# GoogleTest Rust [![crates.io][crates-badge]][crates-url] [![docs.rs][docs-badge]][docs-url] [![Apache licensed][license-badge]][license-url] [![Build Status][actions-badge]][actions-url] [crates-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/googletest.svg [crates-url]: https://crates.io/crates/googletest [docs-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/docs.rs-googletest-66c2a5 [docs-url]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/ [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache-blue.svg [license-url]: https://github.com/google/googletest-rust/blob/main/LICENSE [actions-badge]: https://github.com/google/googletest-rust/workflows/CI/badge.svg [actions-url]: https://github.com/google/googletest-rust/actions?query=workflow%3ACI+branch%3Amain This library brings the rich assertion types of Google's C++ testing library [GoogleTest](https://github.com/google/googletest) to Rust. It provides: * A framework for writing matchers which can be combined to make a wide range of assertions on data, * A rich set of matchers providing similar functionality to those included in [GoogleTest](https://google.github.io/googletest/reference/matchers.html), and * A new set of assertion macros offering similar functionality to those of [GoogleTest](https://google.github.io/googletest/primer.html#assertions). **The minimum supported Rust version is 1.70**. > :warning: The API is not fully stable and may still be changed until we > publish version 1.0. > > Moreover, any items or modules starting with `__` (double underscores) must > not be used directly. Those items or modules are only for internal uses and > their API may change without a major version update. ## Learning resources If you're just getting started with `googletest`, consider going through the first chapter of ["Advanced testing for Rust applications"](https://github.com/mainmatter/rust-advanced-testing-workshop), a self-guided Rust course: it provides a guided introduction to the library, with exercises to help you get comfortable with `googletest` macros, its matchers and its overall philosophy. ## Assertions and matchers The core of GoogleTest is its *matchers*. Matchers indicate what aspect of an actual value one is asserting: (in-)equality, containment, regular expression matching, and so on. To make an assertion using a matcher, GoogleTest offers three macros: * [`assert_that!`] panics if the assertion fails, aborting the test. * [`expect_that!`] logs an assertion failure, marking the test as having failed, but allows the test to continue running (called a _non-fatal assertion_). It requires the use of the [`gtest`] attribute macro on the test itself. * [`verify_that!`] has no side effects and evaluates to a [`Result<()>`] whose `Err` variant describes the assertion failure, if there is one. In combination with the [`?` operator](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/operator-expr.html#the-question-mark-operator), this can be used to abort the test on assertion failure without panicking. It is also the building block for the other two macros above. For example: ```rust use googletest::prelude::*; #[test] fn fails_and_panics() { let value = 2; assert_that!(value, eq(4)); } #[gtest] fn two_logged_failures() { let value = 2; expect_that!(value, eq(4)); // Test now failed, but continues executing. expect_that!(value, eq(5)); // Second failure is also logged. } #[test] fn fails_immediately_without_panic() -> Result<()> { let value = 2; verify_that!(value, eq(4))?; // Test fails and aborts. verify_that!(value, eq(2))?; // Never executes. Ok(()) } #[test] fn simple_assertion() -> Result<()> { let value = 2; verify_that!(value, eq(4)) // One can also just return the last assertion. } ``` This library includes a rich set of matchers, covering: * Equality, numeric inequality, and approximate equality; * Strings and regular expressions; * Containers and set-theoretic matching. Matchers are composable: ```rust use googletest::prelude::*; #[gtest] fn contains_at_least_one_item_at_least_3() { let value = vec![1, 2, 3]; expect_that!(value, contains(ge(3))); } ``` They can also be logically combined: ```rust use googletest::prelude::*; #[gtest] fn strictly_between_9_and_11() { let value = 10; expect_that!(value, gt(9).and(not(ge(11)))); } ``` ## Pattern-matching One can use the macro [`matches_pattern!`] to create a composite matcher for a struct or enum that matches fields with other matchers: ```rust use googletest::prelude::*; struct AStruct { a_field: i32, another_field: i32, a_third_field: &'static str, } #[test] fn struct_has_expected_values() { let value = AStruct { a_field: 10, another_field: 100, a_third_field: "A correct value", }; expect_that!(value, matches_pattern!(AStruct { a_field: eq(10), another_field: gt(50), a_third_field: contains_substring("correct"), })); } ``` ## Writing matchers One can extend the library by writing additional matchers. To do so, create a struct holding the matcher's data and have it implement the trait [`Matcher`]: ```rust struct MyEqMatcher { expected: T, } impl Matcher for MyEqMatcher { fn matches(&self, actual: T) -> MatcherResult { (self.expected == actual).into() } fn describe(&self, matcher_result: MatcherResult) -> String { match matcher_result { MatcherResult::Match => { format!("is equal to {:?} the way I define it", self.expected) } MatcherResult::NoMatch => { format!("isn't equal to {:?} the way I define it", self.expected) } } } } ``` It is recommended to expose a function which constructs the matcher: ```rust pub fn eq_my_way(expected: T) -> impl Matcher { MyEqMatcher { expected } } ``` The new matcher can then be used in the assertion macros: ```rust #[gtest] fn should_be_equal_by_my_definition() { expect_that!(10, eq_my_way(10)); } ``` ## Non-fatal assertions Using non-fatal assertions, a single test is able to log multiple assertion failures. Any single assertion failure causes the test to be considered having failed, but execution continues until the test completes or otherwise aborts. This is analogous to the `EXPECT_*` family of macros in GoogleTest. To make a non-fatal assertion, use the macro [`expect_that!`]. The test must also be marked with [`gtest`] instead of the Rust-standard `#[test]`. ```rust use googletest::prelude::*; #[gtest] fn three_non_fatal_assertions() { let value = 2; expect_that!(value, eq(2)); // Passes; test still considered passing. expect_that!(value, eq(3)); // Fails; logs failure and marks the test failed. expect_that!(value, eq(4)); // A second failure, also logged. } ``` This can be used in the same tests as `verify_that!`, in which case the test function must also return [`Result<()>`]: ```rust use googletest::prelude::*; #[gtest] fn failing_non_fatal_assertion() -> Result<()> { let value = 2; expect_that!(value, eq(3)); // Just marks the test as having failed. verify_that!(value, eq(2))?; // Passes, so does not abort the test. Ok(()) // Because of the failing expect_that! call above, the // test fails despite returning Ok(()) } ``` ```rust use googletest::prelude::*; #[gtest] fn failing_fatal_assertion_after_non_fatal_assertion() -> Result<()> { let value = 2; verify_that!(value, eq(3))?; // Fails and aborts the test. expect_that!(value, eq(3)); // Never executes, since the test already aborted. Ok(()) } ``` ### Interoperability You can use the `#[gtest]` macro together with many other libraries such as [rstest](https://crates.io/crates/rstest). Just apply both attribute macros to the test: ```rust #[gtest] #[rstest] #[case(1)] #[case(2)] #[case(3)] fn rstest_works_with_google_test(#[case] value: u32) -> Result<()> { verify_that!(value, gt(0)) } ``` Make sure to put `#[gtest]` *before* `#[rstest]`. Otherwise the annotated test will run twice, since both macros will attempt to register a test with the Rust test harness. The macro also works together with [async tests with Tokio](https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/attr.gtest.html) in the same way: ```rust #[gtest] #[tokio::test] async fn should_work_with_tokio() -> Result<()> { verify_that!(3, gt(0)) } ``` There is one caveat when running async tests: test failure reporting through `and_log_failure` will not work properly if the assertion occurs on a different thread than runs the test. ## Predicate assertions The macro [`verify_pred!`] provides predicate assertions analogous to GoogleTest's `EXPECT_PRED` family of macros. Wrap an invocation of a predicate in a `verify_pred!` invocation to turn that into a test assertion which passes precisely when the predicate returns `true`: ```rust fn stuff_is_correct(x: i32, y: i32) -> bool { x == y } let x = 3; let y = 4; verify_pred!(stuff_is_correct(x, y))?; ``` The assertion failure message shows the arguments and the values to which they evaluate: ``` stuff_is_correct(x, y) was false with x = 3, y = 4 ``` The `verify_pred!` invocation evaluates to a [`Result<()>`] just like [`verify_that!`]. There is also a macro [`expect_pred!`] to make a non-fatal predicaticate assertion. ## Unconditionally generating a test failure The macro [`fail!`] unconditionally evaluates to a `Result` indicating a test failure. It can be used analogously to [`verify_that!`] and [`verify_pred!`] to cause a test to fail, with an optional formatted message: ```rust #[test] fn always_fails() -> Result<()> { fail!("This test must fail with {}", "today") } ``` ## Configuration This library is configurable through environment variables. Since the configuration does not impact whether a test fails or not but how a failure is displayed, we recommend setting those variables in the personal `~/.cargo/config.toml` instead of in the project-scoped `Cargo.toml`. ### Configuration variable list | Variable name | Description | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | | NO_COLOR | Disables colored output. See . | | FORCE_COLOR | Forces colors even when the output is piped to a file. | ## Contributing Changes Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on how to contribute to this project. [`and_log_failure()`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/trait.GoogleTestSupport.html#tymethod.and_log_failure [`assert_that!`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/macro.assert_that.html [`expect_pred!`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/macro.expect_pred.html [`expect_that!`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/macro.expect_that.html [`fail!`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/macro.fail.html [`gtest`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/attr.gtest.html [`matches_pattern!`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/macro.matches_pattern.html [`verify_pred!`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/macro.verify_pred.html [`verify_that!`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/macro.verify_that.html [`Describe`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/matcher/trait.Describe.html [`Matcher`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/matcher/trait.Matcher.html [`Result<()>`]: https://docs.rs/googletest/*/googletest/type.Result.html