field_cursor.clone(); if let Err(field_err) = temp_cursor.set(&*key) { err.issues.push(field_err); } if value.is_none() { field_cursor = temp_cursor.clone(); if err.issues.len() > last_errc { err.issues.remove(last_errc); } continue; } let type_info: Option<(&'static str, JsonTypeInfo)> = match &temp_cursor.to_string()[..] { "permissions" => Some(("permissions", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Vec })), _ => { let suggestion = FieldCursor::did_you_mean(key, &vec!["permissions"]); err.issues.push(CLIError::Field(FieldError::Unknown(temp_cursor.to_string(), suggestion, value.map(|v| v.to_string())))); None } }; if let Some((field_cursor_str, type_info)) = type_info { FieldCursor::from(field_cursor_str).set_json_value(&mut object, value.unwrap(), type_info, err, &temp_cursor); } } let mut request: api::TestIamPermissionsRequest = json::value::from_value(object).unwrap(); let mut call = self.hub.billing_accounts().test_iam_permissions(request, opt.value_of("resource").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _organizations_billing_accounts_create(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut field_cursor = FieldCursor::default(); let mut object = json::value::Value::Object(Default::default()); for kvarg in opt.values_of("kv").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let last_errc = err.issues.len(); let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*kvarg, err, false); let mut temp_cursor = field_cursor.clone(); if let Err(field_err) = temp_cursor.set(&*key) { err.issues.push(field_err); } if value.is_none() { field_cursor = temp_cursor.clone(); if err.issues.len() > last_errc { err.issues.remove(last_errc); } continue; } let type_info: Option<(&'static str, JsonTypeInfo)> = match &temp_cursor.to_string()[..] { "display-name" => Some(("displayName", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "master-billing-account" => Some(("masterBillingAccount", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "name" => Some(("name", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "open" => Some(("open", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::Boolean, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "parent" => Some(("parent", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), _ => { let suggestion = FieldCursor::did_you_mean(key, &vec!["display-name", "master-billing-account", "name", "open", "parent"]); err.issues.push(CLIError::Field(FieldError::Unknown(temp_cursor.to_string(), suggestion, value.map(|v| v.to_string())))); None } }; if let Some((field_cursor_str, type_info)) = type_info { FieldCursor::from(field_cursor_str).set_json_value(&mut object, value.unwrap(), type_info, err, &temp_cursor); } } let mut request: api::BillingAccount = json::value::from_value(object).unwrap(); let mut call = self.hub.organizations().billing_accounts_create(request, opt.value_of("parent").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _organizations_billing_accounts_list(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.organizations().billing_accounts_list(opt.value_of("parent").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { "page-token" => { call = call.page_token(value.unwrap_or("")); }, "page-size" => { call = call.page_size( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "page-size", "int32")).unwrap_or(-0)); }, "filter" => { call = call.filter(value.unwrap_or("")); }, _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v.extend(["filter", "page-size", "page-token"].iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _organizations_billing_accounts_move(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.organizations().billing_accounts_move(opt.value_of("destination-parent").unwrap_or(""), opt.value_of("name").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _projects_get_billing_info(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.projects().get_billing_info(opt.value_of("name").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _projects_update_billing_info(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut field_cursor = FieldCursor::default(); let mut object = json::value::Value::Object(Default::default()); for kvarg in opt.values_of("kv").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let last_errc = err.issues.len(); let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*kvarg, err, false); let mut temp_cursor = field_cursor.clone(); if let Err(field_err) = temp_cursor.set(&*key) { err.issues.push(field_err); } if value.is_none() { field_cursor = temp_cursor.clone(); if err.issues.len() > last_errc { err.issues.remove(last_errc); } continue; } let type_info: Option<(&'static str, JsonTypeInfo)> = match &temp_cursor.to_string()[..] { "billing-account-name" => Some(("billingAccountName", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "billing-enabled" => Some(("billingEnabled", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::Boolean, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "name" => Some(("name", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), "project-id" => Some(("projectId", JsonTypeInfo { jtype: JsonType::String, ctype: ComplexType::Pod })), _ => { let suggestion = FieldCursor::did_you_mean(key, &vec!