// Copyright 2024 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package google.ads.googleads.v18.errors; option csharp_namespace = "Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V18.Errors"; option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/ads/googleads/v18/errors;errors"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "ExtensionSettingErrorProto"; option java_package = "com.google.ads.googleads.v18.errors"; option objc_class_prefix = "GAA"; option php_namespace = "Google\\Ads\\GoogleAds\\V18\\Errors"; option ruby_package = "Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V18::Errors"; // Proto file describing extension setting validation errors. // Container for enum describing validation errors of extension settings. message ExtensionSettingErrorEnum { // Enum describing possible extension setting errors. enum ExtensionSettingError { // Enum unspecified. UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The received error code is not known in this version. UNKNOWN = 1; // A platform restriction was provided without input extensions or existing // extensions. EXTENSIONS_REQUIRED = 2; // The provided feed type does not correspond to the provided extensions. FEED_TYPE_EXTENSION_TYPE_MISMATCH = 3; // The provided feed type cannot be used. INVALID_FEED_TYPE = 4; // The provided feed type cannot be used at the customer level. INVALID_FEED_TYPE_FOR_CUSTOMER_EXTENSION_SETTING = 5; // Cannot change a feed item field on a CREATE operation. CANNOT_CHANGE_FEED_ITEM_ON_CREATE = 6; // Cannot update an extension that is not already in this setting. CANNOT_UPDATE_NEWLY_CREATED_EXTENSION = 7; // There is no existing AdGroupExtensionSetting for this type. NO_EXISTING_AD_GROUP_EXTENSION_SETTING_FOR_TYPE = 8; // There is no existing CampaignExtensionSetting for this type. NO_EXISTING_CAMPAIGN_EXTENSION_SETTING_FOR_TYPE = 9; // There is no existing CustomerExtensionSetting for this type. NO_EXISTING_CUSTOMER_EXTENSION_SETTING_FOR_TYPE = 10; // The AdGroupExtensionSetting already exists. UPDATE should be used to // modify the existing AdGroupExtensionSetting. AD_GROUP_EXTENSION_SETTING_ALREADY_EXISTS = 11; // The CampaignExtensionSetting already exists. UPDATE should be used to // modify the existing CampaignExtensionSetting. CAMPAIGN_EXTENSION_SETTING_ALREADY_EXISTS = 12; // The CustomerExtensionSetting already exists. UPDATE should be used to // modify the existing CustomerExtensionSetting. CUSTOMER_EXTENSION_SETTING_ALREADY_EXISTS = 13; // An active ad group feed already exists for this place holder type. AD_GROUP_FEED_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_PLACEHOLDER_TYPE = 14; // An active campaign feed already exists for this place holder type. CAMPAIGN_FEED_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_PLACEHOLDER_TYPE = 15; // An active customer feed already exists for this place holder type. CUSTOMER_FEED_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_PLACEHOLDER_TYPE = 16; // Value is not within the accepted range. VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE = 17; // Cannot simultaneously set specified field with final urls. CANNOT_SET_FIELD_WITH_FINAL_URLS = 18; // Must set field with final urls. FINAL_URLS_NOT_SET = 19; // Phone number for a call extension is invalid. INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER = 20; // Phone number for a call extension is not supported for the given country // code. PHONE_NUMBER_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_COUNTRY = 21; // A carrier specific number in short format is not allowed for call // extensions. CARRIER_SPECIFIC_SHORT_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED = 22; // Premium rate numbers are not allowed for call extensions. PREMIUM_RATE_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED = 23; // Phone number type for a call extension is not allowed. DISALLOWED_NUMBER_TYPE = 24; // Phone number for a call extension does not meet domestic format // requirements. INVALID_DOMESTIC_PHONE_NUMBER_FORMAT = 25; // Vanity phone numbers (for example, those including letters) are not // allowed for call extensions. VANITY_PHONE_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED = 26; // Country code provided for a call extension is