# Gotenberg PDF Client
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**`gotenberg_pdf`** is a Rust library that provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with the [Gotenberg API](https://gotenberg.dev/).
Gotenberg is a docker-based service for converting HTML, Markdown, URLs, and various documents to PDFs. It uses the Chrome engine to render web content to PDF and the LibreOffice engine to convert documents.
## Features
- **URL to PDF**: Generate PDFs directly from a webpage URL.
- **HTML to PDF**: Convert raw HTML into a PDF.
- **Markdown to PDF**: Render Markdown files into a PDF.
- **Document to PDF**: Convert various document formats (e.g., DOCX, PPTX) to PDF using the LibreOffice engine.
- **Screenshot**: Capture screenshots of webpages or HTML content.
## Installation
Add `gotenberg_pdf` to your `Cargo.toml`:
gotenberg_pdf = "0.5"
Ensure you have a running instance of Gotenberg, typically via Docker:
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 gotenberg/gotenberg:8
**N.B.**: This crate is compatible with Gotenberg version 8.
## Usage Examples
### Convert URL to PDF
use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, WebOptions, PaperFormat};
use tokio;
async fn main() {
// Initialize the client with the Gotenberg server URL
let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");
// Define optional rendering configurations
let mut options = WebOptions::default();
// Convert a URL to PDF
let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_url("https://example.com", options).await.unwrap();
### Convert HTML to PDF
use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, WebOptions};
use tokio;
async fn main() {
let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");
let html_content = r#"
Hello, PDF!
let options = WebOptions::default();
let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_html(html_content, options).await.unwrap();
### Convert Markdown to PDF
use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, WebOptions};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use tokio;
async fn main() {
let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");
// Markdown content
let mut markdown_files = HashMap::new();
markdown_files.insert("example.md", "# My Markdown PDF\nThis is a test document.");
// HTML template to wrap the markdown
let html_template = r#"
Markdown PDF
{{ toHTML "example.md" }}
let options = WebOptions::default();
let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_markdown(html_template, markdown_files, options).await.unwrap();
### Take a Screenshot of a URL
use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, ScreenshotOptions, ImageFormat};
use tokio;
async fn main() {
let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");
let mut options = ScreenshotOptions::default();
options.width = Some(1920);
options.height = Some(1080);
options.format = Some(ImageFormat::Png);
let image_bytes = client.screenshot_url("https://example.com", options).await.unwrap();
println!("Screenshot captured: {} bytes", image_bytes.len());
### Convert Document to PDF Using LibreOffice Engine
use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, DocumentOptions};
use tokio;
async fn main() {
let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");
let filename = "test_files/example.docx";
let file_content = std::fs::read(filename).expect("Failed to read the file");
let options = DocumentOptions {
landscape: Some(false),
let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_doc(filename, file_content, options).await.unwrap();
### Convert HTML to Screenshot Image
use gotenberg_pdf::{Client, ScreenshotOptions, ImageFormat};
use tokio;
async fn main() {
let client = Client::new("http://localhost:3000");
let html_content = r#"
Hello, Screenshot!
let mut options = ScreenshotOptions::default();
options.width = Some(800);
options.height = Some(600);
options.format = Some(ImageFormat::Png);
let image_bytes = client.screenshot_html(html_content, options).await.unwrap();
### Use the streaming client
Requires the `stream` feature to be enabled in your `Cargo.toml`.
use gotenberg_pdf::{StreamingClient, WebOptions};
use futures::StreamExt; // for `next()`
use tokio::fs::File;
use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> {
let client = StreamingClient::new("http://localhost:3000");
let options = WebOptions::default();
let mut stream = client.pdf_from_url("https://example.com", options).await?;
// Create or overwrite the PDF file asynchronously
let temp_dir = std::env::temp_dir();
let pdf_path = temp_dir.join("example_com.pdf");
let mut file = File::create(pdf_path).await?;
// As we receive chunks, write them directly to disk
while let Some(chunk) = stream.next().await {
let chunk = chunk?;
println!("PDF rendered and saved as example_com.pdf");
### Use the blocking client for use without tokio or another async runtime.
Requires the `blocking` feature to be enabled in your `Cargo.toml`.
use gotenberg_pdf::{BlockingClient, WebOptions, PaperFormat};
fn main() {
// Initialize the client with the Gotenberg server URL
let client = BlockingClient::new("http://localhost:3000");
// Define optional rendering configurations
let mut options = WebOptions::default();
// Convert a URL to PDF
let pdf_bytes = client.pdf_from_url("https://example.com", options).unwrap();
## Configuration Options
### [`WebOptions`]
Provides control over the PDF generation process from the Chrome engine. These options can be passed to the following methods:
- [`Client::pdf_from_url`]
- [`Client::pdf_from_html`]
- [`Client::pdf_from_markdown`]
| Field Name | Description | Default |
| trace_id | Unique trace ID for request | Random UUID |
| single_page | Print content on one page | false |
| paper_width | Paper width as a [LinearDimention] | 8.5 inches |
| paper_height | Paper height as a [LinearDimention] | 11 inches |
| margin_top | Top margin as a [LinearDimention] | 0.39 inches |
| margin_bottom | Bottom margin as a [LinearDimention] | 0.39 inches |
| margin_left | Left margin as a [LinearDimention] | 0.39 inches |
| margin_right | Right margin as a [LinearDimention] | 0.39 inches |
| prefer_css_page_size | Use CSS-defined page size | false |
| generate_document_outline | Embed document outline | false |
| print_background | Include background graphics | false |
| omit_background | Allow transparency in PDF | false |
| landscape | Set page orientation to landscape | false |
| scale | Scale of page rendering | 1.0 |
| native_page_ranges | [`PageRange`] to print, eg `"1,3,5"`, `"1-4'` | All pages |
| header_html | HTML for header content | None |
| footer_html | HTML for footer content | None |
| wait_delay | Delay before conversion | None |
| wait_for_expression | Wait until this JS expression returns true | None |
| emulated_media_type | Emulated [`MediaType`] ("screen" or "print") | print |
| cookies | Cookies for Chromium | None |
| skip_network_idle_events | Ignore network idle events | true |
| user_agent | Override default User-Agent header | None |
| extra_http_headers | Additional HTTP headers | None |
| pdfa | Convert to specific PDF/A [PDFFormat] | None |
| pdfua | Enable Universal Access compliance | false |
| metadata | PDF metadata | None |
| fail_on_http_status_codes | HTTP status codes to fail on, 99's are wild | [499, 599] |
| fail_on_resource_http_status_codes | Resource HTTP status codes to fail on | None |
| fail_on_resource_loading_failed | Fail if resource loading fails | false |
| fail_on_console_exceptions | Fail on Chromium console exceptions | false |
Includes the [`WebOptions::set_paper_format`] utlity method for common paper sizes.