["billing-account-name", "billing-enabled", "name", "project-id"]); err.issues.push(CLIError::Field(FieldError::Unknown(temp_cursor.to_string(), suggestion, value.map(|v| v.to_string())))); None } }; if let Some((field_cursor_str, type_info)) = type_info { FieldCursor::from(field_cursor_str).set_json_value(&mut object, value.unwrap(), type_info, err, &temp_cursor); } } let mut request: api::ProjectBillingInfo = json::value::from_value(object).unwrap(); let mut call = self.hub.projects().update_billing_info(request, opt.value_of("name").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _services_list(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.services().list(); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { "page-token" => { call = call.page_token(value.unwrap_or("")); }, "page-size" => { call = call.page_size( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "page-size", "int32")).unwrap_or(-0)); }, _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v.extend(["page-size", "page-token"].iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _services_skus_list(&self, opt: &ArgMatches<'n>, dry_run: bool, err: &mut InvalidOptionsError) -> Result<(), DoitError> { let mut call = self.hub.services().skus_list(opt.value_of("parent").unwrap_or("")); for parg in opt.values_of("v").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { let (key, value) = parse_kv_arg(&*parg, err, false); match key { "start-time" => { call = call.start_time( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "start-time", "google-datetime")).unwrap_or(chrono::Utc::now())); }, "page-token" => { call = call.page_token(value.unwrap_or("")); }, "page-size" => { call = call.page_size( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "page-size", "int32")).unwrap_or(-0)); }, "end-time" => { call = call.end_time( value.map(|v| arg_from_str(v, err, "end-time", "google-datetime")).unwrap_or(chrono::Utc::now())); }, "currency-code" => { call = call.currency_code(value.unwrap_or("")); }, _ => { let mut found = false; for param in &self.gp { if key == *param { found = true; call = call.param(self.gpm.iter().find(|t| t.0 == key).unwrap_or(&("", key)).1, value.unwrap_or("unset")); break; } } if !found { err.issues.push(CLIError::UnknownParameter(key.to_string(), {let mut v = Vec::new(); v.extend(self.gp.iter().map(|v|*v)); v.extend(["currency-code", "end-time", "page-size", "page-token", "start-time"].iter().map(|v|*v)); v } )); } } } } let protocol = CallType::Standard; if dry_run { Ok(()) } else { assert!(err.issues.len() == 0); for scope in self.opt.values_of("url").map(|i|i.collect()).unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter() { call = call.add_scope(scope); } let mut ostream = match writer_from_opts(opt.value_of("out")) { Ok(mut f) => f, Err(io_err) => return Err(DoitError::IoError(opt.value_of("out").unwrap_or("-").to_string(), io_err)), }; match match protocol { CallType::Standard => call.doit().await, _ => unreachable!() } { Err(api_err) => Err(DoitError::ApiError(api_err)), Ok((mut response, output_schema)) => { let mut value = json::value::to_value(&output_schema).expect("serde to work"); remove_json_null_values(&mut value); json::to_writer_pretty(&mut ostream, &value).unwrap(); ostream.flush().unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } } async fn _doit(&self, dry_run: bool) -> Result, Option> { let mut err = InvalidOptionsError::new(); let mut call_result: Result<(), DoitError> = Ok(()); let mut err_opt: Option = None; match self.opt.subcommand() { ("billing-accounts", Some(opt)) => { match opt.subcommand() { ("create", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_create(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("get", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_get(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("get-iam-policy", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_get_iam_policy(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("list", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_list(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("move", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_move(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("patch", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_patch(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("projects-list", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_projects_list(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("set-iam-policy", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_set_iam_policy(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("sub-accounts-create", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_sub_accounts_create(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("sub-accounts-list", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_sub_accounts_list(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("test-iam-permissions", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._billing_accounts_test_iam_permissions(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, _ => { err.issues.push(CLIError::MissingMethodError("billing-accounts".to_string())); writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}\n", opt.usage()).ok(); } } }, ("organizations", Some(opt)) => { match opt.subcommand() { ("billing-accounts-create", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._organizations_billing_accounts_create(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("billing-accounts-list", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._organizations_billing_accounts_list(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("billing-accounts-move", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._organizations_billing_accounts_move(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, _ => { err.issues.push(CLIError::MissingMethodError("organizations".to_string())); writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}\n", opt.usage()).ok(); } } }, ("projects", Some(opt)) => { match opt.subcommand() { ("get-billing-info", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._projects_get_billing_info(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("update-billing-info", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._projects_update_billing_info(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, _ => { err.issues.push(CLIError::MissingMethodError("projects".to_string())); writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}\n", opt.usage()).ok(); } } }, ("services", Some(opt)) => { match opt.subcommand() { ("list", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._services_list(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, ("skus-list", Some(opt)) => { call_result = self._services_skus_list(opt, dry_run, &mut err).await; }, _ => { err.issues.push(CLIError::MissingMethodError("services".to_string())); writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}\n", opt.usage()).ok(); } } }, _ => { err.issues.push(CLIError::MissingCommandError); writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}\n", self.opt.usage()).ok(); } } if dry_run { if err.issues.len() > 0 { err_opt = Some(err); } Err(err_opt) } else { Ok(call_result) } } // Please note that this call will fail if any part of the opt can't be handled async fn new(opt: ArgMatches<'n>, connector: S) -> Result, InvalidOptionsError> { let (config_dir, secret) = { let config_dir = match client::assure_config_dir_exists(opt.value_of("folder").unwrap_or("~/.google-service-cli")) { Err(e) => return Err(InvalidOptionsError::single(e, 3)), Ok(p) => p, }; match client::application_secret_from_directory(&config_dir, "cloudbilling1-secret.json", "{\"installed\":{\"auth_uri\":\"https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth\",\"client_secret\":\"hCsslbCUyfehWMmbkG8vTYxG\",\"token_uri\":\"https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token\",\"client_email\":\"\",\"redirect_uris\":[\"urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob\",\"oob\"],\"client_x509_cert_url\":\"\",\"client_id\":\"620010449518-9ngf7o4dhs0dka470npqvor6dc5lqb9b.apps.googleusercontent.com\",\"auth_provider_x509_cert_url\":\"https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs\"}}") { Ok(secret) => (config_dir, secret), Err(e) => return Err(InvalidOptionsError::single(e, 4)) } }; let client = hyper::Client::builder().build(connector); let auth = oauth2::InstalledFlowAuthenticator::with_client( secret, oauth2::InstalledFlowReturnMethod::HTTPRedirect, client.clone(), ).persist_tokens_to_disk(format!("{}/cloudbilling1", config_dir)).build().await.unwrap(); let engine = Engine { opt: opt, hub: api::Cloudbilling::new(client, auth), gp: vec!["$-xgafv", "access-token", "alt", "callback", "fields", "key", "oauth-token", "pretty-print", "quota-user", "upload-type", "upload-protocol"], gpm: vec![ ("$-xgafv", "$.xgafv"), ("access-token", "access_token"), ("oauth-token", "oauth_token"), ("pretty-print", "prettyPrint"), ("quota-user", "quotaUser"), ("upload-type", "uploadType"), ("upload-protocol", "upload_protocol"), ] }; match engine._doit(true).await { Err(Some(err)) => Err(err), Err(None) => Ok(engine), Ok(_) => unreachable!(), } } async fn doit(&self) -> Result<(), DoitError> { match self._doit(false).await { Ok(res) => res, Err(_) => unreachable!(), } } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut exit_status = 0i32; let arg_data = [ ("billing-accounts", "methods: 'create', 'get', 'get-iam-policy', 'list', 'move', 'patch', 'projects-list', 'set-iam-policy', 'sub-accounts-create', 'sub-accounts-list' and 'test-iam-permissions'", vec![ ("create", Some(r##"This method creates [billing subaccounts](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/concepts#subaccounts). Google Cloud resellers should use the Channel Services APIs, [accounts.customers.create](https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/reference/rest/v1/accounts.customers/create) and [accounts.customers.entitlements.create](https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/reference/rest/v1/accounts.customers.entitlements/create). When creating a subaccount, the current authenticated user must have the `billing.accounts.update` IAM permission on the parent account, which is typically given to billing account [administrators](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access). This method will return an error if the parent account has not been provisioned for subaccounts."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_create", vec![ (Some(r##"kv"##), Some(r##"r"##), Some(r##"Set various fields of the request structure, matching the key=value form"##), Some(true), Some(true)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("get", Some(r##"Gets information about a billing account. The current authenticated user must be a [viewer of the billing account](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access)."