The `gpsd_client` module contains types and functions to connect to [gpsd] to get gps coordinates and how many satellites you are receiving information from and how many satellites the information is being used. The `gps-client` uses a TcpStream to connect to the gpsd socket server to read and write information to `gpsd`. This package was modeled from the python3 gpsd package. # Update You now have the ability to change the time format from %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ. The connection has now been set up to tell gpsd to use NMEA # Testing `gpsd_client` was test with gpsd: 3.22 on Linux Debian Distro. From more information about gpsd just check out the documentation at ## Examples ``` use gpsd_client::*; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use std::process; fn main() { // Connecting to the gpsd socket server. let mut gps: GPS = match GPS::connect() { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { println!("{e}"); process::exit(1); } }; let mut count: i32 = 0; loop { count += 1; // Getting the data from the gps device. let data: GPSData = gps.current_data().unwrap(); println!("{data:#?}"); let my_time: String = data.convert_time("America/Chicago").unwrap(); let mph: f32 = data.convert_speed(true); let direction: String = data.travel_direction(); println!( "Lat: {}, Lon: {}, Time: {}, Speed: {:.1}, Direction: {}",, data.lon, my_time, mph, direction ); if count == 5 { break; } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); } // Closing the TcpStream and BufReader to the gpsd socket server. gps.close(); } ```