use eyre::{eyre, Result}; use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng}; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use std::{env, fs}; fn str_rnd(count: usize) -> String { rand::thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(count) .map(char::from) .collect() } fn exec(cmd: &str, args: Vec<&str>, inherit: bool) -> Result> { let command = Command::new(cmd) .args(&args) .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(if inherit { Stdio::inherit() } else { Stdio::piped() }) .stderr(if inherit { Stdio::inherit() } else { Stdio::piped() }) .output()?; if command.status.success() { let output = String::from_utf8_lossy(&command.stdout).to_string(); Ok(output .lines() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::>()) } else { Err(eyre!( "{} {:?} {} {}", cmd, args, String::from_utf8_lossy(&command.stdout).to_string(), String::from_utf8_lossy(&command.stderr).to_string() )) } } fn test_pr_result(pr: Vec, key: &str) -> Result<()> { let pr_branch = format!("{key}-pr"); let pr_msg = format!("pr: {key}"); // let commit_msg = format!("commit: {key}"); let mut created_pr_lines = pr.iter(); assert!(;; assert!(; // TODO: message is not getting into // assert!(created_pr_lines.any(|line| line.contains(&commit_msg))); Ok(()) } fn test_pr() -> Result<()> { let key = str_rnd(12); let url = env::var("GR_GITHUB_REPOSITORY_URL") .unwrap_or("".to_string()); let base_dir = env::current_dir()?; let repositories_dir = base_dir.join("tests").join("repositories"); let gr_path = base_dir.join("target/debug/gr"); let gr = gr_path.to_str().unwrap(); // Setup authentication and clone the repo env::set_current_dir(repositories_dir)?; exec("git", vec!["clone", &url, &key], true)?; env::set_current_dir(&key)?; // Checkout on new base branch, so we don't merge anything to any important let base_branch = format!("{key}-base"); exec("git", vec!["checkout", "-b", &base_branch], true)?; exec("git", vec!["push", "-u", "origin", &base_branch], true)?; // Checkout to new child branch and create new commit let pr_branch = format!("{key}-pr"); exec("git", vec!["checkout", "-b", &pr_branch], true)?; fs::File::create(&key)?; exec("git", vec!["add", "-A"], true)?; let commit_msg = format!("commit: {key}"); exec("git", vec!["commit", "-m", &commit_msg], true)?; exec("git", vec!["push", "-u", "origin", &pr_branch], true)?; // Check that we don't have any PRs yet let no_pr = exec(gr, vec!["pr", "get"], false); assert!(no_pr.is_err()); if let Err(err) = no_pr { assert!(err .to_string() .contains(&format!("Pull request on branch {pr_branch} not found."))); } // Create the PR let pr_msg = format!("pr: {key}"); let created_pr = exec(gr, vec!["pr", "create", "-m", &pr_msg], false)?; test_pr_result(created_pr, &key)?; // Get the PR let got_pr = exec(gr, vec!["pr", "get"], false)?; test_pr_result(got_pr, &key)?; // List the PRs let listed_prs = exec(gr, vec!["pr", "list"], false)?; listed_prs.iter().any(|pr| pr.contains(&commit_msg)); // TODO: Approve the PR - GitHub users cannot approve their own PRs // let approved_prs = exec(gr, vec!["pr", "approve"], false)?; // test_pr_result(approved_prs, &key)?; // Close the PR let closed_pr = exec(gr, vec!["pr", "close"], false)?; test_pr_result(closed_pr, &key)?; // Reopen and merge the PR, test that we change the branch to the base branch exec( gr, vec!["pr", "create", "-m", &pr_msg, "-t", &base_branch], true, )?; let got_pr = exec(gr, vec!["pr", "get"], false)?; test_pr_result(got_pr, &key)?; let merged_pr = exec(gr, vec!["pr", "merge"], false)?; test_pr_result(merged_pr, &key)?; let current_branch = exec("git", vec!["branch", "--show-current"], false)?; assert_eq!(current_branch.first().unwrap().trim(), &base_branch); // Delete created repositories env::set_current_dir("..")?; fs::remove_dir_all(&key)?; env::set_current_dir(&base_dir)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_github_pr() { match test_pr() { Ok(()) => (), Err(err) => assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "^^^"), } }