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_get", vec![ (Some(r##"name"##), None, Some(r##"Required. The resource name of the billing account to retrieve. For example, `billingAccounts/012345-567890-ABCDEF`."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("get-iam-policy", Some(r##"Gets the access control policy for a billing account. The caller must have the `billing.accounts.getIamPolicy` permission on the account, which is often given to billing account [viewers](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access)."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_get-iam-policy", vec![ (Some(r##"resource"##), None, Some(r##"REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. See [Resource names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the appropriate value for this field."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("list", Some(r##"Lists the billing accounts that the current authenticated user has permission to [view](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access)."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_list", vec![ (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("move", Some(r##"Changes which parent organization a billing account belongs to."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_move", vec![ (Some(r##"name"##), None, Some(r##"Required. The resource name of the billing account to move. Must be of the form `billingAccounts/{billing_account_id}`. The specified billing account cannot be a subaccount, since a subaccount always belongs to the same organization as its parent account."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"kv"##), Some(r##"r"##), Some(r##"Set various fields of the request structure, matching the key=value form"##), Some(true), Some(true)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("patch", Some(r##"Updates a billing account's fields. Currently the only field that can be edited is `display_name`. The current authenticated user must have the `billing.accounts.update` IAM permission, which is typically given to the [administrator](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access) of the billing account."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_patch", vec![ (Some(r##"name"##), None, Some(r##"Required. The name of the billing account resource to be updated."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"kv"##), Some(r##"r"##), Some(r##"Set various fields of the request structure, matching the key=value form"##), Some(true), Some(true)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("projects-list", Some(r##"Lists the projects associated with a billing account. The current authenticated user must have the `billing.resourceAssociations.list` IAM permission, which is often given to billing account [viewers](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access)."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_projects-list", vec![ (Some(r##"name"##), None, Some(r##"Required. The resource name of the billing account associated with the projects that you want to list. For example, `billingAccounts/012345-567890-ABCDEF`."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("set-iam-policy", Some(r##"Sets the access control policy for a billing account. Replaces any existing policy. The caller must have the `billing.accounts.setIamPolicy` permission on the account, which is often given to billing account [administrators](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access)."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_set-iam-policy", vec![ (Some(r##"resource"##), None, Some(r##"REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. See [Resource names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the appropriate value for this field."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"kv"##), Some(r##"r"##), Some(r##"Set various fields of the request structure, matching the key=value form"##), Some(true), Some(true)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("sub-accounts-create", Some(r##"This method creates [billing subaccounts](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/concepts#subaccounts). Google Cloud resellers should use the Channel Services APIs, [accounts.customers.create](https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/reference/rest/v1/accounts.customers/create) and [accounts.customers.entitlements.create](https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/reference/rest/v1/accounts.customers.entitlements/create). When creating a subaccount, the current authenticated user must have the `billing.accounts.update` IAM permission on the parent account, which is typically given to billing account [administrators](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access). This method will return an error if the parent account has not been provisioned for subaccounts."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_sub-accounts-create", vec![ (Some(r##"parent"##), None, Some(r##"Optional. The parent to create a billing account from. Format: - `billingAccounts/{billing_account_id}`, for example, `billingAccounts/012345-567890-ABCDEF`"##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"kv"##), Some(r##"r"##), Some(r##"Set various fields of the request structure, matching the key=value form"##), Some(true), Some(true)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("sub-accounts-list", Some(r##"Lists the billing accounts that the current authenticated user has permission to [view](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access)."