site_name: Contactcenterinsights v5.0.4+20240226 site_url: site_description: A complete library to interact with Contactcenterinsights (protocol v1) repo_url: docs_dir: docs site_dir: build_html nav: - Home: '' - 'Projects': - 'Locations Conversations Analyses Create': '' - 'Locations Conversations Analyses Delete': '' - 'Locations Conversations Analyses Get': '' - 'Locations Conversations Analyses List': '' - 'Locations Conversations Bulk Analyze': '' - 'Locations Conversations Bulk Delete': '' - 'Locations Conversations Calculate Stats': '' - 'Locations Conversations Create': '' - 'Locations Conversations Delete': '' - 'Locations Conversations Get': '' - 'Locations Conversations Ingest': '' - 'Locations Conversations List': '' - 'Locations Conversations Patch': '' - 'Locations Conversations Upload': '' - 'Locations Get Settings': '' - 'Locations Insightsdata Export': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Calculate Issue Model Stats': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Create': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Delete': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Deploy': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Export': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Get': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Import': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Issues Delete': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Issues Get': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Issues List': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Issues Patch': '' - 'Locations Issue Models List': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Patch': '' - 'Locations Issue Models Undeploy': '' - 'Locations Operations Cancel': '' - 'Locations Operations Get': '' - 'Locations Operations List': '' - 'Locations Phrase Matchers Create': '' - 'Locations Phrase Matchers Delete': '' - 'Locations Phrase Matchers Get': '' - 'Locations Phrase Matchers List': '' - 'Locations Phrase Matchers Patch': '' - 'Locations Update Settings': '' - 'Locations Views Create': '' - 'Locations Views Delete': '' - 'Locations Views Get': '' - 'Locations Views List': '' - 'Locations Views Patch': '' theme: readthedocs copyright: Copyright © 2015-2020, `Sebastian Thiel`