This repository contains a Rust API wrapper for interacting with GoPlusLabs services for risk metrics and analysis on tokens, smart contracts, and wallets across different chain ecosystems. ## Requirements - Rust Programming Language - `reqwest` and `serde_json` crates for HTTP requests and JSON handling, respectively. ## Getting Started 1. Add crate: `cargo add goplus_rs` 2. Set app keys as enviornment variables to get access code. (Currently doesn't affect usage but may in the future.) ``` export GP_PUBLIC = $APP_PUBLIC_KEY$ export GP_PUBLIC = $APP_PRIVATE_KEY$ ``` 3. Create and use persistant session ``` // Tracing initialization tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_max_level(Level::INFO) .init(); use goplus_rs; let instance = goplus_rs::Session::new(); let res = instance.supported_chains(); ```