invalid. INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE = 27; // Call conversion type id provided for a call extension is invalid. INVALID_CALL_CONVERSION_TYPE_ID = 28; // For a call extension, the customer is not on the allow-list for call // tracking. CUSTOMER_NOT_IN_ALLOWLIST_FOR_CALLTRACKING = 69; // Call tracking is not supported for the given country for a call // extension. CALLTRACKING_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_COUNTRY = 30; // App id provided for an app extension is invalid. INVALID_APP_ID = 31; // Quotation marks present in the review text for a review extension. QUOTES_IN_REVIEW_EXTENSION_SNIPPET = 32; // Hyphen character present in the review text for a review extension. HYPHENS_IN_REVIEW_EXTENSION_SNIPPET = 33; // A blocked review source name or url was provided for a review // extension. REVIEW_EXTENSION_SOURCE_NOT_ELIGIBLE = 34; // Review source name should not be found in the review text. SOURCE_NAME_IN_REVIEW_EXTENSION_TEXT = 35; // Field must be set. MISSING_FIELD = 36; // Inconsistent currency codes. INCONSISTENT_CURRENCY_CODES = 37; // Price extension cannot have duplicated headers. PRICE_EXTENSION_HAS_DUPLICATED_HEADERS = 38; // Price item cannot have duplicated header and description. PRICE_ITEM_HAS_DUPLICATED_HEADER_AND_DESCRIPTION = 39; // Price extension has too few items PRICE_EXTENSION_HAS_TOO_FEW_ITEMS = 40; // Price extension has too many items PRICE_EXTENSION_HAS_TOO_MANY_ITEMS = 41; // The input value is not currently supported. UNSUPPORTED_VALUE = 42; // Unknown or unsupported device preference. INVALID_DEVICE_PREFERENCE = 43; // Invalid feed item schedule end time (for example, endHour = 24 and // endMinute != 0). INVALID_SCHEDULE_END = 45; // Date time zone does not match the account's time zone. DATE_TIME_MUST_BE_IN_ACCOUNT_TIME_ZONE = 47; // Overlapping feed item schedule times (for example, 7-10AM and 8-11AM) are // not allowed. OVERLAPPING_SCHEDULES_NOT_ALLOWED = 48; // Feed item schedule end time must be after start time. SCHEDULE_END_NOT_AFTER_START = 49; // There are too many feed item schedules per day. TOO_MANY_SCHEDULES_PER_DAY = 50; // Cannot edit the same extension feed item more than once in the same // request. DUPLICATE_EXTENSION_FEED_ITEM_EDIT = 51; // Invalid structured snippet header. INVALID_SNIPPETS_HEADER = 52; // Phone number with call tracking enabled is not supported for the // specified country. PHONE_NUMBER_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_CALLTRACKING_FOR_COUNTRY = 53; // The targeted adgroup must belong to the targeted campaign. CAMPAIGN_TARGETING_MISMATCH = 54; // The feed used by the ExtensionSetting is removed and cannot be operated // on. Remove the ExtensionSetting to allow a new one to be created using // an active feed. CANNOT_OPERATE_ON_REMOVED_FEED = 55; // The ExtensionFeedItem type is required for this operation. EXTENSION_TYPE_REQUIRED = 56; // The matching function that links the extension feed to the customer, // campaign, or ad group is not compatible with the ExtensionSetting // services. INCOMPATIBLE_UNDERLYING_MATCHING_FUNCTION = 57; // Start date must be before end date. START_DATE_AFTER_END_DATE = 58; // Input price is not in a valid format. INVALID_PRICE_FORMAT = 59; // The promotion time is invalid. PROMOTION_INVALID_TIME = 60; // Cannot set both percent discount and money discount fields. PROMOTION_CANNOT_SET_PERCENT_DISCOUNT_AND_MONEY_DISCOUNT = 61; // Cannot set both promotion code and orders over amount fields. PROMOTION_CANNOT_SET_PROMOTION_CODE_AND_ORDERS_OVER_AMOUNT = 62; // This field has too many decimal places specified. TOO_MANY_DECIMAL_PLACES_SPECIFIED = 63; // The language code is not valid. INVALID_LANGUAGE_CODE = 64; // The language is not supported. UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGE = 65; // Customer hasn't consented for call recording, which is required for // adding/updating call extensions. See // https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7412639. CUSTOMER_CONSENT_FOR_CALL_RECORDING_REQUIRED = 66; // The UPDATE operation does not specify any fields other than the resource // name in the update mask. EXTENSION_SETTING_UPDATE_IS_A_NOOP = 67; // The extension contains text which has been prohibited on policy grounds. DISALLOWED_TEXT = 68; } }