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_sub-accounts-list", vec![ (Some(r##"parent"##), None, Some(r##"Optional. The parent resource to list billing accounts from. Format: - `organizations/{organization_id}`, for example, `organizations/12345678` - `billingAccounts/{billing_account_id}`, for example, `billingAccounts/012345-567890-ABCDEF`"##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("test-iam-permissions", Some(r##"Tests the access control policy for a billing account. This method takes the resource and a set of permissions as input and returns the subset of the input permissions that the caller is allowed for that resource."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/billing-accounts_test-iam-permissions", vec![ (Some(r##"resource"##), None, Some(r##"REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See [Resource names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the appropriate value for this field."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"kv"##), Some(r##"r"##), Some(r##"Set various fields of the request structure, matching the key=value form"##), Some(true), Some(true)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ]), ("organizations", "methods: 'billing-accounts-create', 'billing-accounts-list' and 'billing-accounts-move'", vec![ ("billing-accounts-create", Some(r##"This method creates [billing subaccounts](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/concepts#subaccounts). Google Cloud resellers should use the Channel Services APIs, [accounts.customers.create](https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/reference/rest/v1/accounts.customers/create) and [accounts.customers.entitlements.create](https://cloud.google.com/channel/docs/reference/rest/v1/accounts.customers.entitlements/create). When creating a subaccount, the current authenticated user must have the `billing.accounts.update` IAM permission on the parent account, which is typically given to billing account [administrators](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access). This method will return an error if the parent account has not been provisioned for subaccounts."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/organizations_billing-accounts-create", vec![ (Some(r##"parent"##), None, Some(r##"Optional. The parent to create a billing account from. Format: - `billingAccounts/{billing_account_id}`, for example, `billingAccounts/012345-567890-ABCDEF`"##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"kv"##), Some(r##"r"##), Some(r##"Set various fields of the request structure, matching the key=value form"##), Some(true), Some(true)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("billing-accounts-list", Some(r##"Lists the billing accounts that the current authenticated user has permission to [view](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access)."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/organizations_billing-accounts-list", vec![ (Some(r##"parent"##), None, Some(r##"Optional. The parent resource to list billing accounts from. Format: - `organizations/{organization_id}`, for example, `organizations/12345678` - `billingAccounts/{billing_account_id}`, for example, `billingAccounts/012345-567890-ABCDEF`"##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("billing-accounts-move", Some(r##"Changes which parent organization a billing account belongs to."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/organizations_billing-accounts-move", vec![ (Some(r##"destination-parent"##), None, Some(r##"Required. The resource name of the Organization to move the billing account under. Must be of the form `organizations/{organization_id}`."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"name"##), None, Some(r##"Required. The resource name of the billing account to move. Must be of the form `billingAccounts/{billing_account_id}`. The specified billing account cannot be a subaccount, since a subaccount always belongs to the same organization as its parent account."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ]), ("projects", "methods: 'get-billing-info' and 'update-billing-info'", vec![ ("get-billing-info", Some(r##"Gets the billing information for a project. The current authenticated user must have the `resourcemanager.projects.get` permission for the project, which can be granted by assigning the [Project Viewer](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-roles#predefined_roles) role."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/projects_get-billing-info", vec![ (Some(r##"name"##), None, Some(r##"Required. The resource name of the project for which billing information is retrieved. For example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("update-billing-info", Some(r##"Sets or updates the billing account associated with a project. You specify the new billing account by setting the `billing_account_name` in the `ProjectBillingInfo` resource to the resource name of a billing account. Associating a project with an open billing account enables billing on the project and allows charges for resource usage. If the project already had a billing account, this method changes the billing account used for resource usage charges. *Note:* Incurred charges that have not yet been reported in the transaction history of the Google Cloud Console might be billed to the new billing account, even if the charge occurred before the new billing account was assigned to the project. The current authenticated user must have ownership privileges for both the [project](https://cloud.google.com/docs/permissions-overview#h.bgs0oxofvnoo ) and the [billing account](https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/billing-access). You can disable billing on the project by setting the `billing_account_name` field to empty. This action disassociates the current billing account from the project. Any billable activity of your in-use services will stop, and your application could stop functioning as expected. Any unbilled charges to date will be billed to the previously associated account. The current authenticated user must be either an owner of the project or an owner of the billing account for the project. Note that associating a project with a *closed* billing account will have much the same effect as disabling billing on the project: any paid resources used by the project will be shut down. Thus, unless you wish to disable billing, you should always call this method with the name of an *open* billing account."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/projects_update-billing-info", vec![ (Some(r##"name"##), None, Some(r##"Required. The resource name of the project associated with the billing information that you want to update. For example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`."##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"kv"##), Some(r##"r"##), Some(r##"Set various fields of the request structure, matching the key=value form"##), Some(true), Some(true)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ]), ("services", "methods: 'list' and 'skus-list'", vec![ ("list", Some(r##"Lists all public cloud services."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/services_list", vec![ (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ("skus-list", Some(r##"Lists all publicly available SKUs for a given cloud service."##), "Details at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli/services_skus-list", vec![ (Some(r##"parent"##), None, Some(r##"Required. The name of the service. Example: "services/DA34-426B-A397""##), Some(true), Some(false)), (Some(r##"v"##), Some(r##"p"##), Some(r##"Set various optional parameters, matching the key=value form"##), Some(false), Some(true)), (Some(r##"out"##), Some(r##"o"##), Some(r##"Specify the file into which to write the program's output"##), Some(false), Some(false)), ]), ]), ]; let mut app = App::new("cloudbilling1") .author("Sebastian Thiel ") .version("5.0.4+20240214") .about("Allows developers to manage billing for their Google Cloud Platform projects programmatically.") .after_help("All documentation details can be found at http://byron.github.io/google-apis-rs/google_cloudbilling1_cli") .arg(Arg::with_name("url") .long("scope") .help("Specify the authentication a method should be executed in. Each scope requires the user to grant this application permission to use it.If unset, it defaults to the shortest scope url for a particular method.") .multiple(true) .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("folder") .long("config-dir") .help("A directory into which we will store our persistent data. Defaults to a user-writable directory that we will create during the first invocation.[default: ~/.google-service-cli") .multiple(false) .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("debug") .long("debug") .help("Debug print all errors") .multiple(false) .takes_value(false)); for &(main_command_name, about, ref subcommands) in arg_data.iter() { let mut mcmd = SubCommand::with_name(main_command_name).about(about); for &(sub_command_name, ref desc, url_info, ref args) in subcommands { let mut scmd = SubCommand::with_name(sub_command_name); if let &Some(desc) = desc { scmd = scmd.about(desc); } scmd = scmd.after_help(url_info); for &(ref arg_name, ref flag, ref desc, ref required, ref multi) in args { let arg_name_str = match (arg_name, flag) { (&Some(an), _ ) => an, (_ , &Some(f)) => f, _ => unreachable!(), }; let mut arg = Arg::with_name(arg_name_str) .empty_values(false); if let &Some(short_flag) = flag { arg = arg.short(short_flag); } if let &Some(desc) = desc { arg = arg.help(desc); } if arg_name.is_some() && flag.is_some() { arg = arg.takes_value(true); } if let &Some(required) = required { arg = arg.required(required); } if let &Some(multi) = multi { arg = arg.multiple(multi); } scmd = scmd.arg(arg); } mcmd = mcmd.subcommand(scmd); } app = app.subcommand(mcmd); } let matches = app.get_matches(); let debug = matches.is_present("adebug"); let connector = hyper_rustls::HttpsConnectorBuilder::new().with_native_roots() .https_or_http() .enable_http1() .build(); match Engine::new(matches, connector).await { Err(err) => { exit_status = err.exit_code; writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}", err).ok(); }, Ok(engine) => { if let Err(doit_err) = engine.doit().await { exit_status = 1; match doit_err { DoitError::IoError(path, err) => { writeln!(io::stderr(), "Failed to open output file '{}': {}", path, err).ok(); }, DoitError::ApiError(err) => { if debug { writeln!(io::stderr(), "{:#?}", err).ok(); } else { writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}", err).ok(); } } } } } } std::process::exit(exit_status); }