### [`ScreenshotOptions`]
Provides control over the screenshot generation process from the Chrome engine. These options can be passed to the following method:
- [`Client::screenshot_url`]
- [`Client::screenshot_html`]
- [`Client::screenshot_markdown`]
| Field Name | Description | Default |
| trace_id | Unique trace ID for request | Random UUID |
| width | Device screen width in pixels | 800 |
| height | Device screen height in pixels | 600 |
| clip | Clip screenshot to device dimensions | false |
| format | Image format as an [ImageFormat] | png |
| quality | Compression quality (jpeg only, 0-100) | 100 |
| omit_background | Generate screenshot with transparency | false |
| optimize_for_speed | Optimize image encoding for speed | false |
| wait_delay | Delay before taking screenshot | None |
| wait_for_expression | Wait until this JS expression returns true | None |
| emulated_media_type | Emulated [`MediaType`] ("screen" or "print") | print |
| cookies | Cookies for Chromium | None |
| skip_network_idle_events | Ignore network idle events | true |
| user_agent | Override default User-Agent header | None |
| extra_http_headers | Additional HTTP headers | None |
| fail_on_http_status_codes | HTTP status codes to fail on, 99's are wild | [499, 599] |
| fail_on_resource_http_status_codes | Resource HTTP status codes to fail on | None |
| fail_on_resource_loading_failed | Fail if resource loading fails | false |
| fail_on_console_exceptions | Fail on Chromium console exceptions | None |
### [`DocumentOptions`]
Provides control over the document generation process from the LibreOffice engine. These options can be passed to the following method:
- [`Client::pdf_from_doc`]
| Field Name | Description | Default |
| trace_id | Unique trace ID for request | Random UUID |
| password | Password for opening the source file | None |
| landscape | Set paper orientation to landscape | false |
| native_page_ranges | [`PageRange`] to print, eg `"1,2,3"` or `"1-4"` | All pages |
| export_form_fields | Export form fields as widgets | true |
| allow_duplicate_field_names | Allow duplicate field names in form fields | false |
| export_bookmarks | Export bookmarks to PDF | true |
| export_bookmarks_to_pdf_destination | Export bookmarks as named destinations | false |
| export_placeholders | Export placeholder fields visual markings only | false |
| export_notes | Export notes to PDF | false |
| export_notes_pages | Export notes pages (Impress only) | false |
| export_only_notes_pages | Export only notes pages | false |
| export_notes_in_margin | Export notes in margin | false |
| convert_ooo_target_to_pdf_target | Convert `.od[tpgs]` links to `.pdf` | false |
| export_links_relative_fsys | Export file:// links as relative | false |
| export_hidden_slides | Export hidden slides (Impress only) | false |
| skip_empty_pages | Suppress automatically inserted empty pages | false |
| add_original_document_as_stream | Add original document as a stream | false |
| single_page_sheets | Put each sheet on one page | false |
| lossless_image_compression | Use lossless image compression (e.g., PNG) | false |
| quality | JPG export quality (1-100) | 90 |
| reduce_image_resolution | Reduce image resolution | false |
| max_image_resolution | Max resolution DPI. 75, 150, 300, 600 or 1200 | 300 |
| pdfa | Convert to specific PDF/A [PDFFormat] | None |
| pdfua | Enable Universal Access compliance | false |
## Features
By default there is no support for HTTPS. If you need TLS, you can enable it by adding one of the following features to your `Cargo.toml`:
- `rustls-tls` - Enables TLS / HTTPS support using the `rustls` library.
- `native-tls` - Enables TLS / HTTPS support using the native system TLS library.
### HTTP/2
By default there is no HTTP/2 support. HTTP/2 support can be enalbed with the `http2` feature. Even with the feature enabled, HTTP/2 will not be selected unless connecting over HTTPS. If you need HTTP/2 over plain HTTP, you need to make use of [`Client::new_with_client`] and [`reqwest::ClientBuilder::http2_prior_knowledge`].
### Additional features
- `stream` - Enables the streaming client to stream generated PDFs directly to disk or other destinations.
- `blocking` - Enables the blocking client for use without tokio or another async runtime.
- `zeroize` - Enables zeroizing sensitive data in the client. Enabled by default.
## Web Assembly / Browser Support
This crate compiles to `wasm32-unknown-unknown` and is runnable in the browser. In the browser, it will use the built-in browser fetch API to make requests to the Gotenberg server. The `stream`, `blocking`, `rustls-tls` and `native-tls` features are not available on wasm32 or in the browser.
Be aware that in the browser, the gotenberg server will need to be behind a proxy that sets the correct CORS headers